Chapter 21

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Anthony’s POV We are heading back to the packhouse after running with Desiree’s wolf, Celestia. She is amazing. A pure white wolf is rare, along with her being a powerful witch and kissed by the moon. She is very special. I like being around her and talking to her. I also find her very attractive, which is so confusing because my mind and body are telling me I want Tina, but my heart is not 100% sold on that idea. Steele feels as confused as I do. Then there is this situation with Tina placing a spell on me and giving me a potion. I don’t want to believe it, but all the proof says she did it. I think once I hear it from her mouth I have no choice, right? But then who will be our Luna? Why would someone who says they love you do something like this to you? I really thought I had feelings for her. I even fought with my brother over her and is that what she does? If I couldn’t even see what Tina was doing, how am I going to be a good alpha? So many questions and doubts are creeping into my head now. We go to bed and breakfast is scheduled to start later with everyone being up late at the ball. Desiree is a no show, but you tend to be exhausted after your first shift. We probably won't see her until dinner. After dinner, we meet in dad’s office to go over the plans for the day. We need to meet with the alphas and/or representatives for each pack, so each alpha will know who is leaving and coming to their pack after meeting their mates. The end number is that we gained 15 pack members, not including Sharon and Leticia. We lost 25 among the 6 other packs. Dad received a special thank you from the Eclipsed Moon pack. They had 6 members meet their mate; 2 decided to move to our pack with their mate though. All and all, the mating ball was a success. This process took us a couple of hours. After that, we will meet with Yuri and Nola, Tina’s parents, to discuss her situation, then we meet with Alpha Kane and go interrogate her. Dad explains the allegations and evidence to Yuri and Nola. Dad recorded all the conversations regarding Tina’s allegations and all the testimonies for the council. He allowed Yuri and Nola to listen to it. He offered for them to be present in our viewing room during the interrogation. Yuri accepted by Nola declined. Dad explained to them that if she is found guilty, she would be executed. Her actions were towards future alphas and the council approved her death. He told them about Alpha Kane and if he chooses to keep her as a mate, then she will go to Bloodmoon and never be allowed on our territory again. They understood the severity of the situation and why the punishment is so harsh. They request that if she is killed that they be released to go to, Eclipsed Moon, because Nola can’t stay in the pack that killed her daughter, even if she understands the reasons. Dad instructs her to talk to Alpha Turner about it, and we will talk after the interrogation. He also sends an email to the alpha. We meet Alpha Kane in the cells and go to the interrogation room to talk to Tina. Yuri, mom, Wesley, Leticia, David and Sharon are all in the viewing room. Dad, Alpha Kane, Antoine and I are in the interrogation room. Tina is bought in still dressed in her ballgown, hair disheveled, makeup running, puffy eyes from crying and no shoes; she has silver handcuffs on her wrists and is cuffed to the chair and table in the interrogation room. “Tina, I am going to give you another chance to provide us with the truth regarding the potion, spell and your actions toward my twins” dad says. “Alpha Trevor, I know nothing about potions or a spell. I would never harm the twins. I love them” she says. Alpha Kane flinches at her comment but doesn’t say anything. “Tina, we will be administering a truth serum to you and asking you the same questions. I am giving you the opportunity to save face and not make me force the truth out of you” “I already told the truth, Alpha Trevor. I refuse to drink any truth serum. You can’t force me.” “That’s where you are wrong. I know you are still lying, and I have been approved by the council to not only torture you but kill you for your actions. Since you refuse to drink the serum, we will go another route”, dad nods and two warriors come in and inject Tina with the serum. She screams and fights back to no avail. We wait about 10 minutes and dad starts again. “What is your name?” “Tina Laureen Turner” “How old are you?” “19” “What pack are you from?” “Eclipsed Moon” “When did you move to Crescent Lake?” “6 years ago, after my mom met Uri, her second chance mate” “Do you love Anthony and Antoine Stone?” “No” “Did you give Anthony and Antoine Stone a potion to prevent them recognizing their mate and use a binding spell to bind them to you?” “Yes” “How much did you give them?” “I dosed Anthony 2 times and Antoine once. The binding spell worked on Anthony but not Antoine. I didn’t have enough time with him” “Why did you give them the potion and use the spell on them?” “I want to be luna of Crescent Lake” “You met your mate at the ball, and he is an alpha, so you will be a luna” “But his pack is smaller than Crescent Lake. I want this pack” “So you don’t want to be with Alpha Kane?” “I’ll go if I can’t have the twins.” “What is your issue with Desiree?” “I hate her. She is human and thinks she can talk back to me. She is disrespectful. She thinks she’s so special and can talk back to me. I am a wolf, she is nothing.” “Did you lie to Alpha Teddy of the Eclipsed Moon pack about Desiree?” “Yes, I needed him to take care of her and make her respect me.” “Are you aware that you could be killed for your actions towards the twins?” “Yes, but I have to be luna” “Alpha Kane, do you wish to ask Tina any questions?” “No, Alpha Trevor. I Alpha Kane Brett Davis of Bloodmoon pack, reject, you Tina Laureen Turner as my mate and