Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Roman After receiving my orders, I couldn’t wait to shift into my wolf Ronnie. For most of the time, he was the carefree, funny one of the two of us. I was the serious, OCD, routine, and order type. As Ronnie would call it, I always had a stick up my ass. But I enjoyed letting him out from time to time, though I did not do so as often as he often would be caught screwing off. I do not know how many times Ronnie has gotten into trouble with Samuel. Though we were part of the close inner circle that could call him Sam, I refrained in order to try teaching Ronnie boundaries and order. It has still yet to take. The last time Ronnie and Alpha took a pack run, Ronnie caught up to Samuel and attempted to mount him while tugging on his ear. No one yet knows why I do not have a mate or where I go running off on Saturday nights. Nobody can know. If they did, I am sure my position and my pack would be stripped from me. Yet that did not stop Ronnie from his s**t. ‘I just want to play. You do not play with me. Alpha is too serious and needs playtime’, Ronnie said tapping into my thoughts. ‘That is because he is the Alpha Ronnie. You have got to start taking our position seriously. If not you can cause us to be forced into being a rouge. Not many packs take on our kind.’ ‘Alpha is not like them. Alpha respects us for us and what we bring to pack. Not our personal business and who cares. We love who we love.’ Ronnie just didn’t understand. As we ran the length of the compound the scent of something familiar hit our nose. Standing back in the darkness and watching the familiar figure I watched as he took out metal cutters and began cutting the gate. I laid my wolf in the grass and slowly crept forward and stayed low so as to not raise suspicion and to ensure my scent did not waft up to him till I was ready for him to see me. One thing Ronnie and I agreed on was the hunt. We loved a good long run and would often play with our prey and wear them down until they would give up. Whether animal, rogue or shifter. ‘Ronnie, stay low. Let me take control for now. You can play with him.’ I say. For this part we would often work together. I watched as the intruder finished cutting a hole big enough to enter through the gate. Now was the time for me to prepare to play with my new ‘friend’. For 20 minutes, Ronnie and I chased him, watched him, pounced on him and ultimately stalked and backed off then would come back to slowly drive him mad. Before long the Man kneeled in the circle that I kept him in and submitted at that I regained control from Ronnie and shifted back. Walking up to him I began my deep maniacal chuckle before asking him exactly what he hoped to accomplish sneaking into the compound. “What. do. you. care. Gamma” Said my little friend exhaustively but ended the gamma with an attitude as if he was better than me in some way. “I asked you a question. If you do not want to answer we can play some more. What is your preference? And just for your knowledge this GAMMA just toyed with you like you were nothing but a small little field mouse. So I definitely would think twice about how you talk to me.” This shut his mouth. “Fine, have your way. It's been awhile since I got to have fun.” I said laughing with the same dark laugh. “ You're Crazy, you know that right?” the guy asked. I could taste the fear rolling off him before Alpha mind linked me to ask about the patrol status and gave me the location of the dungeons. Oh this was going to be fun. My new toy and I began the long journey to the training ground. Walking back I kept trying to decide which I wanted to start with and I had it narrowed down to waterboarding or fingernail pulling. If time wasn’t of the assents I would do psychological warfare as it often was better at getting us the information that we needed but it took time. This is where I excelled. This is why I was picked for Gamma, because I was a ruthless bastard down in the basement and would crack any shell wide open. As I walked up towards my Alpha I got the good whiff of musk and citrus. Not a bad musk but the musk of sweet sweat and oranges. The smell set off Ronnie and I had to threaten him several times with the same psychological warfare if he did not submit to me. As I continued to walk up to them I could see it the moment everyone knew my biggest secret as the man standing behind my Alpha walking beside Gabriel and was obviously of some relation to the man. “Mate!” Both Ronnie and the man said. My Alpha gapped at me then turned around to look at the man then back at me. Thaddeus just smirked, the bastard was horrible about knowing everyone's secrets. I had a feeling that he had figured out my secret, but that was the thing with him. He would never speak a soul of your secret, unless a life depended on it. He was a good person through and through. “WHATTTTT…” Gabriel, Antony and Samuel all exclaim. I didn't know what to say. I didn’t want to acknowledge it but at the same time I could tell that I could really love this man. “Ha ha ha the fairy patrol is here to bring me in. That is rich. Wait, please tell me you all know that I am not ‘mate’.” The guy that I was dragging in stated. I quickly kicked him in the back of the knee dropping him to the ground then stomped on his back to drop him to the ground at my mates feet. “Apologize,” I growled out, not taking my foot off the middle of his back. The stupid man continued to laugh like that was the funniest thing in the world. I