
1997 Words
Desiree’s POV “Mom, are you ready? We are going to be late” I yell from the bottom of the stairs. “I’m coming Desiree, we have time” mom responds Today is my birthday. I already had a big birthday breakfast with my parents, and they gave me their gifts. I got an SUV. I was never expecting that, but I know Mom and Dad are tired of driving me everywhere. I have my permit but plan to get my license this month, then FREEDOM. I also got a new phone and tablet, which is what I really wanted. I love reading and doing research. The next step in the birthday celebration is a family party at Mama Gene’s house. The big house is where all big family events take place. It is the original house built by our ancestors on the island. I don’t know about anyone else, but I love that place. I can feel the history and energy of our ancestors there. I said this to Mama Gene once, and she said I feel it because I have a spiritual connection to the earth. I don’t know what she means, but I love nature. Being outside among the trees and water and animals is where I am at peace. There is a lake a little walk from my house and that is my happy place. Mom finally comes downstairs, and we drive to Mama Gene’s house. The backyard is lively with music and talking. There are people playing games and cards and dominos. A couple of years back, my uncle Lance built a basketball court on the property, and there are a group of guys there playing ball. Papa Tim is grilling and arguing with his brother Paul as usual. They both boast of being the family grill master, and compete every time we get together. I love having a big family. To know you can always rely on someone no matter what. I often wonder what would have happened to me if Calvin hadn't been there the night of that party. Or how many more beatings I would have received at school if my family wasn’t there to protect me? I can’t imagine my life without these wonderful people and the love they have for me. After eating way too much food and desserts, I hang out with Leticia and Sharon. Sharon lives in Savannah with her mom. Her dad was a Maxwell, but he died about 5 years ago. Her mother was never 100% comfortable living on the island, so after Uncle Jimmy died they moved to Savannah. We still talk all the time, and she always comes to events on the island. She got a car for her birthday last year and her mother is getting more comfortable with her driving here. She is spending the night with her other cousins tonight and going back home tomorrow. This birthday was amazing and everything I could ask for. As things start to settle down and people start to go home; I go to find my parents. I find them in the house with Mama Gene, and they seem to be having a serious conversation. As soon as I got close to the room, they stopped talking and Mama Gene told me to come sit. I think that woman is a witch, it’s like she knows things. “Hi everybody. What’s going on in here” I say coming into the room. “Baby girl, did you enjoy your birthday?” Mama Gene asks “I always enjoy being with family” I smile “There is something your parents need to discuss with you and, because of the situation, they asked me to be here” Mama Gene said. “Okay, is everyone okay?” “Yes, we are all good. We have information for you. When we found you in our car 16 years ago, you were not the only thing your mother left. She left this necklace, which she handed to me and 3 letters. One letter is addressed to “the couple that raises my baby”, the other to “my precious girl” and the other says “My sister”. We will let you read the letter left for us before we give you your letter”, my dad said. He handed me the letter; it was old and worn like they read it often. To the couple that raises my baby. I want to thank you for doing what I was unable to do. My precious girl was born into a dangerous situation, and I am not able to keep her safe. So, for her safety and prosperity, I am leaving her with you. I hope you grow to love her and cherish her as I do. Provide her with everything a child should have; love, guidance and care. My baby girl is special, and I hope giving you this information will not scare you too much. She is a witch/werewolf hybrid. One of the reasons I chose you is, as your aura is blessed by the spirits and as a supernatural, I can sense it. I hope that you believe what I am saying and can find my daughter the assistance she needs to learn about herself. I am a powerful witch from a powerful bloodline. Her father kidnapped me and forced himself on me to produce him a powerful heir. He is an alpha werewolf who seeks power, he is cruel and selfish. He was able to impregnate me, but I was able to escape before he confirmed I was pregnant. I know he will be looking for me, which is why I had to save my daughter. She should shift into her wolf when she is 18, but her wolf may come to her before then, around 16 or 17, because she is an alpha and their wolves tend to come early. Her witch