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Desiree’s POV I slept hard last night. Between the overwhelming information and the crying, my body was tired. I woke up as the sun began to rise. I looked at my phone and it was 6:40 am. I know my parents are still sleeping. I throw on some leggings and a light sweater and go outside. It is spring now, but at this time of the morning, it is still a little cool. I go to the small pond in the backyard and sit on the grass. I close my eyes and just enjoy being in nature. I think about the luscious grass and beautiful flowers. When I open my eyes, the grass area 4 feet diameter around me has grown tall and luscious. The grass is so tall it reaches my shoulders as I sit there. There are also patches of wildflowers sprinkled around. Did I do this? Is this my witch powers? But I don’t feel any different. I don’t even know what I did or how I did it. I get up from the spot and admire the grass and flowers. I walk over to the water to look at myself. I still look the same, I am just me. I can’t be the same and be a witch/werewolf hybrid. Can I? I stare at my reflection and focus on my gold eyes. I have never seen anyone else with my eye color and I have noticed they change color a bit when I am upset. Is that part of being supernatural? So many questions and no answers. I stay outside for a while longer, walking and thinking. What will Leticia and Sharon say when I tell them I’m a witch/werewolf hybrid and, according to Renatta, I am powerful. I can’t lose my friends. I hope they understand. I head back to the house where I find mom in the kitchen drinking coffee. I sit with her in silence. Yesterday was a lot for all of us, and we have plans for lunch to discuss it further. Until then, I am going to relax and save my energy. I have a feeling that the overwhelming feeling will be back today. We drive to Mama Gene’s house for lunch. After eating, we go to the parlor. “So now that you have had time to digest the information. What do you think? What questions do you have? We will try our best to answer them” Mama Gene says. “What does this all mean for me? Do I have to become a witch and a werewolf? Can’t I just ignore it all?” I ask “I don’t think so, Desiree. It’s not a choice; you are a wolf, you are a witch, they are who you are, not something you become.” Mom says “I guess you could not use your magic, never turn into your wolf and continue wearing the talisman. Go on as if nothing has changed” Mama Gene says. “But things have changed. I have these powers.” I say. They nod their heads. “Did you question yourself when you kept passing your classmates and had to be pushed up a couple of years in school?” dad asks. “No, I saw it as I was blessed with brains” I replied. “So how is this any different? You were blessed with brains and have utilized it. The powers that be also blessed you with witch powers and a werewolf. Why would you hide from those blessings but not your big brain?” he asks. “Being smart doesn’t make me different. Being a witch and a werewolf makes me different. I am a teenager, the last thing I want to be is different.” “You are only different from the current people you know. There is a large community of werewolves and witches that would not see you as different. Just like you found online groups of smart kids because people made fun of you because you were too smart. Being different isn’t a bad thing. See the good, not always the bad. You will have powers; you will be able to turn into a beautiful wolf. You will be able to protect yourself and others. You will meet new people like you. That all sounds positive to me.” He says “What if the family becomes afraid of me and doesn’t want me as a Maxwell anymore” I ask “I think you are underestimating your family. You will be surprised about things in the family, and we never turn family away” Mama Gene says “Do we tell everyone?” I question “I think we should tell the ones that count right now. Your close cousins right now, so you have a support group”, mom suggests. I sit and think about my situation some more. I need to learn to train and get used to having powers and a wolf. I wouldn’t want to hurt someone with my powers, especially if I am as powerful as Renatta said. Also, what about Alpha Nicholas? After what he did to Renatta, I should learn to protect myself. “Okay. I guess the next step is calling Susan, my aunt. I need to learn how to use these powers safely”, I say. They all nod, proud expressions on their faces Sarah’s POV Another year without Renatta. I just wish I knew what happened to her. It has been 18 years now and I miss my little sister. We have scryed for her energy signature many times. I can’t locate her magic. I have found her essence, but then when I get to the place to find her, the essence is gone. It is like she is running away. I hope she knows that I would love her no matter what and these coven doors are always open. I spent the morning training and then lunch with my parents. I enjoyed myself, but they are not the same happy people since Renatta went missing. I think a piece of them is missing. I understand that, because I feel it too, but she is their daughter that has to be 10 times worse. I am about to go take a shower when my phone rings. “Hello” I answer “Hi. Is this Susan Cole?” a young girl asks “This is. How can I help you?” “You don’t know me, but I was told to contact you. My name is Desiree, and your sister Renatta is my mother”. I stand there lost for words. Did this girl just say she is Renatta’s daughter? “I’m sorry. Can you say that again?” “My name is Desiree and Renatta is my biological mother. When she gave me up, she left a note with your name and number to call.” She says “You are my niece?” I question “Yes ma’am” “Is Renatta with you?” “No. According to the letter she left me. Our lives were in danger, so she left me in the car of a nice couple in Georgia. They have raised me since I was a baby. She left us notes that I will start to get my powers and to contact you for help. I would also like to meet my other family members” “We have not seen Renatta in 18 years. How do I know that you are who you say you are” “She left a letter for you too. Can we meet somewhere and talk, maybe next weekend?” “I would love to meet you. I can come to Georgia next weekend.” “We live on St Simon’s Island, but if it is easier, we can meet at a more neutral spot, like Savannah or Brunswick”, she suggests. “Savannah is lovely, and we have other family there. I will talk to the rest of my family and make travel arrangements. Once I have completed it, I can call you back with details, and then we can arrange to meet. Is that okay?” “Yes, that works. This is my cell number. You can call me back on it. Thank you” With that, she hung up. I then proceeded to call my parents and brother and inform them of the phone call. They all want to be present to meet Desiree next weekend. I make flight and hotel reservations for us and text Desiree. She says she and her parents can come to Savannah after school on Friday. She made dinner reservations for Friday; we can all meet then and talk.
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