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Sharon’s POV “Can we talk after the ball, Sharon?” David asks. “Let’s go now”. He grabs my hand and leads me to the pool area. “I know what happened to Desiree has you leery about mates and questioning the mate bond. I want you to know, I have been waiting for my mate since I was 18. I want to love and treasure you. I would never disrespect or mistreat you. You never have to worry about going through anything like Desiree did with me,” David says. “I have been with you all night. I don’t think you are like Alpha Teddy, but he fooled her also. How do I know you won’t change your mind about me?” “Why would I change my mind?” “I am a witch. I am stubborn and a bit too independent at times. I have dreams and future plans and I know being with you brings its own responsibilities. I have no problem with that, but I want to finish culinary school, maybe be an event planner. Can I do all of that and be your mate? Be the gamma female?” “I am okay with you being a witch, a human, a werewolf; it doesn’t matter. The moon goddess chose you for me and I don’t doubt her ability to make an excellent match. You can finish school or do whatever else you want. We will make it happen. Your happiness is my only priority. I am okay with stubborn and independent. I just ask that you talk to me and be honest with me. We are a team, and if we work together, we can do anything.” “I want my first time to be special. All the things; candles and roses and romance” I say with a smile. “Yes, ma’am” I stand up from my seat and straddle his lap. I kiss my mate. Not my first kiss, but the best kiss I have had. We sit and talk some more. We tell each other about our families, our favorite things, our future plans and goals. “Do you accept the bond, Sharon?” he asks me. “Yes, do I have to say something special to accept it?” “I, David Manuel Hernandez, accept you, Sharon Corinne Maxwell, as my mate and true love” he says with a kiss. “I, Sharon Corinne Maxwell, accept you, David Manuel Hernandez, as my mate and true love” He walks me to my room with plans to meet tomorrow. He gives me an amazing good night kiss. I go to bed feeling lighter than I have all day. Leticia’s POV The ball is starting to settle down. Sharon and David have left to talk. I need to talk to Wesley. Hanging with him the last few hours and watching him take care of business, I want to be with him. But can he accept me? “Can we go talk?” I ask Wesley He takes my hand and leads me out the ballroom to the patio. We sit on a patio swing “You have shown me what kind of man you are. I don’t question you about that. My concern is, will you accept me for me?” I say to him. “What do you mean by that?” he questions. “I am not a wolf. I will not be a shifter. Your wolf will not have a mate. I am also not a virgin. I know having a pure mate is important to wolves. I have only been with 2 other people, and I was tested before and after each relationship.” “You are my wolf's mate. We both love you and accept you as our mate. We love you for you. You don’t need to be anything more than what you are to us. And I don’t have a problem with you not being a virgin. So, this will be the first and last time we talk about anyone being inside my p***y but me” he says with a growl. “I am currently in college and really want to go to learn about IT and security systems. I want to be involved in helping you with the pack and I want a big family.” I say with a smile “I have no problem helping you and being there for you with all those things, especially the big family. Does this mean you accept me?” He says. I nod in agreement. “I, Wesley Lamont Tuner, take you Leticia Gene Maxwell as my mate” “I, Leticia Gene Maxwell, accept you, Wesley Lamont Turner, as my mate. Can I have a kiss now?” He stands up and puts his hand out to me to stand. He puts his hands in my hair and pulls me closer. He slowly runs his tongue over my lips. He puts a light kiss on each corner of my mouth. He kisses and nips at my lower lip, then slips his tongue inside. Our tongues do a slow sensual dance. He continues to control the kiss, eliciting a moan and wetness in my panties. I never expected that from a kiss. “Your scent and arousal are making it hard to control myself Leticia, and I know you are not ready for this to go further, so I am going to take you to your room and say goodnight”. He says with a smirk and, separating us “You have that all wrong, Wesley. I am 100% ready to take this further. So you can take me to your room, and we can say goodnight and good morning the way mates are supposed to.” I say seductively. I walk back up to him, remove his tie and loosen his dress shirt. I run my hands up his chest, around his neck and to the back of his head. Feeling and admiring all his muscles. I bring his head to mine, meeting his lips in another passionate kiss. “I plan to be marked and fully mated by morning”, I say teasing his lips with my tongue. FUCK Leticia, he growls before he picks me up, throws me over his shoulder and takes me to his room. I know they say being with your mate is like nothing you have ever experienced, and I am ready to be with this man. Desiree’s POV We dance until I get tired, then just sit and chat. Antoine takes my feet in his lap, takes off my shoes and massages my feet while we talk. “They are our mates” Celestia says. “I know, but they don’t yet. I’ll keep them close until they figure it out. They smell amazing; Anthony smells like chocolate and Antoine smells like coffee. They are like a mocha latte” I reply We sit for a bit longer “I need to go to bed. I have a big day tomorrow” “Yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance, you will be 18 in less than an hour.” Antoine says. “Come, let's get you to your room”, Anthony says. They walk me to my room. I kiss them both on the check and go in my room. Desiree’s POV I take a quick shower and go to bed. It’s about 3 hours later, and I feel an intense pain throughout my body. I scream in pain. The pain gets worse and worse, causing me to scream and cry until I'm hoarse" My room door opens abruptly, Sharon and Leticia ask what’s wrong, but I can’t talk through the pain. Leticia runs to get help. The next thing I know, someone is lifting me, and we are going outside. More pain rips through me “What’s going on” I hear Sharon ask. “She is shifting, Sharon”, I hear Alpha Trevor says “Desiree relax and let your wolf take control, it will hurt less. Let Celestia do her job”, Anthony says, getting close to me “Desiree, I got this, let me take control, just relax” Celestia says This pain is excruciating. No one said it would hurt this much. My bones are breaking and repositioning. I CAN'T DO THIS! MAKE IT STOP! A few more screams and the pain stops. “Oh, My Goddess” Claudia says “She’s a pure white wolf” Alpha Trevor says, “You are beautiful” the twins say together and come stand in front of me. They put their hand out to touch Celestia and she walks into their hand. They rub her fur and she purrs in happiness. They shift into 2 black wolves; one has a star on his left shoulder, the other has a moon on his left shoulder. “Anthony’s wolf is Steele, Antoine’s wolf is Granite”. Celestia says “How do you know their names?” “I asked them silly.” They start to run, and I follow them. We end up at the crescent lake. With the full moon shining, I look at my reflection in the water. I am a white wolf. All white wolfs are rare. "Celestia, we're not all white? Are we?" “We are a pure white wolf Desiree. We will find out what that means in detail later. Let’s go to bed now. I’m tired.” We walk back to the packhouse, and my friends are still there along with Wesley and David. They have clothes for us. Claudia directs me behind a tree “Just think of your human self; your eyes, your hands, your body, to turn back” Celestia says Turning back was nowhere near as painful as the first shift. I guess it gets easier with time. I put on the robe Claudia bought for me. “Don’t worry, shifting gets easier the more you do it, and it hurts a lot less each time”, Anthony says We all went back to the packhouse and to bed. I’m figuring now that I shifted, training will start soon.
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