grabbed that man by the hair and ripped him up to his knees then made him look up at my mate and again whispered into his ear. “Apologize now. If not, just remember this ‘fairy’ likes to play with his prey and I have a lot of toys. Want to rethink that apology?” “I.. I.. I’m sorry” He cried out. I looked at Gabriel and Alpha. “Where to?” was all I said. Alpha and I would talk later about my mate, but right now I was all business. “Right this way '' Gabriel stated as he started to lead the way towards the underground bunker not far from the training field. I fell into step behind him with the prisoner while Alpha, my mate, fell into step behind me. Behind them was Antony and Thaddeus. The look on my mates face when I forced the man to apologize and then when I stood up were two very different conflicting emotions. I didn’t know how to understand them as much. I did not understand emotions. That was Ronnie. Ronnie was too busy at the moment jumping up and down and running circles in my mind screaming mate until my head began to ache. I could tell my mate was just as shocked. Levi We were just concluding our meeting about the upcoming changes, when my father questioned what was taking a guy name Roman so long. Roman. The name alone brought shivers to my bones. It wasn’t much of a secret that I had varied taste. As I like to say, I am attracted to the person, not their gender. The first boyfriend I had my father stated that if that is who I choose to love then they still better treat me right. He didn’t seem to care. My brothers could care less as long as I wasn’t mistreated. The first boyfriend I brought home, learnt that lesson the very hard way after he hit me for him being called gay at school. That was the last time I chose to publicize my relationship status with someone. The name Roman though. Was he built like a Roman god or warrior? I could really dig that. Alpha Samuel stated that we had a bit of a situation and with everything just taking shape we decided that we should all investigate the issue. Gabi was well protected with Alpha Samuels sisters guarding her. Heading down to the training ground I began to get large butterflies in my stomach. Why was I nervous? This hasn’t happened since I wanted to invite my best friend Samantha to the prom senior year of high school. As we got closer to the training grounds we saw a very, very naked God walking towards us pushing a very exhausted man forward. The man was tall with muscles for days. His shoulders were well defined in golden precision and made a perfect triangle with so many abs. What was that and an 8 pack? His perfect body was free of hair except a brown trail that led down to.. OH my oh my. The man was hung like a horse and just as thick as he was long. OH. MY. GODDESS. My mouth started to salivate as all I could think about was to lick this man from his head to his… ‘MATE!..’ yelled my wolf Lochlan. It was then that I smelled it Pine and Lemon. The damn man smelled.. Clean. He smelled of the cleaners that I would often use in my classrooms with the children I trained. “Mate” I said aloud. The smell driving me and my wolf wild. Just then I realized what I just said as Alpha Samuel and the rest of the group looked between me and the Greek god that I could only imagine was Roman. Well his name certainly fit the man. Just then I heard the man Roman was dragging speak up laughing “Ha ha ha the fairy patrol is here to bring me in. That is rich. Wait, please tell me you all know that I am not ‘mate’.” I hated it when my sexuality was thrown back into my face. And by the expressions of his friends I can imagine that they did not know that he too was at a minimum gay. Just then the man was shoved down in front of me and the deep male voice growled out for the man to apologize. But the man was shoved down in front of me. Was he to apologize to me? or him? The man only laughed like he heard the biggest joke in the world. Then he was swiftly brought up to a kneeling position in front of me and Roman bent down to whisper in the man's ear; “Apologize now. If not, just remember this ‘fairy’ likes to play with his prey and I have a lot of toys. Want to rethink that apology?” If I was a girl I think I may have just wet my panties. Hearing his gruff voice growling out his plans to protect me, to defend me? Though I did not need any protection as I was very well versed in hand to hand, it made me want to mount him. He even made eye contact with me when he growled out his threats. The man quickly apologized but I wasn’t focusing on him, my focus was the golden god standing behind him standing guard behind him. I had no doubt if this man made any quick move against me that he would quickly snap his neck. My personal ‘god’ stood up looking away from me and towards his Alpha. “Where to?” he asked and my heart dropped. The man was more wrapped up in his job than me. I guess I was wrong about what I saw. Was he planning to reject me? I mean I was literally made for him in mind and him me. Was this because I was a man and he was expecting a woman? We walked into the dam and dingy dungeons and I felt dismissed and unimportant. My father led us to the last cell or as we called it the torture room as it was not designed to hold a prisoner but to mask the sound and to allow us to do what we needed. For the Alphas and Lunas that made too much commotion while waiting for their selected packs to pick them up they would wait in this room. Strung up to the ceiling beam. I wasn’t one to mess around. I had