Chapter 003

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Anastasia’s POV “They’re not my biological parents. Mom told me before she died that she didn’t give birth to me and had only found me somewhere in the forest, helpless and in danger when she went for a run” I explained and Juanita pursed her lips. “Still…” “She said I was surrounded by hot burning flames, almost like I was wanted dead. Isn’t that a perfect confirmation that my real parents also didn’t want a liability like me and had left me to die in that forest? I was only eight years old, Nita and I had no memories of whatever had happened” I cried and she hugged me tight, rocking and muttering soothing words until I became calm. “Even if they’re your foster parents, they still loved and took cared for you as if you were their real daughter. Aiden is just a jerk, Anna. He doesn’t want you because he doesn’t know your worth, he’ll eventually see that and come begging for you to be his again, but you know what? It’ll be too late for him” she said with a funny empathetic look and we both laughed. “Yeah right?” I said amidst my laughter and she tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Now, that’s better. You’re back to being the hot and pretty Anastasia, not a cry baby who wastes her precious tears on a clueless guy” she said and I licked my lips, tucking an invisible strand of hair behind my ear before blinking. “Am I really hot and pretty?” I asked in a seductive voice and she tried to hold her laugh while staring at me in disbelief but she failed and we busted out laughing. “I’m happy I could lift your mood this much” she muttered with a smile and I kissed her cheek. “You’ve always done that. And you’re doing it again. Thank you so much, bestie” I said and she stroked my hair softly. “Who am I going to do it for, if it’s not my only heartbeat?” she said and I shook my head with a scoff. “Hey, I’m going to marry you off at this rate if you don’t find an actual heartbeat!” I yelled and she folded her arms, displeased at my sudden outburst. “Men are total scum, Anna. I always considered finding my mate for real this time when I saw how lovely you and Aiden were together, but I’ve just made a vow to never try it again. I might as well remain single with only one sweetheart forever!” she said and her phone rang simultaneously. She pulled out her phone and she immediately switched it off after checking the caller ID. Her expression turned sour and I didn’t need to ask before I knew who had just called her. “I think you should go, Nita” I said and she huffed in disappointment, her eyes filled with worry for me and I assured her I’ll be fine even if she left. After many persuasions, she eventually left after making me promise not to do anything stupid seven solid times. "I love you so very much! You know that right?" She yelled from her car and I hummed in response. "So, don't cry and let him feel like he won. He isn't worth your tears!" She yelled and I nodded with a smile while waving her off. I saw her car drive out of sight and I went back in. I picked my bag from the sofa and went to the room. One I shared with Aiden. I sniffed in his scent as I walked in, slowly recalling our moments together in this room. How was he willing to let me go so easily when I just couldn't imagine myself without him? "Do you think mate is going to reject us for real?" Coral asked in my head and I sighed. "I don't know, Coral. He doesn't want me, he made it very clear. But I want to believe that he was just being impulsive and didn't mean what he said" I replied, blinking back my tears. I took a long warm bath and got dressed in my pajamas before going to bed. I willed myself to sleep but my eyes remained wide open even after lying down for over two hours. I sat up in bed, my arms crossed as I waited patiently for Aiden's arrival. It was well past 11p.m. but he didn't show up. At 2a.m., I was still wide awake, hoping he would show up even if he never takes so long to come home but he never did. Accepting my cruel fate, I took the documents out of the envelope and signed them with piled up sadness in my heart. He really wanted a divorce and after what happened at his office, I believe he wouldn't hesitate to snap my head off if I dared to disobey him. *** I woke up at exactly 7a.m and I took my bath hurriedly as I had just received a reminder that I would represent Reign Fashions at the general board meeting for all renowned Fashion companies. I was only halfway to zipping up my dress when the doorbell started to ring. I pulled the zipper at once and went to get the door, thinking it was Aiden but I got there only to welcome the furious look on Luna Riley's face. "Right. Aiden would never have knocked to come in when he knew the door passcode" Coral reminded me and the Luna pushed me out of the way before I could process what was going on. She stormed into the house with Estel right behind her and with a dumbfounded look on my face, I watched as four guards also made their entrance. "Good morning Luna Riley, is there a problem?" I asked silently, confused about why she was in here looking absolutely furious and mad with rage even though deep down I think I knew why she was here. "You dare to ask me if there's a problem? But I'm happy to tell you that once you're out of this house this very minute, there won't be anymore problems!" She yelled and I frowned, needing more explanation for this sudden outburst. "I've always known there was nothing good about you but that stubborn son of mine couldn't see it until he got his frail heart completely shattered by you." She continued and I immediately knew she was talking about the incident. "Do you have by idea how many girls are out there, hoping he glance their way for a second at the very least, how dare you cheat on him after all he gave you?" She questioned with a disgusting look on her face. "I didn't do..." "Just shut up, you w***e! Do you think I'm here to listen to the crap you always feed to my son? You're the worst and I hope you distance yourself from him right from this moment and give his true betrothed a chance to heal his wounded heart" she added and I stood speechless, knowing that trying to prove my innocence with her was just pouring water into a basket. It would only be a case of more salt added to my wounds. "Pack your things and leave this mansion within fifteen minutes or you'll be disgracefully thrown out" she ordered sternly and I wiped a lone tear that threatened to fall as I turned to go upstairs. I packed my things without a single word of complaint but Luna Riley didn't stop there, she poured out my entire bag, picking out things she thinks her son got for me and once left with just a quarter of what I had initially packed, she kicked me out without a second thought. With tears in my eyes, I walked out of the mansion, taking the car the company had gifted to me after my first year of significant hard work. I received a message from the director thirty seven minutes ago to hurry and go to the board meeting as they're about to start. I dialed Father's number but it didn't go through, so I just headed straight to the board meeting, hoping to get a call from him later. It was only ten minutes into the drive when I felt like something was terribly wrong. Driving fast was a normal routine for me, but not past the average speed limits. But the weird thing is I just crossed the highest speed limits and I couldn't bring my car to a stop. The brakes weren't working and I panicked. My hand were already sweaty and shaky and tears already filled my eyes to the brink. Things like this tend to scare me a lot when I watch them in movies but now this is happening to me. Someone tampered with my brakes but the question is who? And why would they do something like this to me? I was panting and screaming at this rate, scared to let go of the steering wheel and hit with fresh panics anytime I have to steer around an incoming car. I kept one hand on the steering wheel and dialed Aiden's number but he wouldn't pick up. Then I switched to voice mail. "Please, help me Aiden. I promise I'll be out of your life after this. I don't want to die like this. I haven't even seen my little baby yet..." I was crying helplessly into the phone , screaming as I bumped into another car. "Please goddess, help me just this once" I pleaded, my eyes bloodshot and heavy with tears but luck didn't seem to be on my side and my car did a double flip over before stopping right at the edge of a cliff. I felt a sharp pain through my chest and I instinctively wrapped one arm around my stomach, hoping my baby was fine. The car started on fire and I struggled to get out of the car but the door was stuck. "No, no, please. You can't get stuck like this" I cried helplessly, gripping the seat belt tightly when the car threatened to go down. No one seemed to be in the vicinity and the door was stuck. The cliff was a steep one and I will fall with the car if I can't get out now. Just when the door broke open, the car went down the cliff, leaving me no chance to go out and save myself. It was the last thing I remembered before slipping into the abyss of unending darkness.
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