luna” Alpha Kane crabs his chest and looks to be having trouble breathing “I can’t accept it. I want to go with you if the twins don’t want me” This woman is ridiculous. Does she really think he will accept her because we don’t want her? “Tina, you must be out of your f*****g mind. I don’t take sloppy seconds, and I am no one’s backup plan. Accept the rejection”, he says as an alpha command “I Tina Lareen Turner accept your rejection Alpha Kane Brett Davis” She then screams out in pain and grabs her chest. She passes out onto the table from the pain. I can’t believe she did this to me. I supported her and even argued with my brother over her. I never thought she was like this. We all got up to leave the interrogation room. Tina is taken back to her cell. Dad then goes to talk to the council regarding her punishment and we all head to the dining room for lunch before Alpha Kane and his men leave. Claudia’s POV I am meeting everyone in the dining room for lunch after the interrogation. I represented my family along with the ranked members to see the other pack members along with their Alphas and Luna's off. We lost some people and gained others. I am happy for Ashley. She was never like Tina and Amber. I know she just wanted friends and that was why she hung out with them. She’s actually very intelligent and an excellent fighter. She was an orphan; her parents were killed in a rogue attack on her original pack. She came here with other survivors when she was around 8. I think she just wanted to fit in and Tina took advantage of that. She will be a good Beta female. Thinking about it; I wish I had found my mate at the ball. I can’t say I have other ambitions, like Leticia, Sharon and Desiree, but I want to be a mate and a mother. I think that is the best job ever. I am sorry it didn’t happen this time but I know it will happen. I am sitting at the table reading on my phone when I hear my family come through the front door. They are still talking about the Tina situation. From the look on my mother's face I can tell they got the information, and all the information was evidence against her was true. I feel so sorry for my brothers. They may have missed meeting their mate because of that girl. They all come in, get food and sit down. They gave me all the details of the interrogation and what she said. I can’t believe she actually told her mate; she will go with him if the twins don’t want her, but she wants to run a bigger pack. That is unbelievable. I will never understand people like her. I am talking with my family when I see Ashley enter the room. She comes to the table “Excuse the interruption, luna and future alphas” she says, bowing. “No problem, Ashley. How are you?” “I am well. My mate and I are getting ready to leave soon, and I wanted to talk to Claudia” “Do you want to talk in private” I ask “No, that’s not necessary. I want to say thank you. You have always looked out for me and supported me since I came to Crescent Lake. You told me to be careful around Tina and Amber and had me take a look at myself and who I am. I truly appreciate it. I don’t think I would be in the position I am in without you, so thank you” “You are welcome, but that is not needed. We are a family, we look out for each other. I am glad you listened. It was your actions that now has you becoming the beta female of Bloodmoon. Congratulations” I say to her. She is so happy “So, you guys are leaving now” mom asks. “After lunch. Alpha Kane is trying to wait to see Desiree before he leaves” “We’ll run up and check on her. I know she wants to see him before he leaves too.” I, Leticia and Sharon all go to check on Desiree. Her door is unlocked, and her bed is empty. We hear her in the shower. We wait in her room while she showers. She opens the bathroom door and screams as she sees us lying on her bed. “What the f**k, guys? Give a girl a head up next time” she says. “We did, but you couldn’t hear us over your horrible singing”, Leticia says. “Shut up” she says, laughing. “Alpha Kane is leaving soon, and he wants to see you before he does” Claudia says. “How did the interrogation go?” “She admitted to everything. She just wanted to be luna. And she just doesn’t like you because you are human, nothing more. Alpha Kane rejected her because she said she would only go with him if the twins didn’t want her”, Sharon said. “Yeah, he told her he is no one's back-up plan”, Leticia said, laughing. “Wow, she put herself in this situation. Did they decide on a punishment yet”? Desiree asks “No, I think Alpha Trevor is going to discuss it with the council and his ranked members. He also wants to make sure her mother is, situated first”, Leticia said. Leticia is sitting at the vanity telling Desiree what happened. Desiree turns to her while she is talking and screams. “Leti, you are marked” Desiree says “Yes, Wesley and I marked each other last night” she says with a grin. “Only marked?” I asked “No. We mated too.” We all screamed our congratulations to Leticia. This is wonderful. Leticia has had some horrible boyfriends. We have talked about all of our love lives while they have been here. Leticia loves hard and has been cheated on twice. I am glad she was able to trust Wesley and let him in. I have known him all my life, and he is a good guy. He will cherish her. “This is wonderful. I am so happy for you and Wesley. I think he will treat you like the queen you are. Congratulations sister. Okay, let me go say goodbye to my brother”, Desiree says, after we all hug her and congratulate her again. We all head downstairs and enter the dining room. As we enter I noticed the most delicious smell of fresh cut grass. I love that smell. It was not grass cutting day, that was Thursday. What is that? The next thing I know, I am being lifted in the air by this big, tall guy, and he is calling me MATE.
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