
1952 Words
Tina’s POV I have been out at the spa and salon all day getting ready for the mating ball. The twins should have consumed enough of the potion that they won’t connect with anyone there and ask me to be their chosen mate. I will be Luna. I am in my room putting on my pink ball gown. I originally chose a hot pink mini dress, but my mom said it was not appropriate for the occasion. So, I got one that is short in the front and long in the back and backless. It is so sexy and looks amazing. I walked out to the car; it’s not far to the packhouse, but I refuse to walk. Yuri said he would drive me; he and mom are going out to dinner after they drop me off. Amber and Ashley are waiting outside the packhouse for me to arrive. “Ladies. This is going to be our night” I say “Wesley came home last night. I need the potion tomorrow, so I can give it to him. I will be your beta female. I refuse to be mated to some common warrior” Amber says “No problem, I'll bring it to you in the morning, if the twins don't ask me to stay over (I wink at her). You need to dose them about 2 or 3 times for it to work. What about you, Ashley? I have enough potion for you to use too. You can give it to David and then we will all be ranked members.” I ask her “No. I am not interested in David. I want my mate. I want what my parents have, even if he is a warrior”, she says “Whatever, it's your lost. Being the Gamma female is much better than being with a warrior. Let’s go get our men” I said, smiling. As soon as we enter the ballroom, Ashley stops in her tracks and a guy runs up to her. He starts kissing her, and they call each other MATE. He introduces himself as Beta Lawrence from the Bloodmoon pack. They walk towards the patio to talk. We walk further into the ball and to the bar for a drink. I then smell the most fascinating combination of vanilla and pine, sweet and woodsy. As I search for the person who the smell belongs to, I see a tall man with brown hair and gold eyes walking towards me. “Hello, my beautiful MATE. I am Alpha Kane of Bloodmoon pack” “You are an alpha?” “I am and you are my future Luna.” “Is Bloodmoon a big pack?” “We are medium-sized; I say we are just right. You will love it there.” He moves closer to me, and I step back. He furrows his brow at my actions. I don’t know what to do; I am supposed to be Luna of this pack. A big pack not a medium-sized pack. As I stare at him, I see Anthony and Antoine come up behind him. “Sorry Alpha Kane but we need to talk to Tina about pack business” Antoine says “Future Alpha Antoine and Anthony; this young lady is my mate. Is there an issue?” “No alpha but we need to talk. I will have a warrior come take you to my father’s office in about 20 minutes. I ask for your understanding and patience. Everything will be explained then” Antoine says “Sure. I will be waiting at the entrance in 20 minutes” he says Anthony grabs my hand, and they take me to their fathers' office. Alpha Trevor’s POV When they bring her in, Antoine whispers to me that Alpha Kane is her mate, and we have 20 minutes before he will be brought to the office. “Come in Tina, have a seat”. I am behind my desk with Belinda, Matthew and David. “Evening Alpha Trevor” “We need to address something, Tina. I have it on good authority that you have given my sons a potion to block them from recognizing their mate. Attached to that is a spell to bind you to them, so they will choose you as their chosen mate and Luna.” “Who told you that alpha? Where would I get a potion and spell from? I would never do that to the twins. I love them” she says “So, this is not yours?” Belinda asks, putting the potion bottle on the desk. Tina’s eyes go wide for a second, but she is quick to recover “No Luna Belinda. What is that?” “Tina, did you tell your cousin Alpha Teddy of the Eclipsed Moon pack that Desiree was trying to steal your mates and ask him to take care of her?” “No, I just told him that there was this new girl here who was a human, and we don’t get along.” “Okay Tina, we found this potion in the back of your closet. And the twins have admitted that it is the same taste and color as the cocktails you gave them. We had a witch come test it, and she told us what the potion and spell was for. Your cousin, who was escorted off the territory, also admitted that the actions he took towards Desiree were due to lies told by you. And a pack member came to a ranked member and informed them that you had admitted to her that you used a potion on my sons. So, I’m going to ask you again for the truth, or I am going to put you in the cells, force you to drink truth serum and then ask my questions. Which would you prefer?” I say “Alpha Trevor, I don’t understand where this is coming from. I never saw that before and why