Chapter 11

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Desiree's POV Over the next few hours, we greeted members from 5 different packs. The other 3 packs will be coming tomorrow. Some of the Alpha’s have bought their Lunas, and they commended us on our efficiency on the greeting process and the welcome treats. It makes me feel good to be part of this process and to help the Luna. Dinner is a big cook out around the pack house. There are 3 grills operating for meat and fish. The kitchen has made sides like potato salad, corn bread and corn on the cob. We have sweet tea and lemonade along with beer to drink and a table of desserts. This was Sharon’s suggestion. She felt this would give the packs more opportunity to mingle. 10 guests had already found their mates, so we are calling it a success. There is something on my mind about the mating ball coming up. I approached Luna Belinda about it. “What if I find my mate tomorrow? I won’t be able to recognize him yet” I asked. “Unfortunately, no because you don’t have your wolf. But he may recognize you.” “What if I do have my wolf, but she says we can’t shift until my birthday” I say shyly. “Desiree, you have your wolf?” she questions with wonder. I shake my head. She mind links Alpha Trevor, and we head to his office to talk. “Belinda, what happened? What do we need to talk about so urgently?” Alpha Trevor asks as he walks into the office; followed by my grandpa, Anthony, Antoine, Claudia, Leticia and Sharon. “Desiree has her wolf”, Luna Belinda says. Everyone looks shocked. “But her birthday is not for 2 more days” Claudia says. “Then how does she have her wolf”, Anthony questions “She has been with me since my 17th birthday. The night of my birthday, I woke up in the middle of the night with this massive headache. After about 2 hours, it started to subside, and I started to hear voices. It was just one voice but at the time it sounded like a lot. Once things calmed down, and I realized there was no one else in the room. She introduced herself to me; her name is Celestia, and she is my wolf. She came to me early to prepare me for our shift. She said we still can’t shift until my birthday” I say. Everyone stared at me in aww “I don’t know of anyone getting their wolf before their birthday and their shift. You really are kissed by the moon. You and your wolf are special”, Alpha Trevor says “But since I have my wolf. What if I meet my mate tomorrow?” I asked. “I still can’t recognize a wolf in you, so I doubt anyone else would. In regard to accepting the bond, I think you should talk to your wolf and see what she says. Just be careful in telling anyone about yourself, okay” Alpha Trevor says. Maybe it was meant to be that I find my person this way. I have had terrible luck doing it the human way. I have had two horrible experiences and having someone picked for me by the moon goddess with sure cut out some of the issues I have had. I look forward to meeting my mate. Maybe now I will get the love I have been looking for. Grandpa walks over to me as everyone starts to leave the office. He hugs me and whispers; you really are an amazing young lady. Any mate would be lucky to have you. I looked at him and blushed. I am so glad I met my family. As I am leaving the office, Antoine stops me. Antoine’s POV We were just called to dad’s office and found out Desiree has her wolf already. This girl is amazing. She has been here about two weeks. Made friends with most of the pack. Plays with the kids, helps the omegas around the house and has talked tips with the gardener. He started planting more fruits because of tips she gave him to make the soil better for them. Not only that, she is beautiful. I love her gold-colored eyes, her hips are just right for holding while she rides you and her breasts are so nice and full. I wish she was our mate. I already have an attraction to her, but Anthony doesn’t, he’s stuck on Tina. I don’t know what that girl did to my brother, but she is the only thing we argue about. This is only recently though, when Desiree first came here. We had a long talk about our attraction to her. Now he only wants Tina. During the time we dated, he was not this enamored with her, something has happened recently. She can do no wrong. He even forgave her for giving Desiree a concussion. And to be honest, she is a b***h. She is mean and nasty and would be a horrible Luna. I hang back as everyone leaves the office. I don’t understand these feelings yet, but I just have to talk to her. I walked up to her after she hugged her grandpa. “You are amazing” I tell her, holding her chin. “No, I’m not, I’m just me” she smiles. “I have heard about all the stuff you have done around here. Pack members really like you” “I like it here. Most of the people are so friendly. I come from a very big family and the pack is like one big family, so I don’t feel home sick.” “I’m glad you do. You are always welcome. And you are amazing!” I say and walked out the office. Please, moon goddess make that woman our mate. Tina’s POV I leave the dining room after another confrontation with Desiree. I don’t like that girl. I don’t even know why she is here; she is human. Humans shouldn’t be in a pack, they don’t belong with the supernatural. This pack accepts all species, and I don’t like it. Wolves should stay with wolves. People being in relationships with other species and creating hybrids is atrocious. My old pack, the Eclipsed Moon pack, where my cousin is alpha, is like that. They only have wolves. If someone has a fated mate of another species, they are kicked out of the pack. We moved to this pack 6 years ago because one of the warriors is my mother’s second chance mate. My father was the delta of the pack and died during a rogue attack 10 years ago. I miss him every day. Yuri, who is my mom’s second chance, is a good guy, but he is not my dad. Ever since coming here I have planned to become luna. I dated the twins for a little over a year, but then they dumped me to find their fated mate. That is not going to happen. I will be the luna of this pack, no matter what. I called my cousin. “Alpha Teddy speaking.” “Teddy it’s Tina. I need your help. There is some new girl in the pack who is trying to steal my luna position. And get this. She is human; her name is Desiree Maxwell and I hate her” I whine “Are the twin alpha’s showing her interest?” he asks “They are all over her” I cry “That is so disrespectful. I will handle it, Tina. Her name is Desiree Maxwell. What does she look like?” he asks. “She has caramel-brown skin and gold-colored eyes. She wears her hair in her natural curls. She is curvy and fat. She has a big butt and big t**s. She doesn’t even wear makeup every day. She’s plain” she says. “Don’t worry cousin, no one disrespects our family” he says to comfort me, and we hang up. I smile. Desiree is going to get it now. My cousin Teddy can be vicious. That’s what makes his pack so strong. I hope I don’t cause any problems because, though his pack is strong, Crescent Moon is bigger and stronger. Oh well! Now for part 2 of my plan. I reach into the back of my closet and open the secret compartment and take out the small vial of purple liquid. I have already dosed Anthony once with the potion. Now it’s Antonine's turn. The witch said I can’t make them love me, but I can block them from recognizing their mate. I will give him a second dose at the welcoming party tonight. I also want to dose Antoine before the night is over. I can’t take the chance that they will meet their fated mate at the ball tomorrow. I will do whatever I need to. I will be luna.
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