Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Samuel It has been 4 hours and Gabriella was still unconscious. The twins were able to give her a sponge bath and change her clothes. They also washed, and brushed her hair. After which they braided it and now she looked the part of Warrior Princess Goddess. I held Gabi’s hand as I waited for her to wake up. Her hand was so cold and sweaty but I couldn’t let it go. “Alpha, your parents are here and demanding entry” Thaddeus mindlinked. “Let them in Thaddeus. Can you also have Gabriel and Antony and any of her other brothers in. Thank you.” I linked him back as my mother was the first into the room. “Oh my goddess she is gorgeous. How wonderful. But why is she sleeping?” My mother cooed over Gabi. “When I marked her mom her wolf decided that with the mark she could finally emerge as Gabriella would finally be whole. But in order to save us both the pain of her emerging she put Gabriella into a slumber in order to protect us. What did I say? She is amazing.” I said in admonishment. “That certainly is a smart wolf. Where is the girl's mother? She should be here to help?” My mother asks me quizzically. “I can answer that question Sameul.” Gabriel states in his deep baritone voice. Gabriel entered the room followed by Antony and 2 other males that looked to be a taller and lankier version of Antony. One of the poor men looked like he had been starving for the past 3 years. The man wore Khaki dress pants, well broken in brown Oxford shoes, a light blue dress shirt with a brown knitted pullover vest and a brown bowtie, with large rimmed brown glasses on his face. It was obvious this man had not seen daylight in years, but had seen the inside of several books. As under his left arm was a big brown weathered book. Behind the man was what appeared to be a scared shy little boy no older than three years old. I was guessing by the lanky man that he was Gabriella's older brother Alec and the one on the right of Thaddaes was Levi. “Hello Alpha Samuel, I am Levi. I work here in the compound on the opposite side with children. In a few weeks you would be in trouble as you would’ve had to talk to all the brothers for her. Not saying that you don't deserve it but just that we are very protective of our baby sis.” He said. I didn’t take Levi as if telling me something new, while shaking my hand and staring deep within my soul. “Hello Levi, I am sorry to meet you under these conditions. I take it you are Alec and what is your name, little man?” I asked the 3 year old boy hiding behind Alec. “J..J..James” the little boy said extremely lowly and with a slight stutter. James continued to look up to his father for approval. “So we need to discuss the situation at hand. My father did not explain much to us just that Gabriella had found her mate and was marked. AT 17” both Alec and Levi growled out. “But other than that, we needed to come home as it was time to fortify the compound. What is going on here?” For the next 3 hours Gabriel and I went over the rundown of what the doctor had said, the relocation of the Blue Rose Pack and the claiming of the title. We started to discuss the property lines and locations for the Blue Rose Pack houses, businesses, and even how to incorporate each title. The title was the hardest to figure out. Gabriel stated that he did not want to hold any title but would like a place at the elder council that the group decided that we should incorporate in order to keep law and order. We still have more to work through but decided that we needed to wait until we could sit down with all parties and determine order and roles that each would be qualified to handle. It was already determined that Alec due to his skills in the classroom abilities that he would take over the role of Education Administrator. He would be in charge of what each pack should be incorporating into their curriculum. Marcus with his wife would take over the role of Healthcare Administrator. They would dictate to the roles of healthcare and check each pack hospital for care provided. They would handle all cases of mistreatment and even help with covering the tracks of shifters outside of pack hospitals. For everything else we needed to wait for our orders from our queen. My queen. I was still awaiting my father and the report from Roman. Roman was still out completing a perimeter run. I hadn’t heard from him in over an hour and was beginning to worry about my friend and Gamma. ‘Roman, what is your location?’ I mindlinked him to determine what was taking so long. ‘Sorry Alpha I ran into.. lets just call it a hiccup. May I know if the compound is equiped with a dungeon? We have a guest that would like take a tour’ Roman was complete ruthless when it came to torture. He did not like insubordination and was quick to create order. This precisely was the reason he was given the Gamma position. “Gabriel, does the compound have a dungeon or cells? My Gamma ran into some complications and would like to use them in order to gain some information.” “We do? They are located by where we first met by the training grounds.” Gabriel says quizzically. “We typically use them only in cases when an Alpha loses complete control and we need to hold them until their pack can come for them. Why do we have a prisoner already? Nobody knows about Gabriella yet and to the entire outside world we are still just a compound to teach upcoming Alphas. We are rarely ever attacked by Rouges out here as many of them know of my family and our roles. Also nobody wants to attack a place where there are so many skilled and testosterone filled atmospheres. Just not smart.” Gabriel stated. ‘Roman, go to where we first met Gabriel and Antony. The dungeons are by the training field. We will meet you there. We need to know what the ‘Hiccup’ is that you ran into,’ I stated hurriedly over mindlink. “Shall we go and find out why we haven’t even started and already have our first visitor to the dungeons?” I ask the group. Each man in the room nodded their head. We all filed out of the room and down the long pathway to the training grounds where we met up with Roman.
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