Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Samuel Opening the door I see my sisters intent on demolishing Antony. Poor bloke doesn't know what he did by angering them. “Remmie, Reign, put the weapons away now.” I say in a tone that only my sisters know that will back them down. I do not like to use my Alpha Command over them as I never want another man to command them either. They should never have someone use their power over them to get what they want. The only time I use my power as an Alpha is when it is dire. Remmie and Reign slowly put their weapons back into their holsters and glared at Antony. “Everyone inside the room now please. We have lots to discuss and very little time to implement.” Gabriel stated. “What happened to Gabi?” he growled out. As I enter the room behind the two girls. “Antony, calm down. Gabi is just in a sleep-like state in order for her wolf to fully emerge. but she will soon surprise us all.” Gabriel replied to Antony. “Okay, first thing's first. I have found my fated mate. My fated mate is Gabriella, the trainer here at the compound. She is only 17 and her wolf was waiting till she met me in order to emerge. Due to.. unfortunate circumstances I marked her. In order to protect me and her, her wolf put her into a deep slumber in order to come through the veil. The doctor believes that she is of Royalty and will be considered as such. She will be coveted by every male wolf and they will come for her. They will attempt to make her submit to them due to her status. When she wakes and after her first shift, she will be claiming or rather her wolf will be claiming the title of Queen of the Werewolves. Here powers will surpass ours by far. In order to give her time to grow into her powers she will need to be protected at all times. As my Luna she will be protected either way but with her royal status we will be moving our pack to the compound in order to fortify the compound and turn it into our Royal Castle. Our pack will become the royal pack and will need to train with the trainers in order to become fully immersed in our training.” I explain to my men. “Antony, I need you to call your brothers home. Even Markus. They need to come home to protect their sister. We will be joining the Royal pack and I do hope Alpha Samuel understands that we will not fall under his Alpha Command but we will claim High titles as our Gabi will be queen. We are not asking to take over the Beta and Gamma slot but we will claim titles to the Royal throne in order to protect Gabi, as she is our priority. If you will accept Alpha?” Gabriel states. I nod my head in acceptance because they are Gabis. Having them here will make her feel at ease. Also the protection they can give her will be far greater than all my warriors as they are well trained. “Yes, Father. I will call them now” Antony stated. “Thaddeus, I need you to go back to the pack house and help to prepare for the move. We need to make this happen as quickly as possible. I will have my father put out an alert so everyone is prepared. For those that do not want to make the move they can choose another pack just have them submit the paperwork to me. All others need to pack up and relocate. Contact our contractors and get them here like yesterday, they have some houses to build. We also need the achitets here immediately. We need to begin putting together plans to fortify and secure the compound. Roman, I need you to go around the compound and find weak points. All weak points need to have additional security until they are secured. This includes all buildings. Gabriel, we will need to conclude these quarters training and send everyone home. I do not know how you want to do that but we will back you up with any decisions you make.” I explained my plan to my men and needed to figure out how to get all of these Lunas and Alphas out of her without making any enemies. We are likely to pick up a few due to the aggressive nature of alphas. We also need to sit down and discuss command as the Royal pack and the Moonstone pack blend together but are also different, maybe? Gabriel and I looked at each other in acknowledgement that we would soon be talking about the merge and leadership roles. Thaddeus immediately got on the phone and began talking to what I am assuming is his father as he helped build our new pack house after the first one burnt down. Thaddeus was talking quickly to the person on the end of the phone about the need to get here immediately. Roman began to strip his close and quickly shifted into his brown wolf and took off running. Roman was quick for a Gamma but that is why I specifically chose him. Thaddeus' job was to help and protect me, Romans was to protect Luna. For that job I needed someone that was strong, loyal, fast and strong. Roman surpassed any in training. Although we were not very close growing up like Thaddeus and I, Roman took his job seriously. When he promised to protect Luna with his life he meant it and I worried that it would also mean he would eventually fight me. When Roman heard about me marking her, without her consent and without being of age the rage he had built up within him was written all over his face. I actually for once feared that I would be in a fight for my life, there was no doubt I would eventually win but I do not know exactly what condition I would be in when I was. Roman and I often trained together and were each other's sparring partners. Thaddeus