Chapter 10

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Desiree’s POV It was agreed that my training will not start until after I shift, which should be in 9 days. The mating ball is in 8 days. So, during that time, Luna Belinda will teach me about werewolves. We meet in the library and go over; laws, traditions, structure, politics and roles. We learn about the mate bond, mind linking and special wolves. It seems the moon goddess picks wolves to be labeled as special and may have additional powers and strength, like a white wolf. A pure white wolf is rare and has a connection to the moon goddess. This wolf possesses abnormal strength, and other abilities that are revealed at special times. It seems most of the goddess’s special wolves are female. That makes me smile. Between my teachings here and at the coven, I have really come to admire the female goddesses because they show that in a world of men, females are still running s**t. She gives me books to study and research to do over the next couple of days. When we are not doing werewolf 101 teaching, we help her with ball arrangements. Our current college classes will be finishing up in the next month, so we are completing assignments and studying for tests. Claudia is still in school and will graduate next month. She joins us for ball duties when she gets home. Our other time is spent in the gym or at the pool. I have been able to avoid Tina for the most part, but make sure I am with others if she is around. This was after I bumped into her again, in the pack house bathroom. According to her, I hit her with the door as I was coming in, and the door hit her face. She slapped me. When Antoine found out, he was livid. He asked her where her injury from the door was, and her response was her wolf had healed her already. The slap did not bruise, and I am fine, but always make sure I am with someone after that instance. I have been watching her with the twins. Claudia said they both f****d Tina, and she was their girlfriend for a year or so before they turned 18. They always knew she wasn’t their mate but kept a relationship with her anyway. When alpha Trevor started talking to them about taking over the pack soon, they dumped her and started looking for their fated mate. Anthony seems to be more patient with her, Antoine just always looks annoyed. I wonder what their relationship was like, because I don’t think they really like her. I feel sorry for whoever is their mate because that girl is going to make her life a living hell. I am spending the day at the preschool, helping the teachers. The current assistant’s sister went into labor, and she traveled to her pack to be there with her. I volunteered to help since I was caught up on my other assignments. I was outside with the kids having water play. We were throwing water balloons and having fun. The daycare is next to the park and, unfortunately, on this day Tina and her groupies were walking through the park when a water balloon hit the ground near them and splashed water on them. There was not a lot of water, and it just wet their legs because their clothes were too short to get wet. “What the f**k. You wet me all up”. Amber cried “You ruined my outfit with that water” Tina whined. “It just wet your legs Tina, your outfit is fine” Ashley said, and Tina glared at her. “I apologize guys, the kids were playing and he accidently threw the balloon too hard” I said, running up to the fence between the preschool and the park. “This is all your fault. I told you; you don’t belong here. All you do is cause trouble”. Tina yelled. “It was just water, and I apologized, they are kids.” “I don’t blame the pups, I blame you. Why don’t you just leave”, Tina screams. “Tina, it was an accident, let’s just go” Ashley says. By now, the other teachers are coming outside to see what has happened. “Again, I apologize, he threw the balloon too hard, and it went over the fence. It was an accident, and no one got hurt. It’s just a little water, and it didn’t even get on your outfit” I said, turning to walk away. The next thing I knew, I was being yanked over the fence by my hair. I was thrown to the ground. They proceeded to punch and kick me. They were stopped by Beta Female Yvonne, who also volunteers in the preschool. She sent Amber to her parents, and she was grounded until the ball. She could not leave her room or use any technology. She started to argue, but her other option was to join Tina. Tina was sent to the alpha about the incident. The alpha put her in the cells for 3 days. I ended up in the pack hospital for 3 days with a concussion. Desiree’s POV It is the day before the mating ball and members from other packs start to show up. Luna Belinda said packs from further away usually come early because of the travel. A total of 8 packs have RSVP’d to the ball, with a total of 60 people coming. Packs can bring any unmated members, male or female. We have been working on sleeping arrangements, food, actual ball arrangements and, the next days, breakfast and lunch. We have put together a system for their check-in and even made welcome gifts to put in their rooms. The ranked members of the packs will stay in the pack house and the other unmated members will be placed in the building and cottages. Sharon has had so much fun helping Luna Belinda with this. I think party planning may be part of her career goals along with Chef. We are in the dining room eating lunch because packs will start arriving in the next hour, and we all have tasks to be assigned by Luna Belinda. Again, I am just trying to get some cookies when I see Tina again. “You still her human? Still getting in important people’s way? The ass whipping and concussion I gave you last time wasn’t enough. I guess I will teach you to disrespect ranked members” she sneered. “I didn’t do anything to you. I am just standing in line. And you are not a ranked member. I guess being in the cells for 3 days didn’t teach you anything either”, I replied. “Why you little b***h!” She goes to slap me as Claudia comes behind me and catches her hand “How dare you touch me. My cousin will be here for the ball, and he will address the disrespect against me. He will handle you” she yells, pointing at me. “No one has disrespected you, Tina. You want a status that you don’t own. How many times do we have to tell you? You are not the Luna. You are a warrior’s daughter. Respect is not given, it is earned. And your cousin has no say as to what happens in this pack”, Claudia says. She turns beet red and storms out of the room. Amber glares at us and follows Tina with Ashley hesitantly following them. Claudia calls Ashley before she leaves the room. “Ashley, you need to be careful hanging around them. I have watched you. You are not like them, and they will get you in trouble if you are not careful” Ashley nods and hangs her head. Claudia mind links her brothers about the incident. In case Tina’s cousin does say something. We finished eating and went to meet Luna Belinda. About an hour later, she gets a link from the guard tower that the members of the Full Moon pack have arrived. We go out to meet them.
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