How about a second chancemate?

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“No, I don't want to be a breeder. I can't be a breeder." I said. First of all, I was a virgin, I had never been in bed with any man, not even Alpha Matt, I am scared that my inexperience would make them angry and I'd get punished for not being able to please them properly. “You don't have a choice sweetheart." Alpha Brent said pulling some strands of my hair. The pet name stirred something deep within me and I blushed. At first it was painful but it forced my head upwards to meet his eyes and all pain was forgotten. He was staring at me as if he was going to devour me any second from now. I was transfixed as I stared into his hazel eyes. “But it wasn't the deal." I said. He freed my hair and my hand flew to the back of my neck, massaging it. “There was no deal." Alpha Alan said with the same lust filled look in his eyes. “Who would I be a breeder for?." I asked looking from one of them to the other. “All three of us." Alpha Lee said like a spoilt teenager. I was shocked to the very core. “Come girl." Gaston said to me. I was frozen. “Go on, you'll meet a doctor to test you." Alpha Lee said. “All three of you, but that's not possible, how am I going to take all three of you, I can't even take one." I said and they all looked amused. They were all grinning. “Come." Gaston said again. My legs shuffled forward and I follow after him. He led me to a white room that smelt like antiseptic. There was a door in the room. It was half opened and white light was escaping from the space. I heard voices and I watched in sheer confusion as a girl walked out. My goddess. She was pretty. She had a button nose and turquoise Blue eyes, she was tall and had platinum blonde hair. She had a cold look in her eyes that showed that she did not like me even when she didn't know who I was and she was dressed in a white hospital dress. “Leave." Gaston said to her icily. He was certainly a man of few words. The girl scoffed at me and she walked out. A short fat man in white lab coat came out of the door. He pulled his blue hand gloves and tossed them in the trash can. “You, come." He said and I wondered if it was a thing here, the way they rarely used words. I went into the room and saw there was an examination bed laying there. “Take off your clothes behind that curtain and put on the hospital dress, when you're done, lay on the bed and spread your legs." a shiver ran down my spine, in a bad way. I did as he said and I could not stop myself from crying at the fact that a stranger would touch and probe my privates. I cleaned my tears hastily when I heard him approaching. The doctor came in but I was merely a test subject to him, he didn't seem excited at all that he was staring at a v****a. He rubbed a cold gel on my belly and ran in a circular motion with a wand like thingy. He stared at the screen and suddenly his hands stopped moving, he turned to me with wide eyes and then he readjusted his glasses and looked at the screen again. He started breathing roughly, he stood up quickly. I was troubled. “What's wrong?." I asked him and he suddenly grinned. “Get up." He commanded and grabbed a picture he had printed out from the scan. He left me in the examination room and he went outside to meet Gaston, the door was half open so I could hear their conversation. “She's perfect... More than perfect. She's priceless, one in a hundred thousand women would not have the same uterus as her. Where did you find her, she's a treasure!." “Calm down doc, no need to get overly excited." Gaston said yet I could hear the excitement in his voice. “Where is she, I'll inform the Alphas." I ran back to sit on the bed so they wouldn't know I heard them. “What's your name?." Gaston asked me politely. “Velvet, Velvet Brooks." “Follow me, we have to make the announcement." He led me to a room, it was a study. It was dark, the only source of light inside were soft glows from the candles. I could make out the figure of Alpha Alan standing by the window. This time, Alpha Lee was standing and Alpha Brent was sitting on a chair behind the very large desk. The doctor appeared out of nowhere, he was no longer wearing his lab coat. “She's the one the moon goddess promised us as a reward for our strength and remarkable bravery." The doctor said proudly. What were they talking about?. “Thank you doc, now you can leave us. You too, Gaston." I turned and watched as both men exited the room, I shifted my weight from one foot to another and turned to them. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine myself standing in front of these men, yet alone, being their Breeder. I was weak, would they even want to have a breeder that has a dormant wolf?. All three of them, at a time?. I would break under their strong and callous hands. There should be a way out of this. “There's no way out of this Velvet." Alpha Lee said, I turned to him shocked that he could read my mind but his expression didn't offer me any answers. How did he do that?!. Only mates gained access into the minds of one another. How did he do it?. “I can't do this." I blurted out “You heard the doctor. You're fertile." Alpha Brent said. “I'm... I'm scared." I said, my legs were begining to shake. “Why?." Alpha Alan asked, he start taking steps towards me, he looked worried. No not him, my knees could buckle just because of his presence. “The rumours. I hear a lot of things about you three." I said Alpha Alan smiled devilishly. “You would not regret having a mate that would be able to protect you no matter the circumstance, trust me." He assured me. “Mate?." I asked in utter confusion. “Your wolf hasn't told you?." Alpha Lee asked looking concerned. “What, no!." I said in disbelief. “My wolf has been screaming mate the moment I pulled the hair pin." Alpha Alan said with a playful grin. “My wolf was getting frustrated that his mate was ignoring him." Alpha Brent said with a scowl on his face. My chest was heaving abnormally. I had a second chance mate and they're the Triplets?. “You're our mate Velvet." I heard Alpha Lee say. I could take it no longer, everything was just too overwhelming, the thoughts, their words. Suddenly, I felt my wolf stir for the first time in forever as if it was waking up from sleep. “Mates." It whispered and the next thing I know, darkness is enveloping me and I fall but strong arms catch me before I hit the floor.
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