Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Samuel My Gamma was gay? How did I not know this? I feel like such an awful friend and terrible Alpha. Goddess only knows the turmoil that he underwent thinking he would not be accepted. Of course, I would accept him and his lifestyle. Why wouldn’t I? I know that many other packs out there do not accept same-s*x mate bonds due to the archaic belief that we need to procreate to be a shifter, but I do not share that same belief. He must have thought that I would shame him or banish him. This needs to be one of the first things that we change once we start the Royal Council and new laws. This will not stand. I will not allow anyone to treat same-s*x relationships in such a vile manner. I won’t let my friend ever feel like he is not accepted. After discovering my Gammas mate we all followed Gabriel into the underground cells. Gabriel and Roman made quick works of stringing the familiar man up to the support beams overhead. I nod at Roman, as he was my head guard and would often handle those that were sent to the cells back in our pack. As everyone went to leave, I didn’t understand. Did they not want to understand why this guy was sneaking around? “Wait, you're leaving? Don’t you want to know what this scum bag has to say?” I asked, shocked that they would just string him up and then leave. What about questioning him? “Yes Samuel, but this room is quite packed. Can I show you to the guard's room, which is far more comfortable? We can wait there and Levi here will get us what we need.” Gabriel explained. He was going to allow Levi, his son that teaches children to fight, to extract the information we needed? Levi began to prepare himself by pulling up his long blond hair when Roman spoke up possessively. “I will get you the info Alpha,” Roman ground out. I can understand his viewpoint, Roman was a protector. For all intense purposes, the man was very much an Alpha male. Which is why it shocked me to find out about his sexuality. Not that I stereotyped him but just never seen him interested in anyone. For a while, I had thought he rejected his mate to do what he likes to do. “How bout this, because the bigot has such an issue with someone's identity how about we allow the new mates some alone time and we,” Gabriel said pointing to the group “Go and find ourselves some good coffee?” To me that sounded like an amazing idea. I wanted Roman to be happy and if Levi was the answer to that, then so be it. “You know what Gabriel, that sounds like an amazing idea. I know when I met my mate I couldn’t wait to talk to her alone. This may be just the greatest get-to-know-you meeting ever. Have fun gentlemen” The shock that crossed Roman and Levi’s faces was almost comical. Thaddeus, Antony, and I followed Gabriel out of the room and into a large room next to the smaller room. The room looked what you would imagine a bachelor pad at a fraternity to look like. The room had a tv with a very worn-looking brown knitted loveseat with a game system hooked up to the tv. “Make yourselves comfortable gentlemen. Does anyone want any tea or coffee?” Gabriel asked to go to the coffee station by a darkened window. That sly devil all along had a one-way window set up so that we could observe the information being gathered and ensure our men did not go overboard. I walked over to Gabriel as he turned on his speaker. “So I guess this is what you had planned all along?” I stated as we listened to Levi and Roman discuss their courtship while deciding on their best method of extracting the information that we needed. “Well for the most part. I am glad our head guards are mates though. This is going to make it easier to decide who takes over. It looks like they are a great team and work very well together.” Gabriel said. We watched for several minutes as Roman and Levi slowly sliced paper cut-size marks all over the man's body. Then lightly spray him with what I could only assume was either liquid steel or water laced with wolfsbane. The men looked to work in tandem. As one slice the other would spray and just as the guy was looking at the one spraying, he'd cut and the other would spray. Eventually, the man screamed that he had been publicly shamed by his father and was going to lose the Alphaship that was going to go to his brother because Gabriella beat him and expelled him. He was so irate that he had planned to show up and take Gabriella and show her just who the man and Alpha was. Becoming extremely angered by his vale threat I almost shifted into my wolf to tear him apart, until Thaddeus came up to my left side and told me to shut it down. “Shut it down Alpha. Remember Gabriella needs you and if you lose control then my ass is going to have to track your ass down to bring you back and you know how much I love this shirt.” Thaddeus jokes. This is why he was my Beta. He knew just what and how to balance me out. I have a feeling with Gabriella I will need this quite a lot. “Alpha, Gabriel. Roman started coming back into the room. “What is the plan with this asshole? Should we release him at the borders or should we hold him and contact his pack? Again” Roman stated while Levi came into the room also wiping his hand. “I say we further disgrace him by calling his Alpha, then banishing him from the Compound.” Levi started walking over to Roman and standing beside him. It was obvious to all of us that these two were nervous to be around others and share their bond with them. They need not worry, as we all knew and did not care. But years of conditioning to hide their sexuality due to the belief that you need to have an heir caused these men to think they could not claim each other in the presence of others. Seeing the conflict radiating off them I walked up to Roman and Levi. “Mates should never have to worry about showing their affection to each other. Our fated mates are created to calm us. To complete us. If the mother goddess chooses you two as mates, she chooses you two because you have what the other doesn’t. You should never have to worry about showing your relationship around anyone. Let alone your friends and family.” I say grabbing Levi's hand and hearing a growl from Roman. Also grabbing Romans's hand and hearing a growl from Levi. Snickering with each of their hands I quickly placed them in each other's hands as a sign that they were free to be who they needed to be. The entire room nodded their heads as Levi and Roman looked at each other. Before anyone could process the information Roman leaned down and kissed Levi hard and passionately on the mouth showing everyone just who his mate was. ************ The following day my father and mother arrived bright and early to the compound bringing along Thaddeus' father to begin prep on fortifying the compound and even setting up for the houses that would soon be taken by the Blue Rose Pack. “Hello, Dad, Mom. So glad you guys are here. We have already secured what we could of the perimeter and the Castle. Gabriel is making phone calls right now to have packs come and pick up their Alphas. He's making arrangements now for them to come back once we can open up the Alpha and Luna training program again. Remmie and Reign are still with Gabriella. There are still no changes.” I say tiredly. I have yet to go to sleep. Last night after everyone called it a night I sat vigil at Gabriella's side hoping that she would just open her eyes and give me hell. At this point, I would even take her beating the crap out of me. But still nothing. The doctor checked on Gabriella before he headed off to bed. He also came in at the lights break to again check on her. He stated that it shall take time and asked if I wanted to call the resident witch in. He stated that the resident witch was a very powerful girl who ran away after her coven attempted to sacrifice her to gain even more power. Bloodied, she arrived at the compound and was very loyal to the Hunt family. The doctor also explained the reason she was so coveted. The witch was talented at sliding into those who she touches her mind. She could either help pull someone lost in their mind or alter the mind to cause harm. I opted to hold off for the moment as I knew that Gabriella would not be happy that I allowed such an intrusion. I waited as long as I possibly could by Gabriella's side before finally knowing I had to get up and help make arrangements. I called Remmie and Reign again to come to sit by her side to also notify me the moment she makes any kind of movement. I needed to ensure that Gabriella was safe. So hesitant I left my love to the care of my sisters. After ensuring that my parents' arrangements were met, I began looking for Gabriel to find out the progress and see if he needed any assistance to get the Alphas and Lunas out of the compound. Before I could even locate Gabriel I was notified that my parents had arrived.
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