Feel the Mate Bond

1330 Words
(Malik) I have been looking for my mate all morning. Janel said that she talked to her this morning and that she looked exhausted. She also told me that she didn’t touch her breakfast and Donna, my Beta and Gamma’s mate told me she heard my mate’s stomach growling. Now I’m heading towards Science class with a chocolate chip cookie that’s the size of my hand, a protein bar, and a Brisk iced tea. The second I walk into science class, my mate’s intoxicating scent of strawberries and chocolate fills my nose. Mm, I love strawberries and chocolate. I took another deep breath and I walked close to my mate who had her head down and her eyes closed. I could hear her heart beating faster the closer I got to her. I gently touch her cheek, earning a soft gasp as she opens her eyes. Goddess, she’s beautiful. “Malik” she smiles before sitting up. “Hi. I brought you something” I said, placing the stuff on the table. Her stomach growled loudly, which made her blush. “Oh, thank you. I kind of skipped breakfast. I owe you one” she said, taking the protein bar and opening it before taking a bite. “Mm, this is good” she said, covering her mouth, and I grinned. She then jumped up and began to take off my jacket. “Use it, it looks better on you” I said, making her blush again. “Would you like a bite?” she asked, offering me a bite of her protein bar. “No, I already ate” I smiled. I grabbed the iced tea and opened it for her. “Thank you” she said, taking a sip. “How come you look so tired today?” I asked. “I had problems sleeping last night” she said. I don't know what happened before I got there or after I left, but from the looks of it, it looks like she didn't sleep much. I also had a talk with the principal . It seems he called the group home and told them that Destiny started the problem with Bayley and got her in trouble. I told the principal I wanted to see the footage from the camera because I was there. I saw everything, but he said the footage was damaged, which I know was a lie. I called dad and told him what happened. It seems that it wasn't the first time Principal Stevens had a problem with someone. The last time he did it was with another human and something tells me that he has something against humans, but dad said he was going to look into it. ‘Maybe the mate bond is already working. She needs to be close to us to rest’, Shadow said. ‘You think so?’ I asked. ‘Yes, she’s human, but the mate bond works on her as well’ Shadow said. ‘Then maybe I should get all my classes changed’, I suggested. ‘Not a bad idea. I want to be close to our mate’, Shadow said. I looked at my mate as she happily finished the protein bar, then unwrapped the chocolate chip cookie. She breaks a piece and shyly brings it to my lips. I opened my mouth and took the cookie. She smiles and takes a piece. The bell rings signaling that class is going to start. “Is it okay if I call you today?” I asked, making her look at me. I chuckled and wiped the chocolate from her bottom lip before licking it off. “Um… sure” she said as the tips of her ears turned red. I chuckled again before kissing her cheek and sitting on the empty chair next to her. She blushed as she placed half of her cookie in her bag before grabbing the iced tea and taking a drink before offering me some. I took a small sip before putting the cap back on. Class started and about ten minutes into the class, Destiny put her head back down. I could tell she was exhausted. I noticed Mr. Roberts looking at her before he started making his way towards us while still talking. He reached a hand towards my mate, maybe to wake her up, but I grabbed his wrist before he could touch her. I gave him a warning growl before looking at my mate. Destiny was the only human in our class. “I’m sorry, Alpha” Mr. Roberts said before walking back to the front. A few students looked at me, but I didn’t care. I got up for a second, which made my mate whimper in her sleep. Her whimper made me look at her. ‘Sit back down’ Shadow growled. I sat closer to my mate, our thighs touching. When it was five minutes until class ended, I gently touched my beautiful mate’s face, making her eyes flutter open. “Hey beautiful, class is almost over” I said, making her eyes widen before sitting up straight. “Relax, you can use my notes” I told her. “I’ve never slept in class before. It’s surprising how well I slept” she said, rubbing her eyes. “Well, that’s what happens when you don’t sleep much at night” I said, and she nodded. “True, and thank you for letting me use your notes. I’ll give them to you during lunch” she smiled just as the bell rang. “No problem, beautiful” I said before I leaned down and kissed her cheek. I walked towards my friends and we left the classroom. We walked into the cafeteria and grabbed our lunch. Destiny wasn’t far behind. As soon as she entered the cafeteria, her eyes went to me. One of her friends must have said something which made her eyes widen before she shoved her friend, which caused them all to laugh. When she came out of the line she looked a bit lost in thought. Even one of her friends placed a hand on her shoulder to gain her attention. Destiny nodded her head and left the cafeteria. “I got a call from Keith when we entered the science classroom. He said that he dug into Destiny’s records. She has been in foster care since she was eight years old after a woman who claimed to be her guardian passed away. Since then, Destiny has been all over. She has even been to foster homes and group homes and hasn’t stayed there longer than a month before she is shipped out to another home”, Andy says, which made me look towards the door my mate disappeared to. “He said this group home that she is in now has been the longest she has been in. She has a history of being a runaway as well”, Andy said. “What about her parents? Where are they?” I asked. “No one knows. A DNA test was done with the guardian who had Destiny, and they weren’t related. But the woman took good care of Destiny as far as they could see. When the guardian passed away, the government took Destiny and put her in the system since she had no other family. Destiny has always had good grades in school, even with all the moving around. If she had been stable in one place, she could have graduated early and gone to college”, Andy said. “What about before she was eight years old?” I asked. “There is nothing. It’s like she never existed. Keith is currently going through missing persons, but we need a picture of Destiny”, Andy said. “Alright. I’ll see if I can get you one. Thanks man”, I said, and he nodded. This is a mystery. A mystery I'm going ot solve one day.
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