My Heart Hurt

1943 Words
(Destiny) Ever since I found my mate, the desire to be with him has been growing more and more. Sin, my succubus, told me it’s normal because of what we are, but she said that after we mate, it will get better. Somehow, Malik now has all my classes now, which feels amazing and calms my demon and angel down, but after school and during the weekend it is pure hell. The want and need is getting harder to control, and I want to take him every time I see him. Instead, I found a way to call Malik in my dreams. At first, we were both shocked, but then we went along with it. In my dreams I didn’t show him my identity, not yet, but we do make sweet love and it feels so real. At first, it hurt, but he took care of me. I don’t bring him into my dreams all the time just once in a while. Things with Malik have been progressing. We have been holding hands now, and I can’t get enough of those sparks. I have noticed that he is very protective of me, especially when other males get close. I try not to show it, but I’m the same way. I don’t like other females getting closed to him. “There they are” Naomi said. I looked up to see Malik grinning at me. We meet in front of the cafeteria every morning to grab breakfast. We all hear a squeal and turn only to see a blur of bleached blonde jump on my mate, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him into a kiss. It was Bayley. Everyone gasped in shock and Janel even growled, but it broke my heart to see it. My hand went to my chest as I looked at them. My heart hurt. Malik grabbed Bayley by the waist, but I couldn’t watch anymore. Sin and Raziel were fighting me for control, and it was painful. Not to mention the pain in my chest. I turned around and took off running. I heard someone shout for me, but I couldn’t stop. I needed to get out of there, so I ran to the back of the school and into the woods. As soon as I entered the woods behind the school, I let out a loud roar, dropping my backpack, but I didn’t stop. I continued to run, not able to see clearly where I was going because of my tears. Sin and Raziel wanted out, and I knew they were going to win. Usually, Raziel keeps Sin calm, but after what they both saw, I knew it wasn’t going to happen this time. I tripped and stumbled to the ground landing on all fours. Black dots were appearing in my vision and I knew I was fighting a losing battle. I took off my mate’s jacket, then I heard a rip. I tried to stop it but I lost consciousness. *** (Malik) I followed my mate’s scent into the woods behind the school. I was a bit nervous because I heard a loud roar and it wasn’t human. I needed to find her and tell her how sorry I am. I was as surprised as everyone else was when Bayley jumped on me and kissed me, but now Bayley is on her way to the dungeons where I will speak to her once I find my mate and I know she’s okay. ‘We’re getting closer to the border’ Shadow informed me. He’s talking about the border where rogues can walk without any problems. If she crossed the border she’d be in danger. I need to find her fast. Just then, the stench of a rogue hit me. That's when I saw a male throw my mate over his shoulder. I roared and lunged at the rogue, which caused him to drop my mate to the ground. Before he could even shift to his wolf form, I ripped out his throat. I quickly shift into my human form and look at my mate. The back of her shirt is ripped, and she has dirt on her face, jeans and hands, but that’s all. ‘I found her. I need clothes’. I linked my Gamma and sister. ‘I’ll go to your car and get a change of clothes’, Randy said. ‘I also need a shirt for my mate’ I said. ‘I’ll get one from my car’ Janel said. I picked her up and grabbed the jacket and began to walk back to the school. When I saw Randy and Janel, Janel quickly changed Destiny’s shirt while Randy and I looked away. Randy then took Destiny while I put on my clothes and told them what happened. “We’ll go clean that up” Randy said. “Okay, I’ll get Destiny to the nurse’s office to get checked out” I said. When I took her to the nurse’s office she was checked out and the nurse said she was fine. “She probably passed out because of the pain. Since she’s human the pain of a betrayal is stronger for them” Nurse Kathy said. “How long until she wakes up?” I asked. “I don’t know. I have never dealt with a human passing out because of a betrayal” she admitted. “Can I stay here with her until she wakes?” I asked. “Of course Alpha” she bowed her head in respect before she left. The minute she left I called my father. I knew he was going to ask why Bayley was in the dungeons, so I needed to tell him before he let her out. I also needed to ask her about humans and betrayals. “Hey son” dad said answering