Chapter 3: Mia

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The ride to school was just like any other. Milly and Max fought over who rode shotgun. Since I am the only one with my driver’s license, I always drive us to school now. It was dad before then, except the first year mom was gone. I started kindergarten that year and Beta Felix and Alexis took care of making sure I made it to school on time since me and the twins have been going to the same school since before we can remember. Once it was determined that Max would ride shotgun, since it was his birthday, we made our way to the school. Max took control of the radio and decided on a rock station that we all liked. He is starting his emo phase and between him and Milly dad is going to have his hands full. The school was a huge, almost like a university size, campus that housed every grade. K-2nd grades were in a building at the front of the campus, 3rd-5th grades were next to that building on the right, 6th-8th were in a building to the left of the front building, and 9th-12th grades were in a final building at the very back of the campus. Each “school” had its own library and cafeteria to keep the students separated from each other. They tried very hard to keep it that way since werewolf puberty typically started at 9 years old and didn’t end until after the first shift. That means that by the time you are 18 years old, you are fully grown. This specific school tried even harder to keep the grades separated because it was the only school in four territories that catered to werewolves. That means that there are a lot of rival packs going to school on the same campus. The last two years, the school saw four future territory alphas graduate and Max will be the fourth once he turns 18. It was really bad because all four of the alphas were pretty determined that I would end up being their mate. Being a true Alpha female made me desirable, not that I wanted to be. I am only considered a true alpha female because both my mother and father were alpha born. Technically Milly is a true alpha female as well, but for some reason she gets bypassed more than I do. Most of the time, that was the only thing that made me desirable. I didn’t get the good looks like mom or dad. I was a weird blend. I was tall for a female werewolf towering at a whopping five foot ten inches. My hair was a natural black that fell to my waist in natural waves and my eyes a clear crystal blue. I have an hourglass figure which means I have fat on my body that wasn’t there before I turned 15. My bra size also increased from a nice A cup to a DD cup. I tried to lose weight, but no matter how hard I tried, I could never seem to lose the last few pounds I wanted to lose. I was trying to fit into a size 4, but I gave up trying at 16, and I gained all the weight I had lost back. I am now a comfortable size 10 and typically don’t get bullied as much as I used to over my weight. Luna Lisa and Alexis both told me not to worry about it. They say my mate or mates will love me for who I am. The only saving grace was that I grew up with alpha males my whole life, so I knew what I was getting into. Several of the alpha, beta, and gamma males all asked me out, several times. I turned them all down and told them I was waiting for my mate. Most days I wonder if my mate has been with me the entire time. Once we got to school, I parked in my assigned parking spot and said goodbye to my siblings. I met up with Layla and we headed to our first class together for the day. “Are you ready for math class today?” I ask Layla as we walk down the hall from our lockers. “Yeah, I just hope today is easy with it being the friday before spring break.” She says. “You know it will be,” I say with a laugh. We made it to the classroom and sat down for the lesson today. We had been learning about functions and limits this whole week. We were all excited to find out we were just doing a math related color by numbers sheet. Even as seniors in highschool we all still loved to color. An easy-A kind of assignment. I was actually a straight A student. There were rumors that I was going to be the valedictorian of the class, but we would have to see. I had already made plans to go to college and I applied for online college courses starting in the summer semester. With me being a future luna, I opted for business management and nursing. The business management for obvious reasons and the nursing to help the pack when the time comes. Once dad finds his second chance mate or his chosen mate, I will need a fall back and I love helping the pack. It was also in my realm to become a party planner, but that is less lucrative and less likely to help the pack in any way. I have already taken the ACT, SAT, and ASVAB and made the highest scores you can. Colleges have been asking me to tour their campuses and I have been given several full ride scholarships all over the United States. The first three classes of the day were Calculous 1, Spanish 3, and World History 2. We watched a movie in both Spanish 3 and World History. The Spanish 3 movie was some cartoon named Coco and the world history movie was Braveheart. It was time for lunch and the cafeteria was packed with all the 11th and 12th grade students. They had to split all the lunches up by grades because of how big the classes were. My senior class had 800 students in it alone. All of us are werewolves so the school opted for a buffet style dining that catered to the taste buds of all the students. It can get a little heated some days because it is a rush to see who gets to get their food first and then you have to add in all the testosterone of the males. The cafeteria is pretty much divided by packs. My pack, the Blue Moon Pack typically sits to the north side of the cafeteria. Our biggest rivals, the Silver Wind Pack typically takes up the south side. East and west sides are taken over by the White Sands Pack and the Red Claw Pack respectively. Every once in a while, the packs will mingle in the middle of the room, but typically not often since the twins graduated. Today happened to be one of those days that brought pack mingling. “Mia, Layla, why don’t you both join us at our table today?” Offers the beta heir from the White Sands Pack. His name is Rodney. He is a pretty big beta towering over me at six feet two inches tall. He will turn 18 in about a month. He doesn’t scare me though. He tries to push his aura with me constantly because he wants to test the boundaries of my status. It makes most of the males mad that they can’t get me to bare my neck to them. Maybe if I had a weaker blood line or if my mother was an omega turned luna, but she was an alpha turned luna. “What do you think, Layla? Do you want to go eat lunch with them?” I ask her. She looks at him and smiles shyly. Since she got her wolf, she has been eying him for a while. I think he may be her fated mate, but I am not sure. She says her wolf doesn’t know why she likes him so much, she just does. “Sure.” She nods as we head over to sit with him and his group at the table. Upon further inspection I see that all of the beta males from the other packs are here. “Well, is this a psuedo counsel meeting?” I ask sarcastically. No one seems to get my joke. “So, why are all the beta males from the packs hanging out together?” “We were going to ask you when you were going to tell us about this party next weekend.” Pipes Gregory, the future beta from the Silver Wind Pack. He makes my skin crawl most days. I look at him in confusion. “What are you talking about? The only party I know about is the one tonight I am having for my brother.” “Our alphas received an invitation from your beta female for a formal party in your honor.” States Logan from Red Claw. He is to be the twins beta when he comes of age in about two weeks. I am not sure if his father will step down then or wait until Macus and Matthew take over the pack. “I am still so confused about what is going on, so let’s just eat lunch so I can investigate more when the day is over.” I state in a matter of fact tone. I am truly confused about what is going on. What formal party are they talking about? I start to dig into my plate of pizza as the conversation switches to a more light-hearted topic about graduation and a senior picnic/ skip day.
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