Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Early the next morning, Lieutenant John Parker pushes through the mob of reporters outside the hospital. Once inside, two student journalists approach and ask to speak with him privately. “Sir, we’ve received a call from an associate in Berlin. We think it’s important.” “All right, let’s hear it.” “Two photographers on assignment in a remote area of the Lofoten Islands sent these photos to a reporter in Berlin. Perplexed, the reporter sent the pictures to us.” The student hands over his phone. “Take a look, sir.” Johnny pages through the images. The reporter says, “The photographers traveled to Norway to shoot the Aurora Borealis. Their cameras focused on the horizon when the sky lit up with aircraft. One-by-one, the planes flew into the Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes. This struck them as odd, so they switched to their telephoto lenses and shot what they saw. Not that we know much about this type of thing, but it appears to be an international gathering of the elite.” Johnny studies the pictures, which show two Bombardiers BD-700, two Gulfstreams, and a Falcon 7x. “Can you forward the images to me?” The student nods and sends them. “Thank you. I’ve got them now. I’ll check it out and get back in touch soon.” While Johnny rises with the elevator, he considers how he’ll track down the owners of the private jets. He sends a quick text to his intelligence team. Dr. Aguirre leaves room 1130, as Johnny arrives to see his dad. “How’s he doing, doctor?” “Remarkably well. If you can, try to get him to take a few small steps. Just a few. It will help his circulation.” Johnny walks into the room, and it surprises him to see his dad sitting up and eating breakfast. “Wow, you must have had a good night’s sleep.” “Couldn’t have been better. I feel like a new person today. Doc said he might let me go home within the week.” “That’s great news. Where’s home? Not Annapolis, I assume?” “I need to stay local until I’m strong enough to fly. I have a nice setup at the base, and the General has assigned an Airman to help me. What more could I ask for?” “Sounds good, but I want you to know that I’m prepared to stay as long as you need me.” “I appreciate that, I truly do, but I’m certain the Army needs you more than I do. Too much is going on right now.” “I’m not making any plans yet. Let’s see how the day goes.” “Do you have any updates about the attacks?” “Only what I’ve mentioned already. It’s troubling. The police believe the students are being scapegoated.” “They use that language?” “Oh, yeah. The authorities believe it’s a setup and that someone will get hurt if it isn’t stopped. Speaking of setup, look at these photos. What do you see?” Parker takes Johnny’s cell and pages through the images. “I see a lot of money.” “Exactly. The jets landed in Norway last night. And, …” Johnny’s cell phone beeps to indicate the arrival of a text, which reads: International. One has ties to the Federal Reserve. Johnny looks at his dad, who studies him intently and says, “We may have stumbled upon the cabal. I’ve got to tell the students to be extra careful.” “Go ahead and go. I’m fine.” Down in the waiting room, Johnny meets with the student journalists. He explains, “The police departments are assisting Homeland Security and the FBI. They’re aware that it isn’t the students’ fault, but they’re not free to release information yet. The assumptions voiced by the networks, intentional or otherwise, are wrong and dangerous.” One of the group says, “We need to notify our team leader, sir. May we have permission to do so?” “Anything I’ve mentioned, you’re free to use. However, you cannot divulge my name.” “We understand that, sir. We’ll be careful.” “I wish I had more information for you, but I believe there will soon be a formal press release. I’ll give my liaison your contact information so that you get the notification simultaneously with the networks. Then we’ll all know what’s going on.” Johnny glances at the group. “I need to get back to my father, but there’s something else. The photos from your contact in Norway remain a mystery. Until we find out more, please don’t share them. I’ll get in touch soon. Take care.” He walks to the elevator and presses the button for the eleventh floor. As he exits, he gets a call from his contact in the NYPD and walks into his dad’s room as he listens. “Homeland Security has apprehended two Iraqi nationals, who set the explosives in the news stations. They were paid in new bills to plant the explosive. No tracking evidence. And their instructions came from untraceable iMessages. The terrorists never met their benefactor, nor did they know his name.” “Thanks, Frank. Is this information I can share?” “Homeland has authorized a news release, which we’re preparing and will have available within the hour. So, I need you to hold for now.” “Can you send the report to non-network reporters as well?” “Yeah. Anyone in particular?” “How about I give you a list?” “Get it to me within the hour, and I’ll make sure your folks receive a notification at the same time.” “I owe you one, Frank.” “A beer at O’Toole’s?” “For sure.” Parker listens with care to the one-sided conversation, and when his son ends the call, he speaks up, “What’s happening?” Johnny repeats the information for his dad’s benefit. