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Desiree’s POV I take a nap after talking with Celestia about what happened with Tina. Accepting this destiny is going to include things I may not like to do, but this is who I am. I know I am not a murderer, but I have accepted a role and dealing with people like that is part of it. I know I need to talk this out a bit more. I wait for my cousins to come to my room. They agree with Celestia and remind me of what aunt Susan said when we started training. The supernatural world is made up of beings who all have power, some more than others, but holding your own and exerting your power is more important in this world than the human world. “You did what needed to be done. Don’t beat yourself up about this. That girl would have had no problem killing you.” Sharon says “Yeah, Desiree. I know this is a lot for you, but you did the right thing. You are a kind and loving person. You always do the right thing. With your powers and position, that may mean ending someone. Trust yourself and Celestia and you will always be in the right. The goddesses would not have chosen you if they did not know you would be just in your decisions” Leticia says. “Thank you guys. I needed to hear that” I say We are having a movie night in the theater and a private dinner tonight. Time with my friends and the twins is just what I need after today. I have also decided to accept them. Seeing them come to defend me against Tina and the trust they had to allow me handle the situation really meant a lot to me. I am so happy with the way things are going. I am confident in my decision to be with them. I just hope now that Tina is gone, we can all just move on and be together. I know there is still things we have to get over but that is being a relationship. It takes work to keep a relationship going, and I am ready for that with them. Leticia, Sharon and I take time to call our parents and Aunt Susan. We talk about what happened, and they give me their support, advice and wisdom. We talk about how training is going and, my parents tell us about things going on with the family and that our aunt is getting married, so we make plans to come for the wedding. We then get ready for our date. I am wearing a purple skater dress with wedge heels. Sharon has on a white bodycon dress and Leticia is wearing a yellow halter dress. We all straighten our hair and put on makeup. The guys have planned everything for this date so we don’t know all the details, but we know we have to look good. The boys knock on my room door at 6:50pm for the date. Wesley and David are there also. They bought us flowers, which is really sweet. We all go to the private dining room where they have dinner set up for us. The room is set up with low lights and candles. There is soft music playing and two omegas to serve us. We all sit at the beautifully decorated table with name cards indicating where to sit. The twins and I are on one side and the other two couples are on the other side. “We really wanted to make this special for everyone. So we all have something different to eat” said Wesley “Yeah, each of you have different favorite foods, and we wanted you all to have what you like the most, so we had different dishes made for each of you”, Antoine said. With that, the two omegas sat plates of different meals in front of each of us. The guys each got steak and potatoes, but each had a different type of potato. The twins had mashed potatoes, Wesley had a baked potato and David had potato au gratin. Leticia and I had shrimp and grits and Sharon had lobster mac and cheese. “You guys didn’t have to go through having all these different meals made. We would have been okay eating the same thing”, Sharon said. “We know you would have, but we wanted to do this for you” David said. “The hard part was getting you all to tell us what your favorite meal is. You all just kept saying I like a lot of things. I’m not picky about food. I just like to eat”, Antoine said in a mocking voice. We all laughed and enjoyed the meal. We talked about the events of the day. The boys told me how proud they were of me and how I did the right thing. I told them I was having trouble with it, and they told us about their first kills and how they dealt with it. I think it was a bit different because death in the supernatural species seems to be a way of life, and it’s not like that for humans. After, we ate the delicious food. We went to the theater room. The guys said we would have dessert here, giving our food time to digest. We still have popcorn and other snacks for the experience. We enter the theater room and get comfortable in our seats. We eat dessert of brownie and ice cream while watching the first movie and have snacks during the second movie. We are the only ones there and, Anthony tells me they have reserved the theater for us tonight, so no interruptions. There are blankets for us to cuddle and get comfortable. We watched two movies and ate way too much junk food. But we had fun. The boys laughed because we talked at the movie, like we were giving the actors instructions and critiques. I also don’t do scary movies, so I was hiding and squeezing their hands for part of the first movie. This whole date was amazing. After the movie, we all went our separate ways. The twins walk me back to my room and I invite them in for a while. We talk about our relationship and how things are going. The comment again about how committed they are to make things work and that they want to really be with me “Are you sure?” “Sure about Desi?” Anthony says. “About me? I am asking because I have had enough bad experiences and I really want this to work”, I say “Desiree, I love you, and it’s not just the bond. I have been wanting you for a while now. I have never felt this way about anyone before. With other women, it was just s*x. They were never important enough to me. With you, I see a relationship, a future. You are all I think about. I have grown since meeting you and I like the person I am becoming and that’s because you bring something to me that I never knew I needed. You are a part of me and I never want that to end”, Antoine says sincerely “Desiree, I am more sure about you than anything else. I know we have had a rough start, but I am determined to prove to you that you mean more to me than anyone else. I didn’t know I was incomplete until you came, and now I can’t see living without you. So yes, I am 100% sure”, Anthony says. “Okay, so I have one more thing I want to say. I know this will be my first real relationship, but from what I know of myself, I am a possessive person. I will not be okay with other women around you or thinking they can seduce you. I like attention, I like to feel special. I will expect this from you. Is that okay?” They both nod their heads. “Good”. I move to straddle Antoine’s lap. “I Desiree Amari Maxwell accept you Antoine Clifford Stone, as my mate and Alpha”, I say with a smile. “I, Antoine Clifford Stone, accept you Desiree Amari Maxwell, as my mate and Luna”, Antoine says with the biggest smile I have ever seen on him. I lean in to give him a kiss. He wraps an arm around my neck and back, pushing me closer to him, deepening the kiss. He devours my mouth with heat and passion. He told me how much he wants me in this kiss. A moan escapes my lips and wetness soaks my panties. He stops the kiss and looks at me with lust and need in his light brown eyes. “I smell your arousal sweetie. I know we are not ready yet. But I can’t wait to be with you in all ways possible” Antoine said, peppering kisses along my jaw and neck. I climbed off his lap with one final peck. “Are you still okay with what I am asking?” I ask Anthony, and he nods and welcomes me to sit in his lap. I straddle him “I Desiree Amari Maxwell accept you Anthony Richard Stone, as my mate and Alpha” “I Anthony Richard Stone, accept you Desiree Amari Maxwell as my mate and Luna”, Before I get a chance to lean in for a kiss, he slams his mouth on mine. He takes me with such hunger. He is showing me his desire and regret in this kiss and I hear everything he is trying to say. I break the kiss after another moan and wet panties. “Desi, you are not ready for what our bodies want right now, so I think we need to leave”, Anthony says, while they stand up to leave. “But I really don’t want to be away from you tonight. I am not ready for s*x, but can we stay together? Can you handle that?” I ask “We will control ourselves. If you want us to stay, we will”, Antoine says. “I have a thought. Who has the biggest bed?” I ask “Both of us have king-sized beds”, Anthony says. “Can we all sleep in one of your beds tonight? I’m not ready for s*x, but I don’t want to be apart from you” “Go get your pajamas, clothes for tomorrow and personal items to wash with. We can all stay in my room tonight” Antoine says I rush and put a bag together, and we all go to Antoine’s room. Antoine and I shower in his bathroom, Anthony goes to his room to shower and change. We all get comfortable in Antoine’s bed with me sandwiched between my two men. We talk and cuddle until we all fall asleep.
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