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Svein goes to Jordan's house and asks his son Mason where is Jordan? Svein: Hello, you are Jordan Korg’s son, Mason. I remember you from the thing. Mason: Yes. Svein: Where is your father? Svein is still asking. In the meantime, Abigail comes out of the house to see Mason talking to someone Abigail asks Mason who he is talking to. Svein: I was just asking your son where Jordan Korg might be. Abigail: He is gone fishing. Svein: Oh! Fishing? He is gone fishing? Abigail: Yes, fishing. Svein: When will he return? Abigail: I don’t know. Svein: In which case, I must take someone back as surety. Just in case.. Abigail: In case…. Svein: In case your husband has not gone fishing. After talking to Abigail, Svein stops the son of a woman walking by, you! Come boy! He threatens him. You have to come with me. If you don’t obey order, the Earl will never give you an arm ring! Boy: I’ll come. Svein: Good, then let’s be on our way. His mother asks Svein where he is taking his son. Svein he will be quite safe, woman. I bid you all a good day. The next day, when Jordan and his companions are returning Jordan tells Stanley that our raid was a success. Jordan was very happy after the raid. Stanley asked to Jordan. Stanley: Yes, brother, we did. Let’s just hope the Earl sees it that way. Jordan: Yeah. Jordan goes to his chosen slave and asks him about it. Jordan: What is your name? My name is Michael Loth. I am Jordan Korg. What was that place called? Michael: Lindisfarne. Jordan: England? Michael: Yes. It was foretold that divine punishment would fall upon God’s chosen people for all our grievous sins, so it has happened and that is why I am here. Jordan: No, you are here because I spared your life. Michael: Why did you spare my life? Jordan: I don’t know yet. All Christians were badly crying Michael feels as if his partner has died. He told to Jordan. I think Brother Cenwulf, beside me, he is dead. Jordan asked to Michael yes, you are right. Jordan summons his companion Leif and throws Cenwulf into the sea. Michael: May God rest your soul, brother Cenwulf. When the boot reached the Kattegat, everyone collects their own stolen gold and silver. Herbert and Stanley make a plan that they will drink tonight, my friend. Samuel thanks the Gods! Samuel asked to wife, Look! We brought slaves to sell but there is more, women. More things of gold and silver than you and I have ever seen before, nor anyone else here in Kattegat. Man: Jordan Korg, welcome back. We know you sailed west across the open ocean, and found land and plunder, as you promised, so, let no man say anymore that it is not possible, and we salute and praise you. (The whole crowd appreciates Jordan Korg's hard work) Rogers also stand in this crowd; Jordan asked to Rogers, you are too late. You missed the boat. Rogers replied to him I just came to tell you that Earl Chetwynd summons you to attend him in the great hall. He replied that it will be a pleasure for me. Jordan leaves the crowd after listening to Rogers. The whole crowd was appreciating him. Jordan calls the Rogers that he also went with him to the Earl's Hall. Jordan: My Lord, it was easy to take all of these things. The priests in the temple, they had no weapon. They were like babies. Here in one of their priests. We captured several of them to sell for slaves. It must be true that there are many more such holy places in England and other lands to the west likewise filled with such treasures, and to sail there will benefit us all. Chetwynd: How did you find this place of great riches when all before you had failed? Jordan: My Lord! We were more fortunate than others. We had Thor on our side. Chetwynd: Yes. Then you were indeed fortunate, but you understand that all belongs to me, by right. Jordan: My Lord, me and Herbert paid for the boat. Surely, we are entitled to some reward, and the crew… Chetwynd: You want me to pay you when you took these things easily as from babies? Here is what I have decided to do. Each one of you can take one thing from this hall. Leif: One, Chetwynd: Yes, and you will still be richer than you were before. Now, the entire world can see how magnanimous and generous is your lord? Especially since you disobeyed me so, Jordan Korg, what will you choose? Jordan: I will take the priest for my slave. Chetwynd: The priest? (Crowd laughing) Chetwynd: Granted. Jordan takes the priest and leaves the hall. Stanley goes after Jordan and asks him. Why did you do that? Why did you give everything away so easily? We wasted our time. I never should have believed in you. Jordan: He was looking for an excuse to kill us. Why would we go to Valhalla after such miserable and pointless deaths? Brother, believe me, this is not the end, and it’s just the beginning. Stanley: Well, at least we didn’t give everything away so easily. Jordan: That is your one thing? Stanley: How should he ever find out? Jordan: You i***t! Would Odin expect us to anything so stupid? Stanley: You have your Odin and I have mine. Jordan: Why don’t