
1308 Words
Desiree’s POV This has been the longest week ever. I was so nervous about going to Savannah this weekend. I barely paid attention at school, luckily there was not anything overly important planned this week. Leticia had noticed my nervousness and zoning out. She has questioned me multiple times and I don’t know what I can or can’t tell her. I want to talk to my aunt before I say anything to anyone. I wanted to tell Leticia and Susan badly, because I really could use someone to talk to about this. I make it through the week and rush home to pack a bag. We jump in the car and head to Savannah. I made reservations at the same hotel and dinner reservations at the restaurant attached to the hotel. They were able to give us a small meeting room. Aunt Susan said there would be a total of 9 people coming in addition to me and my parents, that’s 12. Our reservations are for 7pm. That gives everyone time to travel, relax and get ready. I have never been this nervous. We get to the restaurant a few minutes before 7, and we are told the other people in our party are already seated. We are escorted to the private room, where conversation can be heard. My dad then opens the door, and we walk in. All eyes are on us now. Everyone has stopped talking and is staring. This is AWKWARD! A pretty brown woman, a little taller than me but with the same body type, stands up and walks towards me. She starts crying “Can I hug you?” she asks. “Are you my aunt Susan?” I asked. “No. I am your grandma Tess. I am Renatta’s mother” she cries and puts her arms out to hug me. I walk in and hug her back. She cries louder “You look so much like your mother. The only thing different is your eyes. You are so beautiful. I am so happy to meet you. Come, let me introduce you.” She says happily We walked further into the room and stop at the table. “That tall man at the head of the table is your grandpa Frank, the tall girl to his right is your aunt Susan, next to her is her beloved Joseph, across from them is your uncle Kyle and next to him is his beloved Laura, the other 2 are your twin cousins; Patrick and Patricia.” “Hello, I am Desiree, and this is my mom Mary and my dad, Henry.” “Now that introductions are made, can I get a hug” grandpa says. I nod I then proceed to hug each member of my new family. They were all crying and telling me how much I look like Renatta. Grandpa even showed me a picture. She seems to be taller than me, but our facial features are very similar. We take a minute and order our meals. Then we talk, getting to know each other. I questioned what a beloved is, and I am told it is like your soul mate, your better half. In the supernatural world, our goddesses pair us with the perfect person for us. When you meet that person, they complete you. Each type of supernatural notices their beloved differently. Witches are drawn to the person, but they must look each other in the eye to truly recognize the bond. Werewolves scent their mates; their mate’s scent is strong and appealing to them, they also feel tingles when they touch them. Vampires feel drawn to the person like witches, they also look at them, but the taste of their blood is the final solidifier of the bond between them. That’s cool. I have a lot to learn. When we finished eating, I reach into my bag and gave Aunt Susan Renatta’s letter. She takes it, looks at me with sad eyes, breathes a couple of times, then opens it. She reads it to herself first, then to everyone else. Hey big sis. I am so sorry. If I know you, you have been searching for me and I have not made finding myself easy. Let me explain why. When I was on my way home from seeing Crystal, I was kidnapped by a werewolf alpha. His name is Alpha Nicholas, and he runs the Bloodmoon pack. I was taken in Georgia and was in Georgia when I escaped, but I don’t know if that is where his pack is. Any information I am going to provide to you is hearsay. I heard whispers as the staff and guards worked. Alpha Nicholas took me to bear him a powerful heir. I guess with our bloodline and him being a strong alpha, he felt I could give him a powerful heir. They took me and put me in an enchanted room and kept me chained to the bed. The chain allowed me to move around the room, I had a bathroom and was able to take care of myself, he even had clothes, books, and television there for me. So, this was planned. I don’t know if I was the original target or just any witch. I don’t know why me or how he knew where I would be. He never talked to me after taking me. He would just come to the room, have s*x with me and leave. Once a month, a doctor would come, draw blood and see if I was pregnant. He always fed me because I needed the nutrients to get pregnant and support the baby. When I didn’t get pregnant right away, he got frustrated and beat me. So, a monthly whipping proceeded with every negative pregnancy test. He did this for 21 months. I was then able to detect the pregnancy. I think the enchantment started to fail with time. I was able to access my magic. With that, I escaped and hid. I was able to find a labyrinth of tunnels and caves that I enchanted and stayed until I gave birth. I waited a week to recover and traveled to the nearest city, which was Brunswick. I found a couple with a yellow aura that had a mystical blessing. I put the baby in their car for them to find and care for. If you are reading this letter, they still have my baby and I hope are treating her well. Not only is my daughter of our bloodline and a strong alpha line, but she was also born under the full moon. She was kissed by the moon. Her aura is strong. I used what magic I could muster to bind her and create a talisman for when she turned 16. My magic is depleted now. I just have enough to keep myself aware and sense danger. This is why I did not come back to the coven; I am pretty much human now, and I can’t live there as a human. That is also why when you scrye for me, you can’t find my magic signature. It’s okay. I miss you all terribly. Tell mom, dad and Kyle, I love them. Please look after my daughter, train her and keep her safe. If he finds out about her, he will try and use her for his selfish gain. Once her powers and wolf manifest, many will try to come for her, especially since she is moon kissed. Take care of my baby. Maybe one day we will see each other again. Love You!! Renatta The whole table is either crying or angry about what has been done to Renatta. This selfish man’s actions have led to so much pain. I have questions, but before I get to ask them, my mom asks; “Is my daughter in danger?"
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