Chapter 31

1210 Words
Desiree's POV Tina right away rushes at me. I step to the side and hit her on her back as she passes me. With her momentum and my hit, she face plants into the dirt. She jumps up quickly and wipes the dirt out of her face. She looks at me and comes at me again. She swings her right fist at me and I duck, hitting her with a right to her ribs. She bends to hold the area I hit, and I deliver a left jab to her head. She falls to the ground. I step back as she struggles to get up. When she gets up she takes a fist full of dirt and throws it at me. Luckily, I had already stepped back from her, so not much of the dirt reached me. I did close my eyes, she took advantage of this and punched me in the face and my back as I turned away from her. I recovered and elbow strike her to the head, causing her to fall to the ground. I move away to get my bearings. I get back into a fighting stance as she gets up. She is furious now. She rushes at me again, and I use her momentum and punch her in the nose, hearing that satisfying crunch, she turns her head holding her face, eyes watering. “You can’t beat me. I am a wolf, you are just a human. I am better than you.” "So you say, but you are the one getting your ass whipped right now." "They are mine" she yells “Tina, just submit and let's end this.” “I will never submit to you” She comes at me again, and I deliver a roundhouse kick to her head. She falls to the ground knocked out. I stood there a couple of seconds to see if she would get up. There is no movement but she is still alive. I walked back to Leticia and Sharon. She may not have gotten many hits but they did hurt. I know my back is bruised and I may have a rib fracture. “That has been one minute without movement from Tina Turner, that will count as a submission and this challenge is over. Desiree Maxwell is the winner of the challenge” Alpha Trevor says. There are whispers and gasps from the crowd. A few roars and hand claps. I don’t think most of these people thought I would survive. I guess I had to prove myself to them one way or another since I will be their future Luna. After another minute, I saw the twins running towards me. They looked worried and relieved. Is it possible to be relieved and worried? Whatever, this is over and now she will die. One less issue to worry about. Before they get to me, I hear yelling, to turn around and see a sandy colored wolf staring at me. I pushed my cousins back. “Lily and Tina, stand down. The challenge is over and you have lost. Shifting was against the rules”, Alpha Trevor yells She looks at him and back to me. I see the twins shift to defend me. I wait until she starts running towards me and use my magic. I throw an energy ball at her, knocking her down. I see the twins advance towards her and I use my wind power to push them away. I tell Steel and Granet that I got this. As Tina gets up, I lift her up about 4 feet from the ground. “Shift back Tina” I yell. She growls and glares at me. “Shift now, or I will force you to” I say again, releasing my aura. Lily shifts and Tina is suspended in air naked for all to see “You are a witch. You lied to us” she yells “I never lied to anyone. Yes, I am a witch and a wolf. I came to this pack because Alpha Trevor agreed to allow me to shift and train here. You did not get to know me or ask anything about me. You assumed I was human. You showed me nothing but hate since I got here. You abused me and even put me in the hospital. In addition, you used spells and potions on your future alphas to get them to choose you as luna. Do you deny these allegations?” I say “I am going to kill you. You are not worthy of them. They are mine. I am glad I assaulted you all those times. I am glad my cousin raped and rejected you. You don’t deserve to be here. You definitely don’t deserve the twins. Yes, I used magic on them because they are mine, and I will do whatever I have to, to be their mate and luna” she yells “Tina, by order of the council, you have been sentenced to death for the use of magic on the future alphas of the Crescent Lake pack” Alpha Trevor says. He then looks at me and nods. I look over to the twins, who have shifted back and are naked. I use my magic and put basketball shorts on them. I hear the gasps from the crowd. They both nod to me. I then twist my wrist and break Tina’s neck. I then guide her limp body back to the ground. I then summon a sheet to cover her body. I hear her mother scream and cry for her daughter. I walked away with the twins and my cousins beside me. I go to my room, I need some time alone. My cousins and the twins leave me for a while, letting me know they will be back in a couple of hours to check on me. I lay on my bed and cried. Tina was the first person I have ever killed. I never wanted to kill anyone. I know the goddesses have this grand plan for me, but killing was not something I was ready for. “You did the right thing. She was going to die anyway, and your way was quick and painless”, Celestia says. “I am not a murderer” I cry “No, you are not a murderer. You did what needed to be done. Your actions were just and for the greater good. That girl was not a good person. She gloated about all the terrible things she did to you and the twins” my wolf said “But did I have the right to kill her?” “Yes, you did. She was going to be put to death anyway. So, in her situation, you just carried out a sentence that was already approved. Desiree, you have been chosen by the goddesses. You possess these powers to be the savior and this destiny will lead to you executing justice and death may be that final justice. Don’t feel guilty for doing what needs to be done”, Celestia say “I hear you and understand. This is just going to take a minute to process”, I told her.
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