the most patience and with that the times that we had to actually torture, I was the extractor. My palms were itching to take out my frustrations of the disappointment that I felt for my first encounter with my mate. Once in the room Roman and my father made quick time in stringing the poor man up. And I awaited as I always did for the moment my father would turn around and nod at me before exiting the room. This time was no different. After he was strung up my father turned around and nodded at me before heading towards the door to the room beside the cell that housed a hidden mirror and speaker system so that they could listen into the room. But before my father could leave the Alpha spoke up. “Wait, you're leaving? Don’t you want to know what this scum bag has to say?” “Yes Samuel, but this room is quite packed. Can I show you to the guards room that is far more comfortable? We may wait there and Levi here will get us what we need.” my father replied. I nod again as I begin my routine of rolling up my sleeve and beginning to pull my hair back into a small pony. In the last couple of years I had slowly begun to grow my blond hair out and now reached my shoulders. Although I was debating on shaving it all off. Before I had a chance to fully pull my hair up Roman spoke up. “I will get you the info Alpha,” Roman ground out. Looking at my father and Alpha Samuel’s “How bout this, because the bigot has such an issue with someone's identity how about we allow the new mates some alone time and we” my father said pointing to the group “go and find ourselves some good coffee?” “That sounds like an amazing idea. I know when I met my mate I couldn’t wait to talk to her alone. This may be just the greatest get to know you meeting ever. Have fun gentlemen” Alpha Samuel stated, surprising both Roman and me. Was he accepting of us? Not many Alphas and or packs were accepting of same s*x relationships and often banished those that did not conform to the norms. I had heard of many Gays and Lesbians seeking out a chosen mate before 18 and choosing to be marked the day of their 18 birthday in order to prevent being found out. Even many in the Bi community as they often didn't want to risk being found out. Roman and I just looked at each other in shock. Guess his Alpha really didn't know but still accepted our mate bond. I continued to pull my long hair back into a ‘man bun’ before walking over to the table that I had created with all my special toys. I had many different toys for every occasion. My favorite was my spiral knife. When screwing the knife it is slow and hurts like a b***h but when it is straight up pulled out it pain and damage that it makes takes forever to heal. There was also a bucket of liquid steel and the deadly purple flowers that soak in a water, alcohol mixture. I take great care to ensure that when I inflict pain it makes a lasting impression that they should never cross me again. “Hello” my mate says timidly as if nervous about what to say to me. “My name is Roman, and you're Levi right. As in Levi, Luna Gabriella’s brother and trainer to the young pups?” He asked me. “Yes, I am her brother and I often train the young. But while in the dungeons I am the master of extractions. I am the most patient of my siblings thus the teaching and torturer. Your the Gamma correct? In charge of protection of my sister and as I take it you too are your pack's head guard and extractor?” “That would be correct. Just so I am perfectly clear and honest. I am not 100% gay. I do like women and if this is a deal breaker we cannot be together. I do trust that the mother Goddess would not put me with someone that cannot accept me for who I am as a whole. Do you accept me?” He says hurriedly. I can see the hurt and the pain that shoots through his honey eyes as he talks to me about me rejecting him for wanting to occasionally bring a third party to our bed. Something that turns me on exponentially. “Do you think that this would make me want to deny my mother Goddess gift? And just so you know, I too like women. I do not choose to love someone based solely on their gender but on their persons. So, where should we start? I was thinking about nails. But I do like the razor blade for 100 cuts. Or my personal favorite, My spiral knife.” I say with my eyebrows raised and excitement on my face. “Oh yes, sorry but I accept as long as you too accept me for my preferences?” I almost forgot that he had asked me a question. His eyes lit up with excitement and warmth at me accepting of him. Before I could think I felt his lips on mine and he weaved his large hands and fingers into my hair, grabbing at the roots to deepen the kiss as he guided my head. A man could get used to this. My arousal became very evident and standing at full attention as his kiss turned from passionate to heated. Both of us lost in the pleasure. He brought his other large hand to my growth and stroked gently as I felt his enlargement against my thigh. “Oh Paaalease. Get a f*****g room. Better yet find a woman to do that with. There is no place for that in our culture.” Our little guess pulled us from our stupor. “I… guess.. we should finish here first. I state. I watch the war that he has with his wolf for control as his eyes flash back and forth from black to the honey brown eyes before he speaks. “We will continue this discussion.” He growls out with one eye honey brown and one eye black as I can see both are present and in agreement.
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