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Alpha Teddy’s POV My aunt and I are headed to the Crescent Lake pack. My cousin is being executed today for her actions against the future alphas. My aunt is beside herself with grief but we both knew that this was going to be the punishment once she confessed to her actions. We get to the gate and instead of meeting the alphas in the office, we are escorted to the viewing area. All packs have an arena-like area for viewing, training, fights or challenges. Alpha Trevor informs us that Tina has invoked a formal challenge to Desiree. “Alpha Trevor, is this a good idea? Desiree is human, she can’t fight Tina” I exclaimed. “Alpha Teddy, as you know, per werewolf law, you can’t deny a formal challenge. Desiree has accepted, so the challenge will proceed.” “When Tina wins, will she still be executed?” my aunt asks “Yes, this has nothing to do with her actions and confession. She will still be put to death per the order from the council. She is aware of this and still wants to fight Desiree”. Alpha Trevor says We walk to the ranked member section of the viewing area and sit waiting for the challenge to begin. I see Desiree on the side getting her hands taped. She is beautiful, and her body is even curvier. I can’t believe I messed that up. My wolf stands up and prances in my mind seeing her. He has been whining since we left last week. He only talks to me to berate me and tell me how useless I am since I lost his mate. The fight begins and Desiree is amazing. I didn’t know she had such fighting skills. Tina told me she was a worthless human. Human or not, there is nothing worthless about her. I wonder if I can talk to her and try to apologize again. She takes a few hits but ends the fight with a roundhouse kick that has knocked my cousin out. I turned ready to leave when I heard yelling and gasps. My cousin has shifted and plans to attack Desiree “We have to stop this. Her wolf will kill Desiree” I said to Alpha Trevor. “Lily and Tina, stand down. The challenge is over and you have lost. Shifting was against the rules”, Alpha Trevor yells. Lily must be Tina’s wolf's name. She doesn’t respond but advances on Desiree. I screamed for Desiree to run. Then I see her produce an energy ball and throw it at Tina. An energy ball? She’s a witch, not human. That explains the water. So much makes sense now, and I feel like an even bigger asshole for what I did to her. I zone out as I think of what an i***t I am and how I gave up my mate due to lies from Tina. I came out of my trance to the sound of Desiree’s voice. “I never lied to anyone. Yes, I am a witch and a wolf. I came to this pack because Alpha Trevor agreed to allow me to shift and train here. You did not get to know me or ask anything about me. You assumed I was human. You showed me nothing but hate since I got here. You abused me and even put me in the hospital. In addition, you used spells and potions on your future alphas to get them to choose you as Luna. Do you deny these allegations?” She says “I am going to kill you. You are not worthy of them. They are mine. I am glad I assaulted you all those times. I am glad my cousin raped and rejected you. You don’t deserve to be here. You definitely don’t deserve the twins. Yes, I used magic on them because they are mine, and I will do whatever I have to, to be their mate and luna” Tina yells. I raped my mate. I didn’t talk to her about my cousin's allegations. I deceived her and raped her, then rejected her. What I did is unforgivable. She will never forgive me. I thought with time I could apologize, but hearing Tina throw what I did at Desiree makes me realize my actions are unforgettable. I violated the gift the goddess gave me, there’s no fixing this. I look up to see Desiree use her magic to put shorts on the twins and to break my cousin's neck. She killed Tina. My mate killed my cousin. This is too much. Desiree and the twins walk away with some other females. I watched the doctor come and confirm that Tina is dead. I already know she is by the way my aunt is crying. She is feeling the bond with her daughter break. Alpha Trevor releases Tina’s body to us, and we take her home for burial. That evening I was in bed contemplating the events of the day. I was given an amazing mate. The moon goddess knew she would be perfect for me. After seeing her in action, I can’t let her go. I have to have her. She was made for me and is perfect in every way. She will accept my apology and then accept the bond. I will get my mate back, by any means necessary!!
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