would I lie to my cousin?” The office door opens and Ashley along with her mate and Claudia come in the office. “Ashley, please inform me of what you told my daughter tonight during the ball” Alpha Trevor says “Alpha Trevor, Tina gave both your sons a potion to block them from sensing their mate, and she used a spell to bind them to her. She has been working on this plan for about a couple of months now. I did not agree with it, but after meeting my mate tonight, I really saw how terrible she is. I found Claudia and told her what was going on to stop any further harm to, the future alphas”, Ashley said, holding her mate’s hand. “Thank you, Ashley, you may leave and congratulations to you and Beta Lawrence” “Okay Tina. I have given you a chance to be honest with me. Before we take you to the cells, I am going to bring your mate in here. Anthony let Alpha Kane in, and Antoine go get Desiree and her grandmother.” He enters and takes a seat next to Tina. We wait for Desiree and Tess to enter. “Alpha Kane, I have been informed that you are Tina’s fated mate. I want to tell you what’s going on with her. Tina is accused of giving my sons a potion to block them from recognizing their fated mate. She also used a binding spell to bind them to her, with the hopes they would take her as a chosen mate and Luna. The bottle in front of you is the potion. Both my sons have admitted that she had given them a cocktail that looked, smelled and tasted exactly like the potion. This potion was also found in the back of her closet. The witch who I had test the potion is standing behind you. Tess is a good friend of the family and an expert in spells and potions. She will testify to her results. I have pack members who will admit that she informed them that she would be Luna, and my daughter is one of those pack members. Your betas new mate just admitted that Tina told her she dosed the twins with the potion. Tina also contacted her cousin, Alpha Teddy, and lied to him that a guest of my family’s was trying to take her mates from her. This resulted in him causing her physical and emotional pain. He admitted to his actions and that they were because of information he received from Tina. When questioned about these allegations, she said she was not aware of any this information. I already have permission from the council to torture and kill her for her actions. Since you are now her mate, I wanted to give you this information. I will proceed with any torture for the truth. I am willing to inform you or take your thoughts into consideration about her punishment. Gamma David take Tina to the cells.” “No. Alpha Trevor, I didn’t do anything. Amber gave me the potion. I just wanted to be Luna of Crescent Lake pack”, Tina cried. “Amber?, Gamma David’s daughter gave you the potion?” “Yes, she planned to use it on Wesley to be beta female. She knew how bad I wanted to be Luna, so she offered some to me to use on the twins. It was her idea, not mine.” I mind link Amber and Wesley and tell them to come to the office now. Less than 10 minutes later, they both come to the office. “Amber, Tina has accused you of providing her with this potion. It will stop a person from identifying their fated mate and bind them to another. She said you were planning to use it on Wesley. Is this true?” There is a loud growl from Wesley as he stares at Amber. “No alpha. I know nothing about a potion, and I would never give that to Wesley”, Amber says “Excuse me Alpha Trevor, Tina is lying. She didn’t receive the potion from Amber but from a witch named Cora who lives outside her old pack. Amber didn’t give her the potion but was going to get it from Tina and give it to Wesley. They even offered it to Ashley, but she refused. Tina is also struggling with accepting Alpha Kane, because his pack is not big enough for her”, Desiree said. “Gamma David take Tina to the cells. Since nothing happened to Wesley, I will let you deal with Amber. Luckily, he met his mate tonight”, I said “WHAT?” Amber yelled. “I am your mate, Wesley. You are supposed to be mine. I am to be the beta female. Please reject her and take me. I love you”, Amber cries. “Beta Matthew, you take Tina to the cells. Gamma David needs to deal with Amber” I say tiredly. “I didn’t do anything wrong. You can’t put me in the cells. Anthony, you know I would never hurt you. I love you. Please help me” Tina cried. Antoine assists Beta Matthew with taking her to the cells. Gamma David pulls a screaming, crying Amber out of the office. “Thank you, Tess, for your help. Desiree, do you want to address the next issue now since you are both here?” She nods her head yes. “Alpha Kane, please stay. There is someone else who wants to talk to you” I say.
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