Chapter 5: Mia

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I stare at my father in disbelief. Did he really just say what I think he did? “What?” “It is your coming out party, princess. You know, the party where we introduce you to the social scene and hope that you find your mate. You are a true alpha female and thus you are highly sought after by everyone. Including Alphas that you have never even met. I have wanted to tell you this, but I was putting it off due to fear you would overreact or over-think the whole situation, kind of like you are right now.” He chuckles. “This event will be like a formal birthday celebration for you. We have invited guests from all the packs in the United States. I was able to get most of the packs to come, but not all of them. The whole pack is involved with and invited to this party. We are hoping you will find your mate then. We were even able to get a few alphas from the Alaska region and Hawaii region to agree to attend.” He bows his head in shame. He knows that I am not a huge fan of parties. “We are the largest pack in the Southeastern United States. We are essentially royalty. You have to be presented to the other packs. Even if it means you will be dressed up and paraded around a room full of strangers you’ve never even heard of, let alone met. I am truly sorry it had to be like this…” He stated flatly. “Just know that I am doing this to help you find your mate.” I look at him dumbfounded. “What!?” I ask in utter shock. I stand up so fast that I send Precious flying across the room with a protesting meow. “So I am to be present to the pack alphas in hopes that I am his fated mate or that he will choose me to be his chosen mate? And what am I supposed to wear? How am I supposed to dress? I haven’t bought new clothes in like five years! Will I have to dance with all the alphas, betas, and gammas present? Do you even know how long it has been since you taught me how to waltz? Will I have to leave the pack that night? Will I be allowed to take anything with me to my new territory? Will I be allowed to graduate and finish school? Am I going to be allowed to attend college during the summer and next semester like I planned? I have plans, dad! What if my mate won’t support my plans, dreams, and aspirations? You said so yourself, that I am a prodigy and my talents and mind need to be nurtured!” I rant at him as I pace up and down in front of his desk. The anxiety is welling up in my chest, and I start to hyperventilate. I feel dizzy and faint all of a sudden. The pressure in my chest is getting too much, and it quickly turns into pain. “Breath, Mia, breath. Everything will work out. I promise. Who knows, you might meet your mate on your birthday. We are going to have a small get together that night for your first shift. Nothing major. I promise you that. It’s just going to be us, Alpha Alex, Luna Lisa, Marcus, Matthew, Lucas, Layla, Felix and Alexis. Noone else is going to be there that night. Just us.” I try to slow my breathing and hold my breath as the tears start to flow down my cheeks. Precious rubs up against my legs with a reassuring pur. I reach down and pet the top of her head letting her know I feel her presence. “What about the rest of my questions?” “You will be expected to dance if you haven’t found your mate. The males will lead the dance, so just follow along. We will work something out as far a school goes because you deserve to graduate where you have been this entire time. Your mate will want to make you happy. And who knows, this all may be a moot point. If you have met your mate before the party, then it will be more like a formal engagement party for you both… Besides, you aren’t being presented to the current alphas, just their sons. Every Alpha in attendance has either a fated mate or a chosen mate except for me. And you will also be presented to the betas and gammas as well.” “So, what am I going to wear to this?” “Monday, you, Milly, and Layla are going to go into town to do some much needed shopping for yourself. I know that you have been wearing the same old clothes for the last five years to help with expenses, even though you don’t need to do that. I also want you to get a spa day set up Friday morning so you can go, relax, get your hair, makeup, and nails done for the event. I don’t want my daughters looking like hobos for this thing. I will make a list of what all you are going to need to buy, what I want you to buy, and what I think you should probably buy while you are out. You are also going to need a casual dress the following morning for the breakfast we will have before we send the alphas off. I also expect you to have attire for the week prior to the event to look presentable for the alphas coming in during the week.” I sigh heavily as this information weighs on me. “Okay, dad.” “Come here.” He says with open arms. I walk into his embrace and inhale his scent to calm me down. “I am so sorry you had to find out like this. Just know I kept it from you to make sure you wouldn’t try and talk me out of it. It is the one thing we have to do.” “I know.” “Do you want the list of what I expect you to buy?” “No, just hold on to it until Monday. I don’t want to drive myself crazy over the cost of things when I am still weighing this conversation in my head.” “You are definitely a strange young lady. Do you know how many girls would kill to have the ability to walk into any store they choose and buy the whole store in one go?” I laugh, “Yeah, but how many of them know the inner workings of a pack's entire financial stability and know that you aren’t supposed to buy frivolous items just because you can?” He laughs, “I’ll give you that one, princess.” “How did I get that nickname anyway?” “Your mother gave it to you at birth. We were so excited to find out you were a girl that we did your whole room in pink and sparkles.” “Yuck! Is THAT why I hate the color pink?” He just laughs and shakes his head at me. “Okay, now, go get cleaned up and ready for your brother’s party. It starts in an hour, and you are still in your school clothes!” I laugh and rush out of his office to my room to get dressed.
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