Chapter 34

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Anthony’s POV I slowly wake up and realize I am not in my room. It takes me a minute to remember, we all slept in Antoine’s room. I then realize there is a slender arm draped over my abdomen. I turn and see Desiree sleeping, turned towards me with Antoine spooning her. The only thing I can do is smile. For two years I didn’t think this day would come, not to mention the conversation we had the other night. That was my first real argument with a female. Though I have been with women in and out of the pack, I did not have a relationship with them. Especially one where I cared what they thought or how they felt. This is all new to me and I have a lot to prove to her. I almost lost her and I know if I don’t get my s**t together, I will lose her. I can’t lose her; I haven’t recognized the bond with her yet and I already love her. The magic should be wearing off soon, but it doesn’t matter. She is my mate. I don’t want anyone else. I will prove to her that I am worthy of her love. Now that she has accepted us, we need to introduce her to the pack. I think this will get the point across to the women in the pack. We have been good at putting up boundaries over the last couple of days, but I am ready for everyone to know she is ours. After the challenge yesterday, no one would question her strength as our Luna. And those other women would be stupid to step to her. I will do whatever I need to, to ensure she is treated well here. I will not let anyone hurt or disrespect my mate ever again. I slowly get up to pee and get ready for the day. We all have training this morning too. After coming back from the bathroom, I see one happy Antoine. Desiree has turned and wrapped herself around him. He is lying there taking in her scent. I know he feels as I do. We are lucky men to have her and need to make sure we make her happy, and she stays with us. I link him “We all need to get to training” “I know, but I really don’t want to move. I can’t even describe how I feel right now, having her wrapped around me like this.” “I know. We need to talk after breakfast. We need a plan for when we want to present her to the pack. Like she said, we have some issues with some of the women in the pack. I think letting everyone know she is our mate will squash the remainder of the women who are not taking us seriously.” “I want to do this sooner rather than later. I don’t want her to think we don’t want her and the sooner we address any issues the sooner we can squash them. No one will hurt her. I can’t have her crying and stuff like the other night, that was brutal.” “I know that broke me and to know I was the cause of it. I don’t ever want to do that again. Stone whined and cussed at me during the whole conversation. He didn’t calm down until we went to bed.” Antoine wakes Desiree up begrudgingly. She goes to his bathroom, hops in the shower and gets dressed. We head to the dining room for a quick snack before training. We plan to meet after training for breakfast. We drop her at the training grounds then head to our training with Wesley and David. We do separate training with our lead warrior Ian, David and Wesley, twice a week. This training is grueling because we don’t have to pull punches with each other and can let lose our real strength. After we are done, we head back to the packhouse. We shower and head to breakfast, waiting by the door for the girls. Wesley and David are there too, waiting for Leticia and Sharon. Just as we see them coming down the stairs from showering and changing. Brenda comes up to Antoine and me “I really need to talk to you guys. It’s important,” she says “Is it related to pack matters?” Antoine asks “No, it’s personal” she says “Then the answer is no. We have found our mate and there is nothing for us to discuss on the personal level” I say sternly. She stomps away “Everything okay?” Desiree asks “Yes, beautiful. Everything is wonderful” I say planting a kiss on her lips. She kisses Antoine and we go sit and eat. Antoine’s POV Last night was amazing. If being with your fated mate means nights like that, I am 100% on board. Desiree is everything I could ask for. She is kind, caring, supportive, strong and gorgeous. The moon goddess truly blessed us. We head into the dining room for breakfast, and she stops to talk to some of the kids from the daycare she has been volunteering at. She then walks over to their mothers and talks to them. When she gets her food and comes to sit down, an omega from the kitchen brings her a special drink. She thanks them by name and jokes with them. The pack really likes her. I am glad because we plan to announce her soon as our luna. We will be talking to dad about this today. We finish breakfast. Desiree is going to the daycare for a while to volunteer, then she has Luna training with mom. Leticia and Sharon have started training with Yvonne and Maria. Things are falling into place for us to take over the pack soon. After we say goodbye to Desiree, we go to the office and assist dad with work. He has been giving us more and more responsibilities. “Dad, we need to arrange Desiree’s announcement as our mate and future Luna” I say “So, she has accepted you two” he asks “Yes, she has accepted the bond with both of us as of last night. We have not marked and mated yet, but we are letting her go at her