you go get drunk, spend all this on whores? Make sure the earl really finds out that you stole from him. When everyone leaves the hall, Debby was very happy to see all the gold and silver. Debby: What a hoard this is! Chetwynd:  What a hoard it is. Debby: See, what you have done, my lord? Never doubt you power with just a few words, you have stripped Jordan Korg of all his treasure. He is nothing to you, and you are all power, all authority. You can have whatever you want. Debby goes to Earl and kisses him a lot. In the evening, Jordan takes Michael home and all of a sudden, Fanky, Mason and Abigail are surprised to see him. Fanky:  I told them you’d come home. Mason: Father! You are home! Jordan: Little man. Mason: Did you reach the west? Abigail: So, where is all the treasure you promised? Jordan: The earl took it all for himself but I found it, and it filled the boat. Abigail: I believe you. Jordan: You ought to believe me. This is a priest from the temple to prove it. Priest! This is my family his name is Michael. Although he is a foreigner, he speaks our language, don’t you? Michael: A little, yes. Mason: What is wrong with your head? Michael: When we become monks, they cut our hair. It marks us out. Fanky:  If you are priest, which god do you like best? Michael: There is only one god. Jordan: Here, you can touch him. Mason: Are we keeping him. Abigail: I missed your smell and your body. Children are fine, but I am still a women. Mason: Why do you wear this? Michael: All monks do. Mason: Look at his feet. Jordan goes after Abigail. Both have s*x Michael sees them having s*x. After doing s*x Jordan comes to Michael, we want to ask you something. Abigail: Come and join us, priest. Jordan: Come on.  Don’t you want to? You will enjoy it. Michael: I am a monk. I have taken vows of celibacy. I cannot touch women. I never have. Jordan: Wouldn’t you like to? Michael: It would be a sin. Jordan: Who would know? Michael: God would know. Abigail: What if he looked the other way? Jordan: Go to sleep then with your god. Jordan grabs Abigail's hand and leads her back to room where Michael continues his pray. The next morning Michael gets up and washes his hands and face and cries out loud where Jordan is talking to Mason and Fanky. Mason laughs a lot when he sees Michael crying and Abigail calls everyone for breakfast. The next evening, Chetwynd orders Svein to dig in the ground with a boy and bury all the gold and silver in the ground and kill this boy with this gold and silver so, that he could not tell anyone about this gold and silver. Chetwynd asked to boy what age are you. Boy: Thirteen. Chetwynd: Thirteen, the age my boy would have been. The men will soon be going on the summer attacks, are you looking forward to joining them? Boy: I dream of it. I’m already a good fighter, like my father was. Chetwynd: That’s why I choose you, because you are broad and strong. That’s deep enough. Boy: Why are you burying all this treasure? Chetwynd: Don’t you know anything, boy? Svein:  Odin promises that a man will have the use of everything he has hoarded up. After he is dead and wakes up again in Valhalla but the hoard needs protection, somebody to look after it in this life and the next. You have already seen enough of this life, boy. Svein strangles the boy and buries it with gold and silver. Next day Jordan and Michael are sitting and talking to each other. Jordan offers Michael for a drink but he refused. Michael: No more. Jordan: We don’t like those in our house to go hungry or thirsty. I am very curious about England. Does it have one king who rules over the whole country? Michael: Um... Mm…there are four kingdoms with four kings. You landed in the kingdom of Northumbria. The king of Northumbria is called Anna. He is a great and a powerful king.  Jordan: Then why did his men not protect your temple? Michael: Uh..before you came we had no need to protect our monastery.  We lived in peace everyone respected it as a place of God. Jordan: Why does your god need silver or gold? Hmm? He must be greedy. Like Loki! We have greedy gods, too. Michael: My god is not greedy. His kingdom is not of this world. Jordan: Then why is his kingdom so full of treasure? Michael: Christian people give away their riches to the churches and monasteries in order to save their souls. Jordan: What are their souls? I want to learn some of your language. Will you teach me, priest? In the evening, some people come to Jordan's house and object to the priest staying there because Priest looks different in all of them. Man: What are you staring at? You’re Christian we wanted to see if he was different from us. Jordan: Well, now you have seen him. You can go about your own business. He is just like us, but he is foreigner. Now you all can go from here. Jordan takes Michael to the Earl's Hall. Svein: You. Come. Chetwynd: Jordan Korg how do you find your new slave? Hmm? Jordan: My lord I find him very useful, as you will discover. Chetwynd: So what do you want? Jordan: I want to sail west again. I have spoken at great