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(Malik) We finished our food and headed towards the same place we were yesterday, but this time my sister Janel and Donna joined us. When I spotted my mate, she was in a corner writing something down. I could see her once in a while taking bites from her sandwich. ‘She needs to eat and leave whatever she’s doing for when she’s done eating’ Shadow grumbled, not liking how our mate preferred to get whatever she was doing done before eating. ‘Hey guys, let’s join them’ I said to my friends and sister. I walked towards my beautiful mate and from the corner of my eye I could see the other ladies nudging each other while one of them had a huge smile on her face. “Do you guys mind if we join you?” Janel asked. “No, not at all?” one of the humans said. I believe her name is Layla. She was also the one with the huge smile. “I’m Janel, this is my brother Malik, my friend Donna, and our friends Andy and Randy” Janel introduced us and I gave them a nod. “I’m Layla, this is Naomi, this is Sara, and that’s Destiny” Layla introduced, pointing to each person. “So, do you guys have dates for prom?” Janel asked while I picked up my mate’s feet, making her look at me in surprise. I sat down, placing her legs on my lap. “What has you so busy that you haven’t finished your lunch?” I asked. “Just finishing your notes” she said. “I can wait, but lunch can’t” I said, handing her the sandwich. She blushed, taking the sandwich and began to eat. She tried to move her legs, but I made sure she kept them there. “What about you Destiny, are you going to prom?” Donna asked. “I’m not sure” she said. “Why is that?” I asked. “She doesn’t have anyone to take her. No one has asked her. At least not yet”, Naomi said. “Why not? She’s beautiful” Janel said, making my mate blush. The other girls shrugged while I just looked at my mate. I could feel my friends and sister looking at me. "Well, I'm sure someone will ask her", Donna said, making Janel nod and the humans smiled. “Oh, Destiny, I heard Crystal call last night pretty late. Are you going on the pass next weekend?” Layla asked. “She called, but it was to tell me that she wouldn’t be able to take me this weekend. Her mom had a heart attack, so she needs to take care of her” my mate said, looking down at her hands. “Wait, so you’re going to be at the group home alone?” Sara asked. “I’ll be fine, it’s just a weekend” Destiny said, as if it was nothing, but I could hear the sadness in her voice. This meant something to her and, by the reaction of the other girls, it was important. “What’s a pass?” I asked. “It’s something that they do in group homes and foster homes to give the workers or foster parents some time off. It’s every other weekend. A family calls wanting to take a child for the weekend. They have to pass the background and some other stuff, and then they get the child they want for that weekend”, Layla said. “And what do they do?” Donna asked. “Anything they want. They can go shopping, out to dinner, etc. As long as the child is back at the group home at a certain time on Sunday, in this case Monday, since Monday is a holiday”, Naomi said. ‘That’s perfect. We can have mom and dad do this. This way you can spend the weekend with your mate and get to know her’ Janel linked me. ‘That would be awesome’ I linked her. I noticed my mate was quiet. I looked at her to see she had finished her sandwich and she had put on the hoodie from my jacket. “Hey D, do you have gum?” Naomi asks. “Yeah, is in my bag” my mate said. “Is it okay if I ask you guys a question?” Janel asked. “Sure” Naomi said. “How come you guys are in a group home?” Janel asked. At this I felt my mate stiffen. I picked her up which made her gasp as she looked up at me with wide eyes. I smiled and placed her on my lap. She blushed and continued writing. “My whole family died in a car accident when I was twelve. I was at a friend’s house when my friend’s mom got a knock on her door. Cops showed up and took me away. When I found out why they were taking me away, I cried for days. I was given to my grandma, but when grandma found out what happened, it gave her a heart attack and she lost her life. So, I was put in the system”, Naomi said. “My parents are drug addicts and tried to sell me for drugs, but the police intervened before anything happened. My aunts or uncles didn’t want me, so I was placed in the system”, Sara said. “My parents were abusive towards me. They didn’t care about me. They didn’t pay attention to me unless they were angry. One day, I went to school with a black eye and the teacher called the department of children and families. That’s how I ended up in the group home”, Layla said. “What about you Destiny?” Janel asked. I could hear her heart pounding in her chest. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want,” I said, making her look up at me and give me a small, sad smile. “I… uh… I don’t know my parents. I never did. I only had a guardian and the day she died, I was quickly put in the system since I had no other family”, Destiny said. It was basically the same thing Keith told Andy. Janel looked at Destiny for a second before looking at the others. My mate whimpers and begins to squirm, rubbing her round ass on my c**k. I know she could feel what she was doing to me. I tightened my hold on her and brought my lips to her ear. “You’re making me hard. Now, how am I supposed to walk around school with a hard on?” I purred, making her visibly shudder. She turned her head towards me and gestured for me to get closer, so I did. “I can help you with that” she said before taking my earlobe between her teeth and gently nibbling on it before pulling back. I held back a growl as my fingers dug into her thighs. She moaned softly into my ear, making me look into her eyes. I felt like I was losing control. I’m ready to take her here and now. I looked at her lips and began to lean closer when the stupid bell rang, making my mate jump. She blinked a few times before blushing. She grabbed her bag and placed everything in it, then handed me my notes. “Thank you, and I’m sorry for…” she said, looking down at my c**k as her blush deepened. I fixed myself before taking the notes. “You don’t need to be sorry”, I assured her before kissing her cheek. We all walked to different classes. While I, on the other hand, went to the office. I needed to change all my classes to the ones Destiny has. See, when we find our mates, we always need to be close to them, because if not, then our wolves won’t be calm or pay attention. So, I’m glad our principal is a wolf. After this I need to talk to my parents about this pass that Destiny and the girls were talking about. ***
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