powers will start to grow after her 16th birthday. The necklace I left with her will help subdue her aura and powers. She should wear the necklace all the time, until she is able to control her powers. Please wait until she is 16 to provide her with this information and the necklace. The following person can help you: Sarah at 504-555-5550. Please give her the letter labeled for her. Thank you again. Renatta I stare at the letter before looking at my parents, then Mama Gene. “I am a witch and werewolf. Witches and werewolves don’t exist. I can’t be one. I am not special, I’m just me. I think my mother had mental issues” “I know it is a lot to take in Desiree. That’s why we have Mama Gene here”, mom says. “No mom. These types of things don’t exist” I yell “They do, child. Witches, werewolves, vampires, fairies. They all exist, they just keep themselves hidden from humans for their safety” Mama Gene says. “How do you know? Have you met them?” I ask. “I have” she answers. I sit down with my mouth open and eyes wide. “Are you one of these supernatural’s, Mama Gene?” “No baby. I do have a special connection with the spirits and our ancestors, but I am not a witch, I have no powers. But I have met witches during my life” she answers. “I don’t want to be different. I just want to be a Maxwell” I cry “This doesn’t change anything. You are our daughter. You are a Maxwell and part of this family. Just because there is more to you doesn’t change who you are or who we are to you” my dad says, getting up and wrapping me in a hug. “What does this mean for me?” I cry “I think you should read your letter, then we can put it all together” mom says, getting up and hugging me along with dad. They allow me to stay there hugging them and processing what information we currently have. I cry because I am afraid I will lose what I have. I know what dad said, but what if my family is afraid of me and doesn’t want to be around me? I don’t know if I can live with that. What about Leticia and Sharon? “Stop freaking out and imagining things. Let’s take it one step at a time”, mom says as we all go sit back down. She hands me my letter. I wait a few minutes then open it and start reading. My darling baby girl. I am so sorry the situation has led to me having to leave you with strangers. I hope this couple treats you well and loves you as I do. They have a positive energy and kind faces. I am going to give you some information and some may be hard to digest, which is why I asked that they wait till you are 16 before giving you this letter. My name is Renatta Cole, and I am your biological mother. I am a witch. I was born in New Orleans with my parents, my brother and sister. We belong to a coven there of light witches, which means good witches. We come from a powerful line of witches, and with both my parents being strong, their children are strong. About 2 years before you were born, I was coming home from a trip to South Carolina, visiting some friends on Edisto Island. I was kidnapped in Georgia by a group of werewolves from the Blood Moon pack. Their alpha is Alpha Nicholas, and he is your father. Alpha Nicholas is determined to be the most powerful alpha and take over the throne from the werewolf king. He never told me this, I just heard whispers while I was captive. I am sorry to tell you this, but you are the result of a rape. I don’t love you any less because of how you came into this world, and I know you will do amazing things. You are the daughter of a strong witch and a strong alpha, which makes you a very powerful hybrid. This was his goal. For me to give him a powerful heir. I was able to escape before he confirmed I was pregnant and avoided him for the 4 months while my belly grew. I am placing you with a nice couple and I pray to the goddess that they treat you well. You will start gaining your witch powers when you turn 16. You may gain your wolf anytime from age 16 till your shift on your 18th birthday. Alpha wolves come to their humans early, but you still shift at 18. I was able to create a talisman for you to wear to hide your power signature or aura, so others won’t sense you. When you are ready, call your Aunt Sarah at 504-555-5550, she is my older sister and your aunt. She can help you with your powers and figure this whole supernatural thing out. I love you, my baby girl, and I wish you good fortune. Love your mother Renatta I finished the letter and cry. I pass it to my family so they can read it. I don’t resent my mom; I thank her for thinking of me above herself. I do hate my sperm donor though. He should be punished for his actions. “I am tired” I say to my parents. “Can we meet tomorrow to discuss this further” I ask They agreed, and we went home with plans to come tomorrow for lunch. I go straight to bed when we get home, and I cry myself to sleep. Not for me so much but for Renatta and all the horrible stuff she went through for 2 years.
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