Chapter 002

1462 Words
Anastasia’s POV My world came crashing down in mocking waves and I slowly realized what deluded life I’ve lived, thinking Aiden truly loved me. I was a fool to think the Alpha of Dark Reign Pack and the sole heir of Reign Corporations would ever fall in love with someone like me, a weak omega with no backgrounds. I’ve always believed we could go through any storm together on the strength of our love. We went through the opposition of his family who had chosen Estel Bethany; the only daughter of the chairman of Bethany Groups as his bride. They were betrothed for so long but he chose to marry me even after the Luna threatened to disown him. He claimed I was his mate and it didn’t matter what background I hailed from, because he will always treat me as if I was the only woman left for him in the entire world. Another tear escaped my eyes as I wondered where all those promises had gone and how he could have forgotten them so easily. *** It all started three days ago. The day the second annual conference was held as a cocktail party. Midway to the party, I received a text from Aiden to meet at room 404 on the second floor of the hotel where the party was held. I looked around for confirmation and didn’t find him so I went up without a doubt, excited to spend some alone time with my mate while the party was still going on. It would be thrilling. Taking the stairs two at a time, thinking the elevator would take more time and when I got up, I was breathing heavily. I found a room and started trailing the right number. 400, 401,… I counted aloud until I got to the right one at the end of the passageway. A smile curled up my lips as I rang the doorbell. The door was barely opened when I felt a gag against my nostrils from behind. It was the last thing I remembered as darkness consumed me. The next morning, I woke up to a strange room, but the strangest thing is how I ended up naked on a strange bed. Fear gripped me hard and I check my body thoroughly for any signs of unwanted bruise or scars or sore feeling. A sigh escaped me when I realized I was fine. Obviously, nothing happened but that became a different story when Aiden barged into the room, taking in the sight of my completely naked body. I gasped, my eyes widening crazily, mirroring his as I pulled the duvet against my body quickly. My heart was beating so hard against my ribcage that it started to hurt as I met his gaze that raked through my body in disgust and awe. “It’s… it’s not what you think, Aiden. I can explain” I stuttered, completely shocked to my guts just as much as he was shocked to see me like this. Estel walked in at that moment, gasping dramatically as she eyed me in contempt. "What the hell are you doing here?" She exclaimed but I didn't even pay her any attention. I was solely focused on Aiden and his reactions. "It's not what I think? Then what the hell is this?" He asked and I pursed my lips, gripping the sheets hard. I couldn't find the right words as I stared into his eyes that danced with disappointment and anger. "You..." He started with a frown, pausing with conflicted emotions written on his face and then he just walked out, leaving me to my terrible experience. I watched Estel turn to leave after giving me a satisfactory smirk and I immediately had that gut feeling that she had an hand in all this. My gut feeling has never been wrong. Flashback ends* I stood up from the ground and picked up the brown file that was on his desk. I walked out of his office dejectedly, wincing every now and then as I kept feeling the pain in my back and the discomfort in my stomach. I figured there was no use informing him about my pregnancy if he doesn't want to believe me. He would only deny being its father and hate me more. After what seemed like a decade, I got into my car and drove off to my favorite cafe. It wasn't too far from Aiden's company, one of the companies under the Reign Corporation. The Corporation has two companies and Reign Innovations was the headquarter where he works mostly. The second company under the corporation is Reign Fashions where I work. Aiden runs that as well but his Beta, Loyal was mostly in charge and so far the company's wellbeing matches that of the innovation, thanks to my hard work as the Chief Marketing Director as he always claimed. I even had the chance of taking three days off as a compensation every month. I haven't really taken any day off so far but I choose to take the three days off this month to soothe myself and sort things out with Aiden, but luck didn't seem to be on my side. I had a cup of coffee while pondering over what had transpired between me and my mate but I still couldn't get a hang of it. It just felt so surreal and hard to believe that he demanded a divorce from me without trying to believe me for once. I stared at the brown envelope that poked out of my bag and didn't realize when a tear escaped my eyes until I felt it drop on my hand. Alcohol would have been the best drink for this kind of moment but I couldn't even drink. I needed to preserve my health if not for me, but for my baby. I paid for the coffee and walked out of the cafe. I got in my car and that was when I noticed the countless missed calls that popped on my screen. They were all from Juanita, my best friend but I wasn't even in the right mood to meet her. I didn't bother calling back because she'll come running if she hears the slightest sadness in my voice. I threw my phone in the safe and drove all the way home. I got to the mansion, only to realize that she was already there. "Juanita! What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to hide the sadness in my voice with surprise. "You weren't picking up your calls and Loyal said you weren't at work. So I figured you might be here, since it's your day off" she replied, walking towards me. "What is with you? You never miss my calls unless you're in a meeting at work" she challenged and I sighed. "I didn't concentrate" I replied and she frowned, confused. "Concentrate on what? Your phone? Or yourself?" She asked, pulling me into the house and I sighed, shaking my head. "Never mind" I said again and just then she pulled me to seat beside her on the sofa. "What exactly is going on with you, Anna? You don't look fine" she muttered, pouting slightly as her eyes searched mine for answers. "Aiden is asking for a divorce" I broke the ice and I saw her eyes widen crazily as she jumped off the sofa. "What!!!!? Why? Did you guys have a fight? I bet he isn't for real" she said all at once and i chuckled sadly. I expected this reaction from her. I mean, this would be exactly everyone's reaction if they heard about this. "He's for real, Nita, I have barely forty hours to sign them." I said, failing to hold my tears back in any longer. "Oh my... Goddess! Anastasia. Why would he do that to you?" She asked softly, her own eyes brimming with unshed tears as she held both my hands and sat facing me. I explained the entire incident to her and she was back to fuming with rage as to why he wouldn't investigate or believe my words. "I think I'm cursed Nita" I added, dabbing at my tears and she immediately rebuked me. "Stop that, Anna. You're not cursed. Why would you ever say such abortive words?" She said with a frown and I sniffed. "Aiden is right. No one wants me because I'm not worth the attention" I replied and she wrapped her hands around me, obviously trying hard to stay strong for me. "Of course you are, Anna. You have me, you have such loving parents who care for you..." "They're not my biological parents, Nita" I interrupted her and she pulled away from me, staring at me dumbfounded at my revelation. "What?!!"
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