Do you taste the power?

1428 Words
He went still, his amber eyes started growing darker, until they had turned a murky and bloody red, I heard bones crack and claws pierced through his flesh until all five fingers were replaced by razor sharp claws. The floor I stood on started shaking, things in the room started falling and crashing. The window beside me cracked and cracked until the glass shattered. “You are my mate, no one else's!." He roared, his voice had morphed from smooth and seductive to dangerous and cruel. He took one step towards me, the impact pushed me back against the wall. “I will rip his head off...." Alpha Lee growled. My heart beat was thumping in my chest and my throat went dry, I opened my mouth but I didn't know what to say. If I admitted I was lying, he could kill me. If I didn't admit I was lying, he could kill someone else. “I'm sorry, it was all a lie." I managed to blurt out. It was all a lie, I still had nightmares of the day Alpha Matt rejected me. “I, Matt Grierson, Alpha of the Dark moon pack, Reject you Velvet," my world was shattering in the blink of an eye. “I've done my part, now do yours and accept your fate." Alpha Matt urged me. Tears clouded my vision and I could barely take the next breath. “I, Velvet, accept your rejection." It was done, everything in me died that day. The room went still and I fell to my knees. The doors flung open, Alpha Brent and Alpha Alan tore into the room, the royal purple curtain was covering me and I clutched onto it tightly and tried to steady my breathing. Alpha Brent knelt in front of me, took my face in his hands and searched me for any sign of injuries. “Is she okay?." Alpha Alan asked, he was right beside his brother. “No scratch." Alpha Brent whispered I had never received so much attention from so many beautiful men and I was naked. Once again, their scents filled my senses and I forgot my name or where I was. “What did you do to her?!." Alpha Alan yelled. I looked up to see that he was now standing in front of Alpha Lee, who was looking pale and staring at me wide eyed, afraid that he had hurt me. “I didn't mean to hurt her, I just lost it." Alpha Lee said regretfully. “What happened?." Alpha Brent asked me. “I- I want to go home." I said and raised my chin. “She said she had a mate." Alpha Lee said. Immediately the words left his brother's mouth, his grip on my face tightened. “Ouch." I winced and pulled out of his hold. “Who is he?." Alpha Alan asked me, his voice was cold and I swear I could hear something shattering once again. “Alan!." Alpha Brent shouted, calling his brother from whatever menace he was already causing. “I used to have a mate. He rejected me." “She says we must have gotten it mixed up, that her wolf doesn't feel anything." Alpha Lee said and combed his fingers through his hair. “Velvet, look at me," Alpha Brent said. “We don't have anything mixed up, what exactly is your wolf telling you?." “That you three are lying." I said. "When you met your first uh- your first mate, what did your wolf say?." What did my wolf say?. My wolf didn't say anything, Alpha Matt's wolf told him I was their mate, I didn't need my dead wolf's confirmation, I was extremely happy. I accepted him immediately, I thought I was lucky. Someone with my rank scored an Alpha, it was a bloody miracle. Now these Three Alpha kings wanted me to believe we were mates, pfft. “I just need to go home, or am I a prisoner?." “No." The three of them said at the same time. “Velvet, we have a specialist…she's here in town, we can go to see her now." Alpha Alan said. I turned to him. “Do you think something is wrong with me or my wolf?." I spat angrily. “No, I think that you're trying to run away. I think that your wolf has told you that we're your mates and you're denying the truth." Alpha Lee spoke up. " Why would I do that?." “Because of what we were going to do to your friend, you loved her so dearly you took her place. We were impressed with our mate's loyalty but we didn't think that same loyalty would be the obstacle stopping us from mating with her." Alpha Alan said. The three of them, in the same room... Their powers were tearing apart the entire place. “This room is... Not protected against us." Alpha Brent said, reading my facial expression as the floorboard I was kneeling on started cracking. “Our rooms have spells, we put you in a room that doesn't have a spell so you would wake up safely, without the influence of Magick." Alpha Alan explained. I nodded my head and shot to my feet, the purple curtain did a good job at covering me. “I'm not trying to run away. I just want to see if Kristen is alright, I want to see if my sister is alright, she would be worried and searching for me." Alpha Lee's foot started tapping on the floor. “Is your former mate in the pack?." Alpha Brent asked, his voice was laced with uncertainty, jealousy clouded his features. The three of them, all jealous. “He is." “Then we can't let you go." “You have no right to keep me here, I'm not your mate." “We own you now, you know that right?." He asked me and I scoffed. I instantly regretted it. “Who knew our mate would be so stubborn?." Alpha Lee asked in frustration. He stomped to the bed and sat on it. “Velvet, we are trying not to scare you away, you have to help us, this is all new to us,” Alpha Brent said. “Do as we say and just stay, we'll send for Kristen." " I must leave.” I said through gritted teeth. “If you insist on leaving our territory then we are required to bind your soul, together with ours." Alpha Alan said. I stilled, the blood in my veins ran cold. “What sort of law is that?." I demanded “None." “Then you can't do that, it's illegal." I said. Alpha Alan snapped his fingers. A big book appeared, a pen scribbled something on a page and the book turned to my direction, so that I could see what was newly added. I gasped. “We make the laws, sweetheart. Since your wolf hasn't confirmed the mate bond, yet, then we will have to mark you, to tell the others who you belong to." “You can't just imprison my soul and make it yours, you can't imprint on my fvcking soul!." “We can." Alpha Lee said. “It won't hurt, we're just laying out a claim on our mate." Alpha Brent said, the three of them started advancing towards me. Their eyes glowing dark red. Before I could utter my next statement a very dark cloud started forging in the room. It solidified in front of me, lightning struck in the mist.... A heavy fog erupted through the entire room and I could not see anything. I was in the center of the cloud, it was cold and wet and as I tried to struggle, I felt strong magic binding my hands and feet to stay still. I heard voices, whispers. They sounded old and young, cruel and soft, angry and happy... They were whispering spells and the power was just too much. Suddenly, my body started tingling, I looked down to see a net, like a fishnet wrapping around my entire body, my fingers, my belly, my face, my hair.... They started glowing dark red, like blood. I screamed as the net started to sink into my skin, melting my flesh like butter. I fell to the ground. For a second the pain was excruciating, it was as if I was being skinned alive, but they took the pain away and I felt calm. I stayed still. “It's done." Alpha Alan said.
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