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Michael: May I ask you something? Am I still your slave? Jordan: Does it matter? Michael: It matters because I have noticed that in your world, slaves are often treated worse than dogs. Jordan: Do I treat you like a dog? Michael: That’s not my point. Legally you could beat me to death, and there would be no penalty, everyone else in your world is subject to the law. Jordan: That’s just the way it is. Michael: A man can rape his female slave but not a free woman. Jordan: It is true that we distinguish between those captured in battle, and our own free men and women. In any case, why do you say “your world”? You live here now, this is your world. And I have never seen you try to escape. Michael: I am less and less interested in escaping now, even if I could, but i would like to be a free man. Jordan: If it matters so much to you. Michael: It does. What are you preparing for? Jordan: What do you mean? Michael: I’ve watched you. You are about to do something. You have made yourself very strong. Jordan: Perhaps not strong enough. Michael: What does the god say? Jordan gets angry at Michael's questions. He says to Michael, what do you know about our gods, priest? Jordan angrily commands him finish the fish in silence. Earl Chetwynd makes a plan to attack Jordan's Kattegat. He orders his slaves to keep their weapons ready. Next day, in early morning, they go out to attack. The people of Kattegat are busy with their own affairs. The slaves of Chetwynd attack them at once, and kill a lot of people. Mason also exists among those people. When he sees many people attacking at once, he rushes towards home.   Chetwynd: Let the man who thinks that he has descended from the gods; learn that he is human after all. Abigail hears a noise outside the house and gets upset. She immediately gets up and looks outside the house so, she gives voice to her daughter Fanky, we are under attack. Abigail tells Michael to call Mason. Abigail is a Shield Maiden woman. She draws her sword, in the mean while Mason comes in the house. Abigail gives weapon to Michael or Mason. Mason asks his mother. Mason: What shall we do? Should we run? Abigail: No, we stay; your father will be back. Mason: But there are too many of them. Abigail: Stay strong, be ready. Jordan goes hunting outside the house. From a distance Jordan hears the screams of women. He ran as close as he could, it makes more clear noise. At a short distance, he sees a crowd of people and houses on fire. The slaves of Chetwynd are killing people very ruthlessly. He tries to fight the runaway attacker, but while competing, his leg is badly injured. Jordan reaches the house with his injured leg, but Svein sees him heading home and attacks him. Svein tells Earl Chetwynd. Svein: He is in the house, my Lord! Mason: Father! Abigail: You’re hurt. Jordan: We have to go now. Abigail: What’s happening? Mason: Father, Please tell me. Jordan: You have to get to the boat. Abigail: Are you coming? Jordan: Go, quickly, Fanky! Come on, boy. Mason: Father, I want to go with you. Jordan: Boy, don’t argue! Mason: Father, I don’t want to go without you. Jordan explains to Mason. I’ll be right behind you now go, go on quick, boy, go. Svein takes Earl Chetwynd to Jordan Korg's house, Svein stands outside his house and called him again and again. Svein: Jordan korg! Show yourself! Show yourself! Jordan comes out of the house injured, and the Chetwynd leans forward, and he puts his weapon in front of Chetwynd. Chetwynd asks Jordan, do you accept that you are a criminal that you are worthy only of defeat, worthy only of death. Jordan: I accept my fate. Let me speak with my god, Odin, Lords of Lords, Father, help me. Saying this, Jordan suddenly stands up, and attacks the slaves of Chetwynd. Jordan dropped the Chetwynd’s slave from the horse and rides on it and runs away. Chetwynd orders his slaves to burn Jordan’s house. Man: Burn the house! Chetwynd: Bring him back alive. Svein: Yes, Lord. On the other hand, Abigail takes the way to the boat with her two children and Michael. At last they reached the boat. Abigail is in boat, she sees many houses burning. On the other hand, Earl's slaves are chasing Jordan. Jordan barely hides behind a tree, saving his life in an injured condition. Jordan moves slowly forward to save his life, but the Earl's slaves see him, Jordan jumps out of the ditch and falls into the