on the fourth ring. “Hey dad” I said and began to explain what happened. “Everyone is different, son. She will wake up when her body says it’s okay and don’t worry, I won’t let Bayley out, but you should worry more about what you’re going to tell your mate when she wakes up. She probably will feel like she’s not good enough for you” dad said. “Okay dad. Thank you” I said before hanging up the phone. I sat there for about two more hours when I heard my mate groan. She opened her eyes and looked around before her eyes landed on me. The second she looked me in the eyes, I saw hurt in her eyes. “Destiny, I’m so sorry. I had no idea Bayley was going to do that. I tried to push her away, but she had her legs locked behind my back. When I was able to get her off, Naomi said you had taken off. I ran after you, but I found you on the ground passed out” I said to my mate. “It’s okay if you prefer Bayley, Malik. She’s beautiful, athletic, I can’t say she’s smart, but she’s not that dumb either”, Destiny said. Dad was right. Now she thinks she’s not good enough for us. ‘Fix this. Fix it now’ Shadow growled. “I don’t want Bayley” I said, taking her hands in mine. “From the first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. You’re the only woman I want. Destiny, will you be my girlfriend?” I asked, making her eyes widen. “W- what? A-are you sure?” she asked. “More than anything” I admitted. She opened her mouth but then closed it. “What happened with Bayley will never happen again” I assured her. Destiny looked up at me and nodded. “Okay, Malik. I’ll be your girlfriend” she said. I jumped up to my feet and hugged her. I went to kiss her, but she stopped me and wiped my lips making me laugh then I kissed her cheek. “This is not my shirt” she said when I put her back down on the bed. “Oh, Janel helped change your shirt because it was ripped in the back when I found you” I told her. She stiffened for a second. “It’s okay. It probably ripped when you were running through the woods. You’re okay” I assured her and she relaxed. The bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. “Come on, you missed breakfast. You should eat something” I said, taking her hand in mine. We grabbed our backpacks then walked to the cafeteria. As soon as her friends see her, they rush towards her and hug her. “Are you okay?” Layla asked. “I’m fine” my mate says. “Malik, where is Bayley?” I heard Candice ask, before I could even answer, Destiny pushed Candice back until Candice hit the wall. “My boyfriend has no idea where your slut of a friend is, but when you find her, tell her that what she did is going to cost her and if you don’t want to be involved, then you should walk the f**k away before I make you”, Destiny said, running one finger down Candice's upper arm. Candice hissed as if she was in pain, but I didn’t see Destiny do anything to her. Candice nodded her head and took off like a bat out of hell. “Well, s**t. That’s a first” Layla said making Sara and Naomi nod in agreement. Destiny shook her head a bit before turning to us. “Sorry. I don’t know what came over me” Destiny said a bit confused. “I do. You were protecting what is yours” Janel said. “Right, you two are dating now?” Naomi asked making my mate blush. “Yup and I apologized for what happened” I said. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It was Bayley” Sara said as we got our food. I noticed Destiny got double the food she always do which meant she was starving because she had skipped breakfast. I paid for all of our food and we went to our spot. “Are you ready for the exam?” Layla asked. “You know I am” Destiny said. “We were talking about seeing if we could stay with you at the group home”, Sara said. “Don’t you dare. This is your time to also have a normal weekend. Have fun, I’ll be fine”, Destiny said. “Are you sure?” Naomi said. “Yes, I’m sure” Destiny smiled before continuing to eat her food. My friends, sister, and I look at each other. She has no idea that she will spend this weekend with me. My parents will pick Destiny up around six, which gives me time to get everything ready in the cabin. We talked about anything and everything. When Destiny finished eating, I picked her up and placed her on my lap. About fifteen minutes later, the bell rang letting us know that lunch was over. “Are you ready for the exam?” my mate asked me. “Always” I said, kissing the spot where the shoulder and neck meet which is where I will also mark her. She shuddered, fisting my shirt, she then reached up tangling her fingers in my hair and slightly pulling. I bit back a growl of approval and hugged her. When we pulled apart we walked to class and got ready for our exam. ***
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