Chapter 4: Mia

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The rest of the day drags on with me attending English Comp, General Chemistry, Choir class and finally ending the day with a training session. Most of these classes are advanced and look great on a college resume, but I really do enjoy singing. My instructor tells me I have the voice of an angel with the appearance of a fallen angel. All of them are easy for me though. Especially the training session as I have been training since I was able to walk and with advanced Alphas at that. As the final bell rings I pack away my things and race to my car. Max and Milly are both standing next to it waiting on me. “Hey guys, how were your days?” I ask with a smile, until I realize Milly has been crying and Max is upset. “What happened?” “These really mean girls were making fun of Milly for having platinum blonde hair and her favorite color being black. It was truly stupid, but they hurt her feelings.” “Where are they?” “There.” Max points in the direction of three girls from Silver Wind laughing hysterically and mimicking Milly as she wipes her eyes on her sleeve. “Both of you get in the car.” I say as I stalk over to them. Once I am about fifty feet away from them, I let my aura lose. Even as someone without a wolf, I can bring people to their knees. The crowd spreads around me as they open a pathway for my targets. Once I am on top of them, I stop holding back and all three hit their knees in tears at the sheer pain my aura is causing them. “Why were you three making fun of my sister?” I ask calmly as they all three shed tears. “We don’t know why. We just love picking on her. Her stupid aesthetic and pathetic reactions make it worth the fun.” One of them says through tears. I let loose a growl as I started to feel the rage build up into my chest. “Do you ignorant peons not realize who she is or who I am?” I rage as I start to lose some control of my aura. “Yes, Alpha.” I hear a collective response from several people. This triggers me to real my aura back in. I clear my throat as I shake the anger from my head. “Now that we have that clear, you three owe her an apology the next time you see her. If I catch her in tears like that again, I will not hesitate to take matters into my own hands.” “Yes, Alpha.” The group says again. I turn and walk away with my head held high. I was not proud of this moment, but I didn’t want anyone to know it. I hate using my aura like that. Especially since I can lose my temper so quickly. I do my best to keep my feelings in check because of it. I get back to the car and start to head home with Milly riding shotgun and Max in the back going on about how cool it was that I could do that. I always make sure that they are out of reach of my aura before I let loose like that. It could be dangerous for them if I am not careful. Dad made sure to explain that to me from a young age. He would always tell me a good alpha is strong, but a great alpha is also wise. I knew it wise to not force either of them to feel my aura. Once home, we got out of the car and headed inside and we were greeted by Precious at the door. I stopped Milly and pulled her aside to talk about what happened. “Hey, don’t listen to those girls back there, okay? None of what they say is true.” “I know, it still hurts though.” “I know,” I say as I give her a big hug. “Go get ready for the party.” Before we left I made sure to delegate certain tasks to be done by the omegas and Cookie. I asked them to set up the event room with decorations, tables, and lots of gaming items. When I saw what they had done, I was in awe. The place looked perfect for Max’s party tonight. “Is this all for me?” “Of course! Now, go get changed! The party starts at 5 and will go until you say no more!” He and Milly both rushed off to get changed while I picked up Precious and headed to Dad’s office to talk with him. I climbed the stairs two at a time and rushed down the hall. Once at his door, I knock and wait for the go ahead. “Come in.” “Hey, Dad. Do you have a minute?” “Of course.” He says as he puts down the papers in his hand and gestures to the chair in front of his mahogany desk. “What’s up princess?” My childhood nickname from him. I settle myself down into the plush leather chair with Precious in my lap and brace myself for the possible outcomes of the conversation. I was really good at overthinking things and strived really hard to be perfect. “Well, a few things. First, I let my aura loose on three girls from Silver Wind for making Milly cry. I may have gone too far though because the crowd all responded too and not just the girls.” I peek up at him from my down turned face and see he is pondering my statement carefully. He doesn’t seem too upset, but he doesn’t seem happy either. “I see… Did you mean to go that far, or were there other factors involved that pushed you that far?” “They made stupid excuses. Other than that, no, I didn’t mean to go that far with it.” “It’s okay. It happens to the best of us. Goddess knows I had my fair share with my little sisters.” He laughs. I was shocked I didn’t get a tongue lashing for that. Normally he is more strict with me and tries to keep my aura under control. “What else is going on?” “Well, today at lunch, the beta kids and I ate together. I mean ALL the beta kids. All the ones from all the packs. I was being questioned about a formal invitation to a party in my honor a week from today. Do you know anything about this?” I look at him and his expression has gone from nonchalance to stern. He sighs a heavy sigh and takes a deep breath. “I have been meaning to talk to you about this. I didn’t mean for it to come up this way.” He looks at me with pleading eyes. “Please forgive me for what I have done, but know that this is a really special occasion, and it is what your mother would have wanted. We also don’t really have any other option but to do this because it is a huge event. It is a rare occasion that we welcome a fully matured alpha female into the adult wolf community.” I close my eyes and sigh. “If it is what mom would have wanted, then I am not mad, angry or upset. I am still really confused though. I don’t understand what is going on.” “It is your coming out party, princess…”
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