river. Abigail sees Jordan falling into the river. Abigail asks to Michael, Jordan is there! Abigail: Where is he? Can you see him? Mason: Where is father? He is there somewhere. Michael jumps into the river to find Jordan, Mason gets very upset. Michael finds Jordan and with the support of Abigail, puts Jordan in the boat. Mason and Fanky are upset to see their father injured. Mason thinks that maybe his father has died. On the other hand slaves tell him to Earl Chetwynd that Jordan has jumped into the river. Chetwynd asks him. Chetwynd: Is he dead? Housecarl: I don’t know, Lord. Chetwynd: Seize his boat. Housecarl: Yes, Lord. Chetwynd: He is a criminal. He is not entitled to property, and if you come across his family, bring them here, so we can talk to them. Housecarl: Yes, Lord Chetwynd. Chetwynd: You let him escape, I will not forget that. On the other hand, Michael takes the boat to Herbert, Mason gives voices to Herbert, hearing Mason's voice, his wife comes there and asks him. Alga: Who are you? Mason: I must speak with Herbert. Is he here? Herbert: Mason, what happened? Mason: My father is dying. Herbert takes Jordan home and treats him. Herbert asked his wife: Alga, get the bark of the ash, and the garlic and the sage. Get the sage. We make a paste to put on the wounds. But first, we must clean them, and the only way to make them clean is with fire. Herbert: Mason, get more logs back there. A knife.. The Chetwynd arranges the ceremony in his hall and summons the Earl of Svealand. He wants to marry his daughter Carla to this old age Earl. In return he will give her 20 pounds of silver. Chetwynd alone would have done it all. Debby is unaware of this whole matter. Chetwynd: We must bid welcome to our guest. Debby: A guest? You didn’t tell me to expect a guest! Chetwynd: This is Earl James. He is a swede. This is my wife, Debby, and my daughter, Carla. Debby: You are welcome, my Lord. Earl James: Thank you. It was a very hard crossing, I must say, you are right. She is very pretty, my Lord Chetwynd. Chetwynd: Come, feast with us. Sit over here, so that you may get to know each other a little bit better. Debby: Forgive me, but why would they get to know each other better?     Chetwynd: Because they are being married. Debby: But he is… Chetwynd: It’s already arranged. Earl James: You will have no regrets, my dear child. I will make you a good husband, and you will provide me many sons, of that I am quite certain. The celebration shall be later this year, when I shall return, laden with gifts. In the meantime, please accept this, as a token of my affection. Earl James presents Carla with a diamond ring; Chetwynd knows his will from Carla. What do you think about Earl James? Debby doesn't like it at all, and she gets up and leaves the hall. Earl James: Can i hold your hand? Carla: Yes. Earl James: He wears a diamond ring to Carla. Carla:  Thank you, my Lord. You are very kind. On the other hand, Herbert makes every effort to save Jordan’s life. Abigail, Mason, Fanky and Michael all pray for Jordan. Abigail grabs the blade from Herbert and warms it up and puts it on Jordan's wounds, and prays to her god “I dedicate this blade to the goddess, to Freyr, wisdom might you give us, Freyr, and healing hands while we live”. Mason: Hail to the Aesir. Fanky: Please, Freyr, heal my father. Michael: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under the sun. a time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and to pluck up what is planted, a time to kill and a time to heal. Mary, mother of god, listen to me. Do not let this man die. After the feast is over, the Chetwynd goes to Debby, Debby angrily asks Chetwynd. Debby: How could you do this? Chetwynd: It’s an excellent match. He is a powerful man, and he is the cousin of King Guzman. Debby: He is old and he is ugly! Chetwynd: You don’t judge a man by the way he looks. We have struck a good deal. Debby: Oh! Chetwynd: He will give us 20 pounds of silver for her. Debby: Don’t you care for her happiness? Chetwynd: I care for her security and her future, and ours. This marriage will bring us land and important alliances. The gods must have seen that we need them. Debby: You told me nothing of this marriage. You have treated me with utter contempt. You don’t care! Chetwynd: I stopped caring about a lot of things, when our boys were murdered. Debby: They died you buried them. And for you it was the end of