Chapter 12

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Desiree’s POV After everyone left the office, Antoine stayed behind and told me I was amazing. My skin is just light enough to see me blush. I really like Anthony and Antoine, but Antoine is more open and welcoming. Anthony’s aura is a bit fuzzy. I want to take off my bracelet, so I can truly read him, because I think something is wrong. After seeing him in the office today, I really question because his aura has changed from a bit fuzzy before the party to foggy. Like he has a dense fog over him, confusing him. His eyes are not as bright as they were either. At first, I didn’t want to say anything, but now I’m concerned. I meet up with the girls outside and talked to Claudia. “Hey. I have a question for you. Is Anthony not acting funny lately?” I asked Claudia. “He’s like in the daze all the time. Antoine said he was having trouble focusing, which is not like him”. Claudia responds “You see it too? His aura has changed”, Leticia says. “Yes, and in the office it was worse. When we first arrived, his aura was orange, which is the color for confidence. Sometime last week it became fuzzy. Now it’s like a dense fog. I think someone has spelled him” I reply “Who would do that? Use witchcraft on an alpha without permission. That’s grounds for execution”. Claudia says “I am not an expert at this. I think we should ask my grandma to come see him. I’ll talk to grandpa” I walked over to my grandpa who is talking to Alpha Trevor. They stopped talking quickly as I near, so they were probably talking about me. “I have a concern. It’s about Anthony. His aura is changing, and I think a spell is on him. I’m still developing that power and I probably could say for sure, but I would have to remove my bracelet. I think we should call grandma” I say to them. They look at me worried and start looking around for Anthony. “Are you sure little one” grandpa asks. I nod yes Alpha Trevor then mindlinks his sons. Grandpa calls grandma and tells her my concerns. “Can Tess portal to your office, Trevor?” grandpa asks. “Sure. Just tell us when so we can be there to meet her.” Grandpa relays the message and tells her to bring clothes for a few days, then she can drive home with him. She says she will be ready in an hour. Just then, the twins walked up to us. Anthony is there and aware, but his eyes are duller and his aura feels stifled. “How are you boys feeling?” their dad asks them. “Fine dad. Is something wrong?” Antoine answers. “Anthony you, okay son? You seem distant and unfocused lately.” Grandpa asks “I am okay, but I do feel a bit foggy headed. Maybe there is just a lot on my mind” Anthony responds. “What are you drinking? I don’t see you guys as the cocktail kind of drinkers.” I asked. “Tina gave us a special cocktail she made. Anthony almost finished his. He liked it. It’s a bit too sweet for me, so I’m sipping on it”, Antoine replies. I looked at grandpa and Alpha Trevor, and he took the glasses from his sons. He calls Beta Matthew. “Matt, take these to my office and put them on my desk. Don’t spill the contents”, he instructs. “Boys, we are concerned about the way Anthony has been acting and Desiree feels his aura is off. We have called Tess, Desiree’s grandmother. She specializes in spells, potions and auras. Are you open to having her check you out?” Alpha Trevor says “Sure dad” Antoine states. Anthony shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly We all walked to the office. Grandma should be there soon. Alpha Trevor links Luna Belinda to meet him there. As soon as we enter the office, grandma calls grandpa to tell him she’s ready; 5 minutes later, a portal opens, and she steps through with her suitcase, purse and potions bag. She hugs me and grandpa, then greets Trevor and Belinda. She turns to the twins. “Boys, how are you? I haven’t seen you in a long time. You are all grown up now” she states. Then she turns her head to the side and stares at Anthony, then Antoine. “There is a spell on both of them. More Anthony than Antoine, both their auras are affected. Have you been given anything new to eat or drink?” she asks. She opens her potions purse “We were given a cocktail by a pack member. Dad took the drinks; they were there on his desk. This is the first time though”, Antoine says. “No. She made a drink the other day while we were watching a movie” Anthony says. “s**t” grandma yells, “Desiree, come help me” She pulls out stuff to test the drink for any potion. She also gives Anthony and Antoine a potion to help neutralize what they were given. She puts a drop of the drink in a couple of vials, and we add the identifier medium and chant the reveal spell. 2 of the vials turn red. We then test those 2 vials and chant a more detailed reveal spell, grandma then ingests a drop of each spell, and it will tell her what it is. “There are 2 potions in this drink. One is to stop you from identifying your fated mate and the other is to bind you to another person. For the binding spell, the person must be around you when you drink it. Preferably touching you, making you smell them, saying their names over and over; stuff like that to bind you to them. Antoine did not ingest much, but it will be about 48–72 hours before the spell has cleared his system. I don’t think the binding spell had time to work but the one to block your mate has. It’s affecting your aura. Anthony had 2 doses and the binding spell had taken hold. It will take about 3–4 weeks for it to clear his system and his aura not to be affected”, grandma says. “The mating ball is tomorrow. The reason we are even having it, is for them to find their mate. Now, because of this potion, they won’t recognize her?” Luna Belinda yells. “Tina gave you guys the drink both times. So, she is the culprit. I want her locked up” she yells again. She is angry “Belinda, we need more proof than that. I will have her room searched while she is at the ball tomorrow. Boys, do not accept anything from her anymore” Alpha Trevor says “Waiting until tomorrow gives her time to hide the evidence. I want the room searched now. The boys can delay her going home. Just act like the potion worked”, Luna Belinda said “That can work. Just don’t drink anything else she gives you and don’t kiss her, that may solidify the spell” grandma said. “Tina is wonderful and would never harm us. I think you guys are accusing her for no reason”, Anthony says. “Do you see Trevor. We need to act on this now! Send someone there now! Anthony, you are commanded not to tell Tina anything about what we discovered today”, Luna Belinda insisted. She put a Luna command on her son. Normally, it would not stick because they are future alphas, but she is also their mom, so it should work. “Antoine, you are going to have to watch Anthony for the next couple of weeks. We can’t let her get to him any more than she has”. Luna Belinda says “Since we know the twins will have one mate. Antoine may have a slight attraction to someone since he is not fully dosed, and he will be 24 hours in to the 72-hour clearing time. If he senses anyone, you can ask them to come back in a month. By then both of them will be able to sense her.” I suggest “That is an option. I am going to kill that girl. Using witchcraft on someone without permission is a death sentence. Let alone on your future alphas to steal the Luna position.” Belinda rants “We must be careful with Tina. Her cousin is the Alpha of her old pack and I do believe they are coming here for the ball”. Alpha Trevor says Now with a plan in play. We leave the office. The welcoming party is finishing and I go help with the cleanup before going to bed.
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