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Desiree’s POV “Desiree, do you want to address the next issue?” I shake my head. “Alpha Kane, please stay. There is someone else who wants to talk to you.” I walk around the desk and stand next to Alpha Trevor and Anthony. “Do you want to drive this conversation or me?” Alpha Trevor asks “No. I will do it. Grandma, can you go to my room and get the letter from my backpack in my closet, please”. She nods and I take a deep breath “Hello, Alpha Kane. My name is Desiree Maxwell. Was there an Alpha in your pack named Nicholas?” “Yes, Alpha Nicholas was my father. He died 4 years ago” Alpha Kane said with no emotion, “Well, Alpha Kane, I believe we are siblings. I have testament from my mother that she was kidnapped by your father and raped for almost 2 years to create a powerful hybrid. My mother escaped prior to having me”, I told him. My grandma came in with the letter. I gave it to Alpha Kane to read. He finished the letter and looked at me “At 18, I challenged my father for the pack and killed him. My father was a cruel man. My mother was his fated mate. Ever since I can remember he cheated on her. I don’t know if you know, but when you cheat on your fated mate it causes them extreme pain and bruising. When this is done over a period of time, it slowly sucks the life out of the person. My mother had endured his cheating, along with verbal and physical abuse, for years until it killed her. After she died, he would force himself on the omegas of our pack. At some point, he began beating those that didn’t agree with him and even killed an omega who refused to sleep with him. You are not my only sibling. I have 5 back in my pack. After seeing how my father treated my mother, other women and those weaker in the pack, I challenged him as soon as I could. I am sorry Desiree for you and for your mom. I can tell you, you do not have to fear the Bloodmoon pack anymore. I would never hurt you. Can I ask, is this your pack?” he asks. “No, as you read in the letter, my mom left me with a human couple. They raised me and gave me her letter when I turned 16. I have been practicing my magic, and I am here now for my shift and to learn about werewolves.” “Did you have a good life?” “I have had a wonderful life. My mom left me with amazing parents, and I am well.” “Last question, tell me about the situation between you and Tina.” “From the time I came to the pack, Tina didn’t like me. Said humans don’t belong in a werewolf pack. It was never anything big at first; she would bump into me on the lunch line, slapped me a couple of times. She and Amber did attack me and caused me to have a concussion, and I was in the pack hospital for 3 days. She didn’t like that I talked back to her. She said she was the Luna and I disrespected her, said she was going to tell her cousin. Her cousin is Alpha Teddy of the Eclipsed Moon pack. She told him that I was trying to steal the twins from her, and they were her mates. When he got here for the ball, we discovered we were mates. He said he accepted the bond; when we mated, he was not gentle, it hurt, and I cried the whole time. I did consent but it felt like rape. I said no and asked him to stop but he wouldn't. After he finished, he rejected me. He said it was a lesson for trying to take Tina’s mates. When I told him the twins were not her mates, he said he can’t have a weak human for a mate. From what I understand, he treated me the way he did because of what she told him.” “Alpha Kane, family means a lot to me. I would like us to get to know each other since you are my brother. If you choose to be with Tina, that is your choice, but I will not be around her, even if she is your mate.” “I hear you, Desiree. Alpha Trevor, can I be present for your interrogation of Tina? I will give my answer regarding her after the interrogation” “Okay, I am going to enjoy the rest of the ball with my friends before their mates take them away.” I grab Anthony’s hand and leave the office. I know he is not himself but after today, I need to have fun. We walked to the dance floor and let lose. Claudia Leticia, Wesley, Sharon and David join us shortly after and Antoine comes after dealing with Tina. We dance as a group and individually. I even danced with both Anthony and Antoine to a Tamia song. At least the night will end well.
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