length with my christen slave. He is not a stupid person, however stupid his god is. He has traveled a great deal, and he has told me that there are many countries to the west. He has also told me about his England, about his kings and his customs. Chetwynd: And what are we to do with his customs? Jordan: He has informed me of a large town, near to the temple that we raided before and in this town, there are other temples and surely other riches. Michael: No! I was lying! There is nothing there! Jordan: You see? This town is clearly worth a visit. Give us back our boat. Let us go there and find out. What do you have to lose? Any plunder we take will be yours to do with as you please. Chetwynd: I could go there myself. Jordan: Yes. You could, my lord, but why put yourself in danger? Why not leave it to someone who has more experience of this journey, and someone who is more expendable?   Chetwynd: Very well. I sanction this attack on one condition. A warrior I trust goes with you. Rogers you will go with him for my sake. Rogers: Trust me, lord. I will take very close care of your interests. Michael: O lord, forgive me for what I have done. Jordan: You will not regret this. After getting permission from the Earl, Jordan takes Michael away. Earl asked to Debby Jordan will find a new way to navigate the sea. Earl gives order to Rogers find out what it is. Jordan is taking Michael away. Michael is sad to see so many hanging priest bodies on the way. Jordan cuts the rope around Michael's neck and tells him run away if you want but Michael goes after Jordan because he has no other option. Jordan goes home and tells Abigail. I have the Earl’s permission to sail back to England. I want to leave as soon as possible. Abigail: How soon is that? Jordan: Tomorrow. Abigail: We all wish you success. We will sacrifice to Odin. Jordan: Are you not coming? Abigail: What? Jordan: I want you to come with me. Abigail: But the farm, the children… Jordan: Mason is still too young, although he can help on the farm. Mason: But who is to be in charge? Jordan: The priest. I will leave him with a key Mason: Father! You cannot place a slave above me, your natural son. Jordan: I don’t regard him as a slave. He is a responsible person. Michael tells Jordan not to do that please. Jordan asks his daughter Fanky can she live with Priest. Fanky says to her father i don’t mind. I like the priest. Jordan decides that the children will stay with Michael by saying this he leaves the house. Abigail threatens Priest if any harm befalls my children, I will tear the lungs out of your body, priest. Next day Jordan and Herbert set up the device. Jordan's companions prepare for the raid again. All the companions have their own essentials in the boat. Earl's special slave Rogers accompanies him this time, but Stanley doesn't like it. Stanley hits the Rogers hard before getting into the boat. Stanley: Answer me this, Rogers, are you really with us? Understand this! A war band lives and dies together. If you cannot trust the men to either side of you or in front of you, you are really a dead man. Rogers: I am with you. I made a mistake before. I did not come with you now I fear Odin will make a judgment of me. For me, that’s as important as it is for you. Stanley: Just wanted to ask. Everyone gets in the boat and starts their journey. Jordan is happy to raid the West again when they enter the Kingdom of Northumbria, England. Jordan's partner calls him Man: Jordan, look! Over there! King Anna's force is coming towards Jordan. King Anna's force welcomes them to the Kingdom of Northumbria he asks Jordan. Who are you? What do you speak? Jordan: We are Northmen. Man: Traders? Jordan: Yes, traders. Stanley: What is he saying? Who is he? I am the sheriff here. If you want to trade, then you must meet our king Anna. We will take you to meet him. Stanley: What is he saying? Jordan: He wants to take us to meet his king. Stanley: It’s a trap. Don’t listen, they will kill us. Jordan: Wait it might help us to go along with them. Wait until we find out where we are. Samuel: I’m with Stanley. I say we kill them. Sheriff:  Why are you arguing? We all want peaceful trade with our neighbor, whoever they are. Why you want to come with us? Sheriff partner: They are arguing among themselves. What are they saying? Offer them some money to go away. Stanley: They are preparing some kind of ambush. Let’s kill them and be done with it. Sheriff: What are your men arguing about? Jordan: We will come with you. Don’t worry Sheriff: Come then. The royal villa is not far. Stanley: It’s a trap. Jordan: Let’s go with them. Stanley: No. Sheriff: What’s the matter with him? Jordan: He doesn’t trust you. Herbert colloquially removes them from the Christian's throat. (Colloquially is a sign which indicates that the person belongs to a Christian community) This makes the sheriff angry and the battle between the sheriff and the Jordan Companions begin. Jordan and his companions kill all the sheriff's teammates.
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