
1099 Words
I woke up in a large room. I was totally naked under the warm blanket. There was an aroma that smelled sweet, like coconut oil and cloves. My eyes shot open at the feeling of water rushing down my face. A woman was probing my forehead with a soft cloth and scented warm water. It had woken me from whatever was keeping me asleep. She had red hair and freckles, her face was appealing and as she talked, I took note that she was soft spoken. “You're awake." She said gleefully. She stood up quickly and ran out of the room. “Wait." I called after her but she had already left by the time I was climbing down from the bed. I walked to the nearest window and stared through it to find a meadow. For a court and pack that was said to be awful, heartless and cruel, their lands resembled an enchanted forest. The grassland that spanned miles from the palace was very beautiful and the forest beyond was dreamy. I could hear children laughing from somewhere not too far away. I looked down from the window, walking about the palace were males and females, some wore uniforms, others were richly dressed. I saw too many smiling faces, did I truly know where I was?. The dark red pack members didn't smile, they simply growled and snarled and frowned. I was sure of where I was, I knew I was in the palace. My mind played everything back to me and I mentally slapped myself for not being able to withstand the news. It must have been fake, maybe I was their prey and they were playing with me before they finished me off. Mate, me mate?! I became suddenly angry at the thought, that they were delaying my pain and torture by playing around. I was their new sport. “Well, look who is awake." I turned around sharply the moment the deep baritone voice cut through the silence of the room. Alpha Lee, I remember him, the one with the bedroom eyes and boyish grin. His eyes left my face and moved downwards. Crawling around my naked body, drinking me in, he looked intoxicated. His eyes didn't stop moving until they reached certain body parts. My breasts, my thighs that were clamped shut, my groin. The door knob broke under his hold, the steel scattered into tiny little pieces. He looked down at his hands, he had clutched the door knob too tight as he was taking in the sight of me, his newest prey. The loud sound of the metal shattering tore me out of my trance, I grabbed the curtain beside me and wrapped it around my body. “Pervert." I said under my breath. His eyebrows rose and his beautiful eyes lightened up with amusement. “What did you just call me?." “You heard me." He chuckled. He took one step into the room, I took one step back, only that it was my last step and there was nowhere else to go because my back was pressing against the wall. “Stay where you are." I ordered. I could smell his rising arousement... It smelled nice. I sniffed and found myself wanting to sniff more and more of it. This sudden urge filled me and took over my senses. My body started breaking my rules to retreat and hide. My legs slowly started opening, my back arched wanting to reach out to the irresistible alpha male in front of it, my fingers started to uncurl from the curtain... What was this madness?! I grabbed the curtain tighter, willed my body to be straight and moved back so fast I smashed into the wall, but I wasn't strong, it didn't cause any damage, only a loud thud of my skin colliding with the solid material. “You're fighting it, Velvet... Don't fight it." He spoke softly, like he was talking to a wounded animal. “I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. “You remember what my brothers and I told you yesterday, that we are mates?." I spat on the floor. It was vulgar, I had never done something like that before, talk more of doing something that insulting to a person so powerful. So powerful that even the space between us seemed to whisper and warn me about the calamity that would befall if he got angry. A person so powerful he would crush my entire bones with only half a thought. “I will not fall for that lie." I told him. His eyebrows drew together in a hard frown, not the type that the Dark Red pack always displayed on their faces during riot, this one was filled with concern. “Why would we lie, we have better things to do. If it was not so, you wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be here." “My gut tells me that I'm your new sport and I heard you like to play with your food before tearing it into shreds." “What is wrong Velvet, why hasn't your wolf confirmed this yet, why can't I reach her." I went still at that moment, if these Alphas are really planning to prey on me, finding out I have a dormant wolf would be a big humiliation, they might drag me to the muds. “I don't know, maybe it's because you're getting this all mixed up. Maybe your wolf is confused." He recoiled as if I had given him a fierce blow in his jaw. He shook his head and flexed his fingers. “My wolf is not happy with you right now, Velvet. It's inpatient, we are impatient. I have been waiting ages to meet my mate, I never knew I would have to share with Brent and Alan but it was always a possibility," The emotions on his face were genuine, I had studied people for years, I was always at the corner of the room, watching. He looked down at the floor, uncertainty clouded his beautiful features, I took that time to study him... He was breathtaking. He looked up sharply as if he read my mind and I turned my facial expression into blandness. “Velvet, I'm sure there is no mistake, I'm sure that you're my mate. If you don't feel a mate bond or if your wolf says otherwise we can talk to someone who knows better than me, I'm sure this problem can be fixed." “I'm sorry Alpha Lee, but, I already have a mate." I lied
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