Chapter 17

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Desiree's POV We head to the alpha’s office. He and Luna Belinda, along with the members of their family, have already officially given the speech to start the ball. We enter the office; Alpha Trevor and Luna Belinda are there along with my grandparents, Beta Matthew and Yvonne, Gamma David and Maria. The twins and two other guys I haven’t met are there too. As soon as we walk in, the handsome brown-haired man that looks like Beta Matthew walks up to Leticia and says MATE, then sniffs her neck. At the same time, the Hispanic cutie walks towards Sharon and kisses her. “Okay guys. How about you introduce yourself before attacking them”, Alpha Trevor says “Sorry Alpha” they say in unison. “Here, let me help. Leticia, this is the future Beta Wesley. He is Beta Matthew and Yvonne’s 21-year-old son. Sharon this is David; he is the 22-year-old son of Gamma David and Maria, he is the future gamma of the pack. They are our best friends, and it seems your mates”, Antonine says with a smile. Leticia, Sharon and I look at each other. “Guys, can we talk more about this mate thing later? We are not rejecting you, but after we tell you what happened. You will understand why we need to take this a little slow”, Leticia says to Wesley and David. They look upset and are about to say something. “With that let’s talk about what has been happening around here lately” Alpha Trevor says, “Okay, so we have all but a verbal confession that Tina has used a potion and spell on Anthony and Antoine to become their Luna”, Alpha Trevor says “What the f**k?” Wesley says, jumping out of his seat. Leticia grabs his hand, and he sits back down. “The plan is to take her prisoner and force a truth serum on her for a confession. Because she doesn’t like Desiree, she convinced her cousin Alpha Teddy of the Eclipsed Moon pack that the twins are her mates and Desiree is trying to take them from her. He came here and found out that Desiree was his mate. He told her he accepted the bond. During the mating he was forceful and caused her physical and emotional pain. He told her it was to teach her a lesson for taking others mates. He then rejected her”, Alpha Trevor said. The room erupted in growls and curses. “What he did is not illegal but morally wrong and against the mate bond. It is against the rules of the mating ball. We will be escorting him off our property. We will allow his men to stay, until the end of the ball, if they were not aware of his plan. We will also be ending our alliance with the Eclipsed Moon Pack”, Luna Belinda says. “How will we know if his men were aware of his plan?” Beta Matthew asks. “We would like to ask Desiree to help us with that” Luna Belinda says. “How can Desiree help” Antoine asks, concerned “I can hear thoughts, if I focus. I don’t use it unless I have to, or I am asked”, I say “How can you hear thoughts? You’re human”, David asks. “I am a witch/werewolf hybrid. It is one of my witch powers. I was raised as a human and just found out two year ago about my true nature. I turn 18 tomorrow. My sperm donor was an alpha, that is why alpha Trevor allowed me to stay here, for my shift and to train. Leticia and Sharon are witches too, FYI.” “Desiree is a priority to us. In addition to being a friend of the pack. She was kissed by the moon when she was born. The Crescent Lake pack will always be there for her” Alpha Trevor says. “Also, Alpha, the Bloodmoon pack is here. That is the pack my mother indicated was the cause of her kidnapping. There is a different alpha than who she mentioned in her letters, but he did notice me, and he commented on my eye color” “Well, Desiree, he did ask to speak to you and me after the ball. I want you to think about that before we answer him” Alpha Trevor says. The discussion ends there with the alpha and beta addressing Alpha Teddy, and Antoine and Wesley to take Tina to the dungeons. Gamma David will talk to her parents. David is instructed to stay close to us. We all leave to go to the ball. Sharon’s POV I never expected to find a mate. Especially a werewolf mate. David is gorgeous with his muscles and curly hair. I am leery though after what happened with Desi. We head to the bathroom after leaving the alpha’s office. That meeting was a lot of information, but I’m glad we have a plan. We go check our makeup and touch up our lipstick. “Do not reject your mates because of what happened to me. I just got unlucky. They seem like good guys. At least give them a chance” Desiree says to us. We nod in agreement. We walk out the bathroom and see David waiting. My heart smiles when I see him. We’ll see, I think to myself. We all walk down the curved staircase side by side. These girls are my army, and nothing will ever break us. We enter the ballroom with them playing Champagne Life by Neyo. We went straight to the dance floor. We dance for a couple of songs before David, Wesley and Antoine join us for a few dances. Then we are joined by Anthony and Claudia. We dance and have fun, putting the events of the day behind us. We then go to the table for a drink and snacks. “Dad wants me to bring Desiree to the office”. Antoine says “Can you all come with me?” she asks. “Of course we can” he says. We all go to the alpha’s office. We enter, and Alpha Teddy is there with his Gamma and the other unmated men from the pack. Desiree holds her head high, she doesn’t look at him, just head to stand by the alpha. Alpha Teddy’s POV I am standing outside the ballroom holding the mating ball. I don’t even want to be here anymore. I should just go home. “Alpha” My friend and gamma walks up to me “Yeah Simon, what did you find?” “The word around the pack is that Tina dated the twins a couple of years ago. Since they are required to have a Luna to take the alpha position, the twins broke up with her and are looking for their fated mate. They won’t marry