People Like Us

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(Malik) I still can’t believe it. After so many years, I have finally found her. I came to this school after my Alpha training and I found my mate. She’s beautiful with long, curly black hair, long legs which I would love to have wrapped around me, full baby doll lips, and goddess her eyes. Her eyes looked so blue, an electric blue. If I didn’t know she was human, I would have thought her eyes were glowing. When I saw her come out of the gym with those shorts and shirt, I wanted to mate her right then and there, but I had to remind Shadow that she’s human and doesn’t know our customs. I could tell she was uncomfortable, so I let her wear my jacket and damn it looked good on her. I felt a pat on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at my Beta Andy, to see him gesturing to the bus. I watched as she sat down on the back of the bus and leaned back. Not long after, one of the girls that was with her during lunch joins her and soon the other two do as well. “Were you guys able to find anything on Destiny?” I asked the twins. “Not much. Her birthday is in a couple of months, and she arrived at this school a little over a month ago. Besides that, her file is sealed by the government. Maybe we can call Keith for a favor”, Randy, my Gamma and best friend said. “That or have our mate and your sister talk to her so they can become friends” Andy, my Beta and other best friend said. “Yeah, that would be nice, especially with Bayley and Candice giving her trouble”, Randy said. Just then, my mate looks at me and I see her blush. I can’t stop looking at her. Suddenly, I swear I saw her eyes flash, but it might have been a trick of the light or something because she’s human. She looks away and one of her friends hands her some papers. Not long after, the bus leaves. “That sounds like a good idea. You should talk to your mate, and I’ll talk to my sister” I said. “You know, it would also help if you asked her out on a date or to be your girlfriend. That’s how humans do it”, Andy said. That didn't sound like a bad idea, but how would it work with her being in a group home? “Oh, prom is coming. You should ask her to prom”, Randy said. “Do you think she’ll say yes?” I asked. “Are you kidding? That’s all I’ve been hearing all the females talk about, including one of her friends”, Andy said. “Okay, I’ll ask her to prom” I said. I saw my sister and Donna get in my sister’s car, so we got in my car and drove back to the pack. ‘Janel, when we get to the pack, can you meet me in my room? I have something to talk to you about’ I linked my sister. ‘Only if you help me with my science work’ she linked me. 'Fine. I'll help'. I linked back before cutting off the link. I parked in the garage then got out of the car. “Andy, give Keith a call. I want to know what he can find out about my mate” I said. “Okay” he said before they both rushed to their mate and went inside. I walked inside the pack house and went to the kitchen where mom and dad were. “Hey honey. How was school?” mom asked. “It was good. I… uh… I found my mate” I said. “That’s awesome. Who is she?” dad asked excitedly. Dad, mom, and I have been talking about me taking the Alpha title. With my mate now in the picture, once i tell her what I am and if she accepts me, mom can teach her the ropes of being a Luna, and we can both rule together. I will teach her how to defend herself since she's human. 'Mate didn't do badly dodging Baayley's attacks' Shadow reminded me. That was true. She moved with ease and I found it hot even when she shoved Bayley. “Her name is Destiny Clearwater, and she’s human” I said. Both of my parents looked at each other a bit surprised. “Well, that’s going to be interesting” dad said. “I know. I’m going to ask her to prom and slowly take it from there” I said. “Well, it seems you have everything figured out, honey, but if you need to talk about anything, we are here for you” mom said. “Thanks mom. I have to go. I have homework”, I said before kissing her cheek and grabbing an apple, then I went up to my room. I threw my backpack on the bed and took off my shoes when a knock echoed in my room. “Come in”, I called, knowing it was my sister. “Hey, you said you needed to talk to me?” my sister asked, sitting down on the sofa. “Yes, do you know Destiny Clearwater?” I asked. “Yeah, I mean I’ve seen her in school with three other humans. She’s very quiet and smart. Why?” Janel asked. “She’s my mate” I said truthfully. “No s**t. Really?” Janel asked, surprised. “Yes” I said. “Damn, the moon goddess works in mysterious ways” she said, and I nodded. “Yes. Anyway, I know we usually stay away from humans, but I would like for you to befriend her and get to know her. Also find out what happened to her to become an orphan” I said. “Okay, but I’m going to become her real friend, not a fake friend, okay?” Janel said. “Of course. Thanks sis” I said. “Sure, now can you help me?” she asked, pointing to her backpack. I chuckled and nodded my head. After I helped my sister with her homework, she left, and I was left alone in my room to do my own homework. I looked at the number in my notebook. I wanted to call Destiny so badly and hear her voice, but I didn't want to seem desperate. I sighed and put my books back in my backpack before going outside and shifting to my wolf form. Maybe if I go for a run I'll feel better. I took off running and let Shadow take the lead. I could see him going to the East border and even crossed it. 'Where are you going, Shadow?' I asked him. I wasn't worried because we were still in the woods. 'Mate. I want to see mate', Shadow said. 'We don't even know where she is', I reminded him. 'You don't, but I do. Don't you feel it? Because I can feel the bond pulling us towards her', Shadow said. I closed my eyes and focused on my beautiful mate. I could feel a slight pull and as we got closer it got stronger. My eyes snapped open and I saw a large house. As soon as we stepped foot on the property, I saw a thin blue light. It looked like a thread. Shadow followed the thread, and it led us to the back of the house where there was a light on. The glowing thread let inside the room, so I sat back and waited. After a few minutes, another door opened and my beautiful mate walked into the room and slammed the door. She looked to be... angry? Not long after, the three girls enter and give my mate a hug. I could see my mate saying something, so i heightened my sense. "-Principal is an asshole. He shouldn't have lied like that" my mate shouted. "Destiny, this is the way things are for people like us", Layla said. "Unfortunately, Layla is right. The best thing we can do it ignore it and continue forward", Sara said. "It shouldn't be like this. We are humans. We never asked to have this life. This is- every time I think a place is going to be different it's just the same as the others" my beautiful mate said, and I could hear the hurt and tiredness in her voice. "We know D, but you don't have long. Focus on that right now. Don't focus on what just happened", Naomi said. "Yes, you can even focus on the hottie from school" Layla suggested. "Yeah, do that" Sara said. "Oh, come on. He's probably trying to be nice. Now that he knows that I'm an orphan, he is going to treat me like everyone else does. He will run from me faster than Speedy Gonzales", my mate said. She has no idea how wrong she is. "I don't know about that. The way he was looking at you today, looked like he wanted to eat you all night long" Naomi wiggled her eyebrows, making my mate blush while the others laughed. She had no idea how right she was about that. "How about we head to the gym and work out some of this pent up anger?" Layla suggested. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea" Sara said. My mate nodded her head, and they all got up. That's when I saw my mate look towards the window as if she knew I was there, which is impossible. Destiny turned and left the room after turning off the light. After a couple of minutes, I decided to run back to the pack with Shadow whimpering like a pup wanting his mate. ***
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