
1118 Words
Desiree's POV The twins have been busy working, so they were not at lunch. I went to my afternoon training with Maria and Yvonne, then Luna training after getting a snack. Luna training was short today because the Luna was called to the Alpha's office. She said something had come up, and we will get together tomorrow to train. She seemed upset but kept telling me don’t worry about her. I hope everything is okay. I wanted to make dessert for the pack and, since I had time, I went to the kitchen. I spoke with Mrs Ryan, the lead Omega for the kitchen, and she directed me to everything I needed to make the banana pudding. She also sent an omega to the store to pick up extra supplies. We talked and cooked. I also helped the staff with dinner after making my dessert. Afterwards, I went and changed for dinner. Everyone arrived to dinner and I announced I had made dessert for the pack. Alpha Trevor and Luna Belinda went to the front to inform the rest of the pack, I made dessert for them. Everyone cheered and said thank you. I have noticed more, and more people are accepting me as a member of the pack. I guess after the challenge, they see I am not useless and that the rumors Tina spread were false. Luna Belinda still seems to be upset about something and her anger seems to be directed at the twins. They are also very reserved tonight. I hope everything is okay. After dinner, I went to speak to Luna Belinda. She pulls me to her office “Is everything okay, Luna? You seem upset” I ask “Desiree, I have been given some information I am trying to process. You don’t need to worry” she replies. “Okay, if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know” “I have something I want to tell you, but it’s not my news to tell. You should hear it from the person involved. I will say this; I love you as a daughter and I can’t wait to add you to my family. Out of respect for you, if the person does not give you the information in one week, I will tell you, no matter what the repercussions are”, she says. “Okay, I appreciate you looking out for me, and I’m sorry you have been placed in this situation. Is the information bad?” “It’s not bad but startling and will take some time to process and patience on your part”, she says “That’s very cryptic” I comment “There’s no other way to answer without telling you” she admits “I understand. Thank you again for the heads-up”, I say and leave the office I went to the Alpha's office to find the twins. I knock and wait to be let in. They are in there with Wesley, David and the current ranked male members “Hi guys. Babes, I am tired, so I am going to Anthony’s room to rest”, I tell them. I walk in and give them each a kiss. “Good night gentleman” I say, leaving the room I am going to say goodnight to my cousins. Get clothes from my room and head to Anthony’s room. I watch television until I fall asleep, calmed by his scent. Anthony’s POV Dad calls a meeting with his ranked members, us, Wesley and David. We talk about the Brenda situation. He tells them what the plan is, and our decision not to tell Desiree. “Not telling Desiree is a bad decision”. Beta Matthew says “Uncle Matt, if Brenda is lying like we think she is, telling Desiree will upset her for no reason” I say “If she finds out from anyone but you, she will lose her s**t” he says “Especially after everything she has gone through with and for you. You leave her out of major things like this, and she will not be happy” Gamma David says “Listen boys, I see your reasoning for your decision not to tell her, but take the advice of married men. This will blow up in your face” my dad says He stands and pours a glass of whiskey for each of us. “What are you going to do if she is pregnant and the dates align?” Wesley asks “I am not accepting this child without a paternity test. It’s Brenda, we are not the only people she has had s*x with and I don’t trust her” I say “If the baby is ours, then we care for the baby, we don’t have to be with Brenda to do that” Antoine says “And what about Desiree?” David asks Before we get to answer, there is a knock on the office door “Enter”, dad says and Desiree slowly enters the office “Hi guys” she says to everyone. “Babes, I am tired, so I am going to Anthony’s room to rest” she tells us before giving us each a kiss “Good night gentleman” she says as she leaves the room and closes the door I look at Antoine and the other men in the room before I answer David. “I pray we don’t lose her over this. I love her. I never knew the bond was like this. She’s perfect for us. I hope we can explain and fix our relationship after this. But if the baby is ours, we have to do the right thing. She would expect nothing less from us”, I say and Antoine agrees. We talk for a couple more hours, then we head to bed. We head to my room and see her lying in the middle of my bed asleep. Antoine goes to his room to shower and change. I go to shower and change “You have to fix this. We can’t lose her. I can’t be without her and Celestia”, Stone says “I know I will do everything I can to make this right” I say to him “You better” he growls and stomps to the back of my mind I come out of the shower to Antoine entering my room. We look at each other and know what the other is saying without talking. We f****d up again, but we can’t lose her. We climb into bed and snuggle up to her and go to sleep
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