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, son. Thank you.” “Hey, I’m near useless here, so if I can do anything like this, then I don’t feel so worthless.” “I know what you mean. I feel as if our way of life is at risk, and here I lay, unable to do anything.” “Stop that. You’re a hero, and you’ve got the wounds to prove it. There is something you can help me with, though.” “What’s that? Anything I can do, I will.” “The contact information for the alternative news reporters. Do you have that?” “Check the drawer on the side table. The list should be there.” “I’ve got it. I’ll go through the list and . . .” Johnny freezes. “Did you hear that?” Shouts and screams come from the hallway. Two gunshots echo down the corridor. Johnny darts to the door. Armed men approach. Johnny pulls out his gun and ammunition and turns to his dad and Julie. “I’ve got to get you out of harm’s way. We’ve got trouble. You guys ruffled the feathers of some nasty people.” His father demands, “What’s going on?” “I don’t know, but we’ve got company, and it’s not friendly.” Johnny gets a text from Taylor. The hospital’s locked down. I can’t get up to the floor. What’s happening? Johnny writes back. Shots down the hall. I’m ready. Taylor sends an immediate response. I’ll try to get up to you. Johnny pushes his dad’s bed next to Julie’s. Then he shoves the cabinets against the door and wedges the stops in place. Next, he moves the end table into a position that offers him some protection and sets his aim at the exit. “What’s happening, Joe?” Julie cries out, fear audible in her voice. Parker whispers, “We must stay calm and silent. Hospital security will get here momentarily, but ‘till then, we’re on our own. Johnny has his weapon, so we’re protected.” The door pushes open, and the barrel of an automatic weapon pokes into the gap and protrudes into the room. “Push it open, Tom,” one of the gunmen calls out. “I’m trying. It’s stuck. Get over here and help me.” Focused, Johnny crouches into firing position with his gun pointed at the opening in the doorway. Parker motions for Julie not to speak or move. The attackers force the door open. One of the gunmen raises his gun to shoot, but Johnny fires first. He makes a direct hit. The intruder falls, and his automatic lands next to him. Johnny grabs the weapon lying to the side of the assassin and returns to his original position. Another gunman calls out to his sidekick, “Tom’s been hit. We’ve got someone in there.” “Get the bastard!” More shots sound from down the hall. Security has arrived. “What the f**k? I thought we had a clear path,” an intruder yells. “We have to get out of here.” “It’s locked down, you fool.” “Get behind the desk over here.” More gunfire rumbles. “Davis, I’m hit. s**t, it wasn’t supposed to end this way.” Parker motions to Julie again, not to make a sound, not to move. Johnny stands ready. Multiple shots blast down the hallway, and then silence falls. Johnny eases to the door just as a security officer arrives. “We’ll have this cleaned up in five,” he calls on his radio and then turns to Johnny. “Did you check the body?” “Haven’t touched it,” Johnny says. “I’d sure like to know who the bastard is.” “Let’s take a look.” The security officer rolls the body over and looks up at Johnny. “Clean shot.” Johnny acknowledges his recognition with a nod. The officer then checks the guy’s pass lanyard. “Robert Sayer.” He checks the pockets and finds a wallet. “Interesting. His driver’s license says Thomas Brown. With the right uniform, it seems like you can breach security without a problem.” “What about the others?” “We’ll know soon. You had help.” “Who?” Taylor walks into the room, and the security officer salutes. “Couldn’t have done it without you, General.” Taylor salutes back. “These are my people. I’d do anything for them.” Johnny salutes, “And I for you, sir.” Parker breaks the seriousness by saying, “Hey, you two, let’s clean up my room.” They all laugh and push the furniture back into its usual place. Hospital staff arrive with a gurney. They pick up the body and lift it onto the stretcher. The security officer speaks to them privately. Once the staff has left with the gurney, the security officer says, “There’ll be a full investigation. But, given who we’re dealing with, I doubt we’ll make much headway.” Johnny asks, “What do you mean?” “They had approvals from the White House. That trumps our security. Two are dead, and the third won’t be talking for a while. I doubt he’ll leave here alive.” Johnny says, “Is he critical?” “The thug who ordered this hit won’t want him to speak. I’ve seen this scenario before. It’s just a matter of time.” “Whoever is behind this will send in an assassin to finish him?” “Yes.” Parker looks at Taylor. “The sooner we get out of this place, the better.” “Let’s make it happen.” Taylor turns to the security officer. “Will you keep me updated? I’ll try and get these two released for their own well-being. But I’d like you to keep me in the loop in terms of discovery.” “Normally, that wouldn’t be possible. But you’ve proven yourself, sir.” He hands Taylor his business card. “Call me directly, and I’ll share what I know. This stays between you and me. I served two terms in the Army. I know a good man when I meet him.” Taylor nods. “Thank you, I appreciate the confidence.”
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