anyone else. Also, Tina was heard yelling at a group of girls that she was going to tell her cousin about how they disrespected her, but she seemed to be the instigator.” “SHITTTT! f**k ME! I am going to kill her!” I yelled. “What did you do, Teddy?” “I f****d up Simon and probably lost my mate because of it.” We enter the ball and, about thirty minutes later, I smell her. She walks in, commanding the room. She is in a beautiful red dress with a high split, showing that toned left leg as she walks. She and her friends walk to the dance floor like they are in a club, and I smile. I must talk to her. I must fix this. I can say I didn’t know Tina was lying. It was all a misunderstanding. I would never have treated her that way if I hadn’t been lied to by my cousin. While I’m sitting there trying to figure out how to approach her, one of the twins and his friends glide up and dance with her and her friends. As I watch Antoine Stone dancing with my mate, anger builds, and I am one second from ripping his head off. How dare he touch my mate. As I start to walk to the dance floor to pull her away from him, I am approached by Alpha Trevor and Beta Matthew. Alpha Trevor requests that me and all my men come to his office. I don’t want to speak to him, I want to get my mate, but I can’t disrespect another alpha in his territory. I link my men, and we followed them to the office. We sit in seats around the office and 15 minutes later the door opens, and the most beautiful creature walks in and up to the alpha. She doesn’t even look at me. “Alpha Teddy; it has come to my attention that you have broken the rules of the mating ball. You told your fated mate that you accepted her, to then mate and reject her. Is this true?” Alpha Trevor asks “Alpha Trevor; it was a misunderstanding. Respectfully, it is a situation between Desiree and I, it does not involve you” I respond staring at Desiree. “Since Desiree is here as a guest and friend of my family, things that concern her do involve me. In addition, the mating ball is on my property and your confirmation of attendance included you accepting the rules of the ball, which your actions are in violation of. According to Desiree, your despicable actions were to teach her a lesson, since she was trying to steal my sons from Tina. Your actions inadvertently affect my family. So, I ask again, is this true?” “I don’t know what Desiree said to you. I will admit that I behaved poorly towards Desiree based on incorrect information I received. I would never have done what I did otherwise. Now that I realize the information was false, I would like to apologize to Desiree and fix this situation. My behavior today was out of character for me, and I want to show you who I really am and love you the way a mate is supposed to. I Alpha Teddy Turner of Eclipsed Moon pack rescind my rejection, to Desiree Maxwell as my mate and Luna”, I say to Desiree Alpha Trevor looks at Desiree, and she whispers something to him. She then grabs the hand of her friends, and they have a quick conversation. Her friends glare at me and if looks could kill I would be buried 6ft under. Desiree walks around the alphas desk to stand in front of me. “I reject the rescinding of your rejection. I would never be with someone who treats anyone the way you did me. I accept your apology because the information you received was incorrect, and you thought you were protecting your family. But as an alpha should you not have vetted the information before acting? That is neither here nor there, because it’s too late to correct your actions. As I said, I forgive your ignorance of the situation, but in regard to our bond, you destroyed it and I will never forgive you for what you did. You took my first time and ruined it, you lied to me, hurt me, disgraced me and disrespected me. Then sat back with an air of arrogance and rejected me. I am a strong female and the last thing I will allow is for you to break me. So, if that was your goal, I’m going to have to disappoint you. You are an asshole! I hope the goddess gives you everything you deserve, because it sure as hell ain’t me. I am worth more than you and deserve better than you. So, f**k YOU and your b***h of a cousin! And if I ever see either of you again, I won’t be so calm. I already had to stop my cousin from frying your ass. You thought a little water was surprising. You have no idea what I am capable of. Take this as a warning because there will be no other”, she says to me, and walks out of the office followed by her friends and the future ranked members. “So, there is your answer, Alpha Teddy. Regarding the mating ball, Desiree informed me that your men were not aware of what you did and are actually disappointed in you, so they can stay for the ball if they desire. You, Alpha Teddy, must leave immediately. In regard to our alliance, I will talk to my sons about how they want to proceed, and we will reach out to you. My beta will follow you to your room to collect your things and see you off my territory”. Alpha Trevor states “I respect your decision, Alpha Trevor, and I am sorry about what happened. Thank you for allowing my men to stay”, I say and stand “Excuse me, Alpha Trevor. You said Desiree informed you that we didn’t know about what our alpha did. How did she know?” Simon asked. “Desiree is actually a witch and able to read thoughts. The reason I brought her here was to find out about you guys. I didn’t want to punish you all for his actions”. Alpha Trevor said “Alpha, my cousin Tina? I haven’t seen her.” “Tina has her own issues to address Alpha Teddy. You can ask your aunt about her if you wish to know”, he says I get up and leave the office, followed by Beta Matthew. Collect my belongings and drive home. My wolf is crying in my mind, and no amount of apologies can fix it. I lost our mate. I will kill Tina!
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