the matter. But for me! They were my sons. I bore them. I brought them into this world. I watched them as they grew, and I loved them, just as I loved you. Chetwynd: The killers, they dug a shallow grave, and before they buried them, they cut their heads off, and when they laid them in the ground, they…they put their faces against their asses, as a sign of disrespect. If I ever find the man who did that, I will…I took these locks of hair, from their heads. See Debby, when you have such knowledge, being married to a rich, old man is not so bad. The next morning, Mason is chopping wood outside Herbert's house. Jordan's friend sees Mason passing by; Mason doesn't know that this is his father's friend. Mason is scared to see this man, the man asks her; is it true? He is here? Mason: Yes, he is here. Man: I want to meet with Jordan. Mason takes the man to Herbert's house, Jordan is in senses now. Herbert tells Jordan that Torstein has come to see you. Abigail tells Torstein that Jordan is still weak, and his wounds are beginning to heal, thanks to Herbert’s magic. Torstein: Jordan, my friend. How are you? Jordan: Save me from these people. How did you know I was here? Torstein: I didn’t. I only know Earl Chetwynd is looking for you. It was Stanley who said that if you are alive, you might be here? Jordan: Then why did he not come himself? Torstein: Because he thought the Earl’s men would be looking for him especially. It is no secret that all of the crew is being watched, but I made sure no one followed me     Herbert invites Torstein for lunch, Jordan tells Torstein it is good to see you, Torstein replied you too, my friend. When Torstein gets up for lunch, he sees Herbert's wife, Herbert introduces his wife to Torstein, this is Alga. Torstein: Hello, Alga. Herbert: Oh. Don’t wriggle your maggot in her face. She’s taken, sit down Torstein. Michael, Abigail, Alga, Herbert and Torstein all sit down and have lunch together Torstein: I heard they burned down your farm. Abigail: They have slaughtered all our livestock. We have nothing left. Herbert: You are alive. Jordan is alive. Your children are alive. You have everything left Abigail. Abigail: We also need to eat, and we are already eating some of your winter supplies, Herbert, and I am ashamed. Herbert: The gods will provide. Michael: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven, a time to be born and a time to die. Herbert: Smiling, just eat your soup, priest. Jordan: Sometimes your god sounds a lot like one of ours.      After lunch, Torstein and Jordan start talking. Jordan: Why did the gods keep me alive? That is the question I keep asking myself. Torstein: What are you going to do? Jordan: I can do nothing until I am well. Where is the boat? Torstein: Earl Chetwynd has confiscated the boat. His daughter is getting married to a man from Svealand. The boat is her dowry. Jordan: Herbert can always build us another one. Torstein: And the Earl? Herbert calls Torstein, come on. Torstein: What for? Herbert: If you don’t come now, I promise you will regret it. Jordan tells Torstein go and sleep with them. Torstein, Alga and Herbert go for sleep. The wedding function of Chetwynd’s daughter Carla is arranged. Debby is not happy with this marriage. Stanley also attends Carla's wedding function. Chetwynd looks at Stanley and goes to him and says. Chetwynd: I don’t remember inviting you to my daughter’s wedding. Stanley: Well, Lord I assumed you’d just forgotten. So, I came anyway. Here is to happiness for your daughter, may she be blessed with many sons. Chetwynd: That could be you dancing with my daughter. Stanley: I often think about it. Still, I was not fated to marry her. Maybe that old man was. Chetwynd: Why are you here? Stanley: We should talk. Chetwynd: All right, Later let my daughter enjoy her wedding day. Svein: Silence! Silence! Chetwynd: It is the time for husband and wife to go to the matrimonial chamber. After the wedding function, Chetwynd comes to Stanley and says to him, what do you want to talk about? Stanley: I don’t want your thugs, like these fellows, following me around everywhere. It’s a waste of everyone’s time. Chetwynd: Oh, I disagree. If you lead them to Jordan korg, it will be time well spent. Stanley: Jordan is dead. Chetwynd: Do you swear that on your arm ring? Stanley: No. Chetwynd: Then why… I can’t swear. Stanley: Because I have not seen a body, but I have heard nothing, and