Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 The General’s car nears the hospital entrance, but the driver spots the swarms of reporters and camera crews and turns down a side street. He heads for the loading dock at the rear of the complex. “Much better here, sir.” “Thank you. We’ll visit for an hour and be back down. See you then.” Taylor and his wife disappear into the service elevator and head to the eleventh floor. Becka takes a deep breath before stepping out. The General leads the way. “Look who’s here,” Johnny calls out. “Hey, team. Becka and I decided a visit was imperative, especially since Julie is doing so well.” Becka rushes to Julie’s side and puts the flowers on the bedside stand. Taylor turns to the Admiral. “You’re looking good, my friend. You’ve got color in your face. How are you feelin’?” “Well, I can’t complain. For an old guy who got shot in the chest, I’m doing super. It turns out that the Medal of Honor saved me.” “You’re kidding, right?” “No, I’m dead serious. The bullet hit the medal, pressed it against my heart, but caused no damage there, and then exited. It’s a good thing you instructed us to wear our dress uniforms, or I wouldn’t be talking with you now.” “Sometimes you wonder, don’t you? What about your left arm? Has feeling returned?” “A little. Johnny massaged it earlier, and since then, I’ve felt a tingling in my fingers.” “That sounds hopeful. At least you have sensation.” Johnny interrupts to ask if anyone would like a cup of coffee. “I’m headed down to the cafeteria and can bring back a cup of brew if you like.” Taylor speaks up, “You know, some coffee would be great. Black.” Parker says, “Wish I could join you, son, but the doc has me on a pretty limited diet.” Johnny nods. “Okay, one coffee it is. I’ll be back in a few.” Taylor watches him leave and comments, “You’ve plenty to be proud of, Parker.” “I know, he’s an impressive young man. What’s happening at the base?” “We’re still locked down. Actually, all bases are on high alert. POTUS is deeply involved and expects regular reports. He knows that security is compromised and even feels cautious toward some of his staff.” “What have we come to?” A message to General Taylor beeps on his phone and interrupts their conversation. He reads the text and says, “Well, this isn’t good.” “What’s wrong?” “There’s been an explosion at NBC. Thus far, they have three wounded and might have more. Reporters suggest this is the result of those critical of network news.” Parker’s jaw drops. “Unbelievable. So, they’re attributing this terrorist act to student journalists? I doubt any of the students would go near NBC, and they certainly wouldn’t be allowed in.” “Didn’t you say that Johnny knows officers in the NYPD? Military buddies, who joined after their tour was up?” “That’s what he told me. And, as far as I know, they respect him.” “When he gets back, let’s ask him if he has any connections that might shed light on this craziness. Who knows, there could be a link.” A couple of minutes later, Johnny hurries back into the room and gives Taylor his cup of coffee. “Black, just like you wanted. Did you hear?” “About NBC?” “Not just NBC, Dad. A few minutes ago, CNN in Atlanta got hit. One fatality for certain, many more injured.” Taylor shakes his head and frowns. “By chance, do you know anyone with the NYPD?” “You think they might have inside information, and maybe surveillance footage?” “You read my mind.” “Well, I have a few contacts. I can’t be sure of what they know or not, but they’ll give it to me straight.” Johnny walks to the far corner of the room and soon enters into an animated conversation. When he returns to the bedside, he looks troubled. “They know it’s not the students. They obtained footage of a person leaving a package by the receptionist’s desk. They have the person’s identity but won’t say who. They’re working with the Atlanta PD. All they’d tell me is that the terrorists aren’t American. Homeland is handling both cases.” The General’s eyebrows raise. “Do they believe this was a random act of terror or part of a larger plot?” “Part of a larger plot. It involves another country, apparently.” Taylor grimaces and shakes his head. “I need to get back to the base.” He looks over at Becka and motions that it’s time to leave. Julie rouses and squeezes Becka’s hand. “Don’t worry about me, sis. I’m doing great, and look at all this company. We’ll see each other tomorrow.” Taylor calls his driver to explain that he’ll be down shortly and to pick him up at the loading dock. “Yes, sir. There’s quite a gathering at the front of the hospital. Reporters are clamoring about a conspiracy to block their coverage of the news.” “We’ll avoid them. See you in five.” All eyes settle on General Taylor. “We’ve got a mess. I’ll see you guys in the morning. Take care, Parker. No tricks tonight.” “Hey, drive safely. This thing is exploding.” The Admiral laughs and says, “Ha. Pardon the pun.” The others join him in the laughter, but the shared mirth has a tense edge to it. Then Parker tells Johnny, “I need to get some sleep. Leave with General Taylor to avoid the media frenzy.” “Are you sure, Dad? I can spend the night. The easy chair in the corner looks pretty inviting.” “There’s nothing you can do here, and I’m certain your Commanding Officer needs you to report in. Stop by in the morning.” “Well, I’ll decide one way or the other when I see you tomorrow, Dad.” “Okay, I’m feeling the love.” Johnny gives his dad a pat on the shoulder and leaves the room with the General and his wife. The Admiral looks over at Julie. “This has escalated in a way we didn’t expect. We’re dealing with entities that want to destroy, and we don’t even know who they are.” “Joe, my dear, when you put it that way, it sounds like Armageddon.” “But, don’t you feel it?” “Yeah, and I suspect we’re in this hospital because we came too close to exposing the predators. It tells me that we’re in danger now.” “They have more to worry about than us. Too many people have the files—thanks to you. But we’ve rattled someone’s cage, and they don’t like it.” “And you don’t believe we’re in danger?” “I see your point. At least this part of the hospital is a locked-down unit. Nobody can get up here without clearance.” Julie reaches for him. “I’d sure like to hold your hand right now.” “I’ll call the nurse. We should be able to manage that.” He punches the call button, and a nurse comes in a few minutes later. “Could you help us? We’d like to move our beds closer so that we can hold hands.” The nurse smiles. “What a sweet request. Give me a second, and I’ll have you two next to each other.” Once they lie close enough together, Parker takes Julie’s hand. “The world could end, but I’ll leave this life happily if I’m holding your hand.” Julie chuckles. “You’re quite the romantic, Joe.” “That may be, but I mean it. With your hand in mine, I feel at peace.” “Let’s pray for a long life. I need more time with you, my dear man.” “A long life it is.”
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