was a great fighter but Roman was my level. The fact that Gabriella was able to cause him so much pain was impressive. Knowing my men were on their task and Gabriel was on his left one last order of business for now. I had to call my father, but needed my mother there to help him to regulate. My father was somewhat of a hot head but with his health it was important to have mom there to regulate him and get him to see every side. So with that I decide to call mom first “Hello, Samuel? Sweetie what is wrong shouldn’t you be at training or class? Something. Now your father and I worked hard to get you in there so quickly as you want to take the pack over sooner. You better be taking this seriously mister or so help me I will come down there and make you.” She said sternly. Knowing my mother she totally would too. SHe would come here, grab me by the ear and drag me to each class and force me to sit at the front and take notes as she would sit next to me and slap me every time I screwed around. “Mom, I found her. I found my mate.” “SAMUEL. JAMES. TENNING. You better not be messing with me. I swear to the mother Goddess.” She said, interrupting all of me. “Mother please I do not have much time but I need you to get to father and put the phone on speaker please. It is extremely important.” I say urgently. I needed her to hear the urgency in my voice to understand that what I had to say was time sensitive. “Okay hunny give me a second to go to his office.” Depending on where she was it should only take her a minute at best. “Okay sweetie, I am here with your father,”she said. “What is it Samuel, I am really busy right now. Can’t this wait? I am trying to go over several packs request for assistance right now. I do not need this distraction. And aren’t you supposed to be doing….” My father attempts to lecture me. “DAD! I’m sorry. I do not mean to be rude and disrespectful but time is of the essence here.” I say urgently. “Okay, son. What is wrong? Something happened to Remmie or Reign?” He says worriedly, obviously understanding the importance of the matter. “Dad, everyone is fine. And seriously Remmie and Reign can make a grown man cry. I’ve seen them do it. But Dad, I found her. I found my mate.” I say almost chuckling at Remmie or Reign being hurt. “Okay isn’t that good news. No reason for such dramatics.” He said now, sounding very annoyed. “No Dad, you do not get it. I found my mate. She is 17 but I marked her and now her wolf is fully emerging. The doctor that checked her over after she passed out on me stated that he sensed a very strong wolf. And he stated that she was going to be of Royalty level. That her wolf will demand that she claim the title. Oh my goddess Dad she is so strong and amazing. She broke three almost four of Thaddeus’s ribs and broke Romans nose and hand. But I need to relocate the pack here. We are going to become a royal pack. We need to protect her Dad. Men are going to be coming for her and I don’t know if I can fend them all off alone. Even marked and mated. Many are going to attempt to capture her for her title and abilities. Please, I need help.” I say as fast as I can in one breath. “Hold on, hold on, slow down Son. You are talking too fast for me to understand. You found your mate and she's a Royal? But there hasn’t been any Royals around since the King and queen were killed after their daughter went missing. That was what, 75 to 100 years ago. How is she Royal?” My father asks. “Dad, listen I do not know. All I know is that she is and the palace is going to be here at the compound. We are working right now to fortify the compound. But I need you to put out the bulletin that the pack is relocating and that it will become that of the Royal pack. All those that do not want to relocate will need to submit their papers. Dad, I also need the architects and contractors here immediately to start the houses for the pack. Maybe also ask for volunteers to come here early and help build.” I say trying to get my father to start planning. “Dad, I also need you out here. Like yesterday, we need help strategizing and your mind is the best one I know. Can Beta Morlan take over the pack and get everything done?” I ask. I do not want to sound like a baby that needs his mommy and daddy to fix all of life's little problems but I do need my father to help create a foolproof plan to take charge of this merge. “Morlan is more than capable of running the pack for a while. I should be able to be there in a few hours. Your mother would like to accompany me as she would like to meet this wonderful mate of yours. Also having her present we will be able to accomplish tasks a lot faster.” He states. “I will prepare for your arrival. Can you have the team of builders come with you as we need them here. If not, have them heading this way and here first thing in the morning.” I ask him. “I will put out the alert but it will take time for Samuel to put together a team. Be patient. I understand the urgency to protect your mate and we will discuss this when we get there. And do not think for a second I did not hear you state that you marked an underage girl. I am not happy that you marked an underage girl mister. I taught you better.” And here comes the father's voice, I roll my eyes. “I saw that mister.” My father states. “Yes Dad. I need to go and prepare for your arrival. See you then” and we both ended the call.
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