he is my brother. I am sure in my heart he is dead. Chetwynd: What about his wife and children? They too have disappeared. Stanley: So, I heard. Thought you’d had them killed, frankly, by those fellows there. Chetwynd: So, why should I trust you? As you’ve already betrayed me. Stanley: I didn’t betray you, I told the truth. Shouldn’t you trust someone who tells the truth? Chetwynd: So, tell me the truth now. Stanley: The truth is, you run everything here. You own the ships. You decide where it is we raid. I need to be a part of that. I don’t want to be on the outside. I want to raid and fight. It’s what I was born to do. Chetwynd: I understand, and you must understand. It will take time for me to trust you, and I don’t give my trust easily, but you can stay here, eat at my expense, work on my boats, and prepare for the season. Then we shall see. Agreed? Stanley: Agreed! Chetwynd: Good. Saying this Chetwynd goes from there, Debby is sitting there watching it all, she smiles at Stanley. On the other hand, Michael, Jordan, and Abigail, sits to gather at Herbert's house and gossip. Michael: So, if Odin lives in Valhalla, is he the only god who lives in great hall? Jordan: No, there are many halls. Thor lives in Thrudheim. Abigail: And Freyr was given the hall at Alfheim, when he cut his first tooth! Herbert: And nearby are Valhalla, vast and gold-bright, and every day, Odin chooses slain men to join him. They arm themselves and fight in the great courtyard. They kill one another, but every night they rise again, and ride back to the hall, and feast. The roofs are made out of shields, the rafters are spears, and coats of mail litter the benches. A wolf stand at the western door and the eagle hovers above it. It has 540 doors, and when Jordan comes, 800 warriors will march out of each door, shoulder to shoulder. Michael: What is Jordan OK? Well, then…how was the earth created? Alga: The earth was made from the Ymir’s flesh, and oceans from his blood, when the titan was thawed from the ice. The gods, they hills out of his bones, and trees from his hairs, and the sky dome is his skull, and out of his brain they shaped the welling dark clouds. Herbert: So, how do you think it was made, priest? Michael: Sigh The next morning, Stanley goes to Debby to meet alone, Stanley kisses Debby, and Debbie has no control over herself. Her heart beat gets faster, after sometime she tells Stanley. Debby: No. Stanley: I was sure! Debby: I’ve come to warn you. You must leave at once, today. My husband he hates you. Stanley: He has shown me nothing but respect since I came here. Stanley: Believe me, get away. This time Debbie kisses Stanley, and then Debby leaves from there. After meeting Debby, Stanley leaves, but on the way, Chetwynd's slaves attack him. Stanley tries to fight them, but due to large number of people, they badly injured Stanley, and pick them up and take them to Chetwynd. Chetwynd: Where is Jordan korg? Where is he? Stanley: He is dead. Chetwynd: Are you sure? You said that you always tell the truth. You seem to have a little trouble opening your mouth. Perhaps I could make that a little easier for you. On the other hand, Jordan's wounds are getting better, Abigail puts medicine on them. Fanky asks her mother. Fanky: When will he better? Jordan: It’s taking long already. Abigail: In few weeks’ time your father’s wounds will be healed. If he is careful.. Mason: You must have patience, father. Jordan: “You must have patience father.” shut up. Suddenly, Torstein enters the room with Herbert. His breath is inflated, Herbert tells everyone Herbert: oh! I found him wondering around the marshes. Torstein: I was lost. I was visited in great secrecy by Earl Chetwynd’s wife Debby. She told me that her husband had played a trick on Stanley, and imprisoned him, trying to find where you were. Then he tortured him. Jordan: He tortured my brother? Torstein: Yes, Debby is sure; her husband means to kill him, because Stanley will not, in any way, admit to where you are. Herbert: It’s a trap for you, Jordan. Jordan calls Herbert alone; I have another favor to ask of you. I want you to go in to Kattegat. I want you to ask for a meeting with the Earl, and when you meet him, challenge him to a personal combat with me. Tell him, if he refuses, shame will stalk him for the rest of his life, and Odin will never permit him into Valhalla. 
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