pace”, Anthony says “Okay, I agree. I think we should announce her sooner rather than later. This will get some of the other women in the pack off your back”, he says “That’s what we were thinking” I say Before we can continue, dad gets a mindlink Alpha Trevor’s POV “Alpha, this is Brenda Cross. I am sorry to bother you, but I must speak with you urgently.” “Of course, Brenda, please come to my office.” “Boys, Brenda Cross just mindlinked me and is coming to the office. She says she needs to speak to me urgently. Do you want to stay for this?” I ask the twins. I am figuring this is a personal situation and not a pack issue “No dad, we really don’t want to be around Brenda if we don’t have to”, Antoine says, and they both leave my office. About 10 minutes later there is a knock on the door “Enter” Brenda enters and sits across from my desk “How can I help you, Brenda?” “Alpha, I have a problem. I have tried to talk to the twins, but they won’t listen to me. I’m pregnant and one of the twins is the father.” “Are you sure?” “Yes sir” “Well, I have just linked the twins and the Luna. They need to be here for this” Antoine’s POV Dad linked us to come back to the office. We asked if Brenda was still there, and he said yes, we needed to be involved in this discussion. That comment disturbs me. Brenda is not the girl who takes no for an answer, and she has been getting more and more clingy, especially since Tina was in the cells. We enter dad's office “Boys, Brenda has something to tell you” “I’m pregnant” “No you are not!” Anthony yells “Yes, I am. I took a test a few days ago. I have been trying to tell you, but you won’t talk to me” she exclaims. “So why are you telling us” I ask “One of you is the father” she cries “No we are not. We haven’t had s*x in weeks, and we always used a condom” “Well, I don’t know what to tell you, but you are the last people I have been with. So the baby is yours” “I don’t believe you. We have been together many times and as soon as we say we are focusing on our mate, you miraculously end up pregnant. That’s convenient.” Anthony yells “I am not lying. I am pregnant with your baby” she says and starts to cry “This is some bullshit” I say “Boys, calm down” my dad says “Dad, that’s not our baby” I say “How could you deny this baby? We had s*x. I got pregnant, it’s your child. I am not going to let you usurp your responsibility to our baby” “Brenda, go home for now. We will contact you after we talk”, dad instructs her. She leaves the office crying. Mom enters the office as she is leaving. “Trevor, you called for me. What’s going on? Why is she crying?” “Mom, we didn’t do it. She’s lying” I say “Didn’t do what Antoine? What’s going on?” “Brenda is claiming that she is pregnant and one of the twins is the father”, dad tells her First there is shock on my mom’s face and then anger. She walks towards me and Anthony and slaps us both. She then paces the office. “I told you boys. I have told you over and over since you started having s*x at 15. I told you this would happen. I told you if you don’t slow down with these girls you will get in trouble. I told you those d***s would get you in trouble. You are reckless and now look where we are” she growls out in anger “Mom, it’s not our baby” “How do you know? Did you f**k her? Of course, you did, she has been one of your regulars for years. And you continued even though you knew she wasn’t your mate. Even after you said you wanted your mate. And even when we had to upgrade the security system on your rooms because she kept breaking in. You f****d her anyway. Is her p***y that good or are you that horney? Whether that baby is yours or not, I am disappointed in you both that we are even having to deal with this type of situation”, she says “We are sorry mom, but we don’t think it’s our baby”, Anthony says “First thing we are going to do is make a doctor's appointment. They can confirm the pregnancy and see how far she is to see if the dates align. Then we will discuss paternity tests” she says “Okay. Belinda, can you work on the appointment and let Brenda know the specifics. Until we know otherwise, she is pregnant with your baby, and you have to treat her as such”, dad says “What about Desiree”, mom asks “SSHHIITT!!!” Anthony growls “She will for sure reject us over this. We have done nothing but hurt and disappoint her. Now that we are finally being the men she knows we can be, and she accepts us, this happens”, Antoine says and both twins flop onto the couch putting their heads in their hands. “You need to tell her” Belinda says “No mom, we can’t tell her until we are sure it’s ours”, Anthony says “Yeah, we don’t want to upset her if we don’t have to. I say we wait at least until the appointment, and we discuss checking paternity”, Antoine says “I don’t agree with your decision. If she finds out later or not from you, she will be even more upset. This is not a good idea. I and your father will also not play party to this stupid plan. If she comes to us, we will tell her. If you wait longer than a week after the appointment to tell her, I will tell her”, Mom states. She kisses dad and slaps us upside our heads before leaving the office “She is angry”, Anthony says “She is angry and disappointed. Give her some time to settle down before you talk to her.” He says and we all leave the office.
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