Chapter 6: Mia

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I take a quick shower, blowdry my hair, and put on light makeup for the party. I don’t want to be overdressed or underdressed for that matter. I dress in a nice pair of jeans, a baby blue blouse with an empire waist and cap sleeves, and some black flats that I have had for about 8 years. Dad was right, I needed a wardrobe overhaul and bad! I still haven’t figured out what my signature style is. I brush my long hair out and decide to leave it loose and flowing down my back. I apply mascara to my already curly eyelashes and a pink tinted lip gloss to my lips. I shouldn’t need to worry about having to do anything extravagant anymore for the party. I brush my teeth and make sure that they sparkle in the mirror. If I am right, and I usually am, the twins, Alpha Alex, and Luna Lisa will be staying the weekend to be here for my first shift. I take one last look in the mirror and Precious gives me an approving meow. I rush down the stairs and into the event room to find that everything is still perfect and exactly to plan. We went with a gaming theme party for Max and I set everything up for him and his friends to have the most fun they can! I have several xbox x consoles setup with several game options to choose from so he and his three best friends can all co-op together. I also had a wii gaming console and several other board games brought in so the rest of us could have fun too. I made sure that cupcakes were made in his favorite flavor, chocolate, and that pizza, popcorn, candy and soda of all kinds were made available. I also set up a movie in the main room of the pack house so we could watch a movie if we got tired of gaming all night. I turn around after taking in the whole scene and find Max standing at the door to the event room flabbergasted by what he sees. “Is this really all for me?” I nod my head and smile as he rushes over to me and hugs me. “You are the best sister a brother could ask for!” He picks me up and spins me around. I laugh and pat his head knowing he is still a little kid. “I know I am. You don’t have to rub it in anyone’s face though.” I tease him as dad walks in the room. “They have all arrived. Are you ready to party, Max?” “Yeah!” He runs out of the room to the front door. This is why I love planning these parties for them. Even if they say they don’t love them, they always get excited the day they happen. Milly is already there in a nice pair of black jeans, a black blouse, and a black pair of combat boots. I am just happy that she decided to dress up compared to her usual attire. “You look fantastic, Milly.” I say as I pull her into a side hug. “Thanks. So do you… I take it dad finally told you?” “Told me what?” “Told you about the big birthday party he’s been planning a week from today.” “Yeah… How do you know about it? Does Max know yet?” “No. The only reason I know is because I walked in on a conference call he, Luna Lisa, and Beta Alexis were having. They swore me to secrecy until dad told you. I still can’t believe he waited this long.” “Yeah, me too. How long have you known?” “Since January. It’s now the tail end of March, and from the sounds of things they had been planning things since October. They said that you were hard to figure out and that they didn’t know what the best options were for you. They used me to get information to help them out.” “Oh really?” I laugh and poke her side. “What information did you give them?” “Stupid stuff. Your favorite color, favorite cake flavor, favorite foods, favorite activities. You know, stupid stuff.” She shrugged her shoulders and just smiled at me. “Well, I guess that’s okay.” I say with a giggle. “You know, Max was wrong. YOU are the best sister anyone could ask for.” I give her a tight squeeze as the twins walk through the door. “Mia!” They both say in unison. “Marcus! Matthew! Wow, you two have gotten so tall!” I say as I look at them both. It has been about three years since we have seen each other. Their dad sent them off to an alpha training camp a while back and they got home about six months ago. They are identical twins both standing a huge six feet eight inches tall now. Both have wavy blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Both are broad shouldered and have sun kissed skin that could make the hearts of any girl melt. I guess they spent a lot of time outside in the sun while they were away. They both seem to have rippling muscles now that they didn’t quite have before. I smile as I hug them both in turn. “How have things been going?” “Awful!” Matthew says. “This whole becoming alpha training sucks! We aren’t even allowed to become alpha until we find our mate or choose a mate. Looks like we are going to be holding out for you, always though.” He says with a wink. I blush and shove his shoulder. Marcus picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and starts to run into the event room. “Marcus! Put me down! I am the host!” I squeal. “Yeah, yeah. I was just making sure you got to the event room safely and on time!” “Would you two stop flirting with my sister at my party please! Yuck! Have some decency about yourselves.” Max yells as he throws a pillow at them. They both quickly dodge the attack and keep running. “We will never stop flirting with your sister, Max.” Matthew says. That gets a discussed face from him and a laugh out of the adults with me blushing the whole way. I look over and find Milly staring at us with downtrodden eyes. I know I will have to talk to her once this scene ends. “Okay, okay, put me down!” “Fine.” The twins groan in unison. From how they act, it is almost like we are already mates. I walk over to Milly and pull her aside while everyone else files into the event room. “What’s wrong?” I whisper to her. “It’s just, not fair. Why do the boys always want you and never me?” I look at her with a confused look on my face. “They only want me because I am the oldest. You forget that they are five years older than you sometimes, don’t you?” “Yeah, but it’s not just them. It’s the other guys at school too. I just don’t understand why they would all ignore me some days… Do you think I will have an Alpha for a mate?” “Of course! You are a true Alpha female too, Milly. You just have to be patient is all. Besides, the younger boys don’t come after me. They know I will eat them alive if they try anything. I also know that the older ones won’t bypass me and go to you because if they do, I’ll kick their butts.” That gets a nice laugh from her and a huge smile. “Thank you, you are the best big sister I could have ever asked for.” “I know,” I giggle and squeeze her in my arms again. “Now come on, it’s time to party!” I grab her hand and pull her to the wii console to start Just Dance. It is our favorite game to play together. We dance, play games, eat cupcakes, pizza, candy and popcorn until we just can’t anymore. Once everyone was full and about to doze off, we decided to open presents. Max got so many cool things. His friends all pitched in and got him a nex Xbox one elite controller. Milly painted him a picture of what she thinks his wolf will look like. Alpha Alex and Luna Lisa got him a nice compass with his name engraved on it. Dad made sure to help his friends and purchased new gaming stuff for his bedroom. The last gift he got was from me. I made him a gaming mix tape with an original song on there from me for his birthday. I recorded it about two weeks ago when everyone was out of the house. Soon, the adults take their leave and leave us teenagers up to our own devices. We decide to end the night all piled on the huge sectional couch watching Water Boy starring Adam Sandler in our pj’s. We cuddled under blankets together and grabbed the leftover popcorn to eat with the movie. We laughed so hard that we cried and had so much fun until we all passed out from exhaustion there on the couch. The movie finished playing in the background causing me to have some really weird dreams about gatorade and H2O.
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