Chapter 15

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Alpha Teddy’s POV What the f**k was that? She is not human. Her aura is suffocating, she holds so much power. Tina said she was human. Tina also said the twins are her mates, but Desiree said they are not. What is the truth? Did I just ruin being with my fated mate for my cousin? I link my gamma who is here with me. “Yes alpha” “Simon, I need you to find out some information for me. My cousin Tina said she is the mate of the twin alphas, but now I’m hearing that’s not true. I need to know the truth by the ball tonight” “Yes alpha” I pick up my phone and call Tina. There was no answer. I leave a message “I am told you are not the twin’s mate. I practically just raped Desiree to get revenge on her. You had better not have lied to me Tina. If I just ruined ever being with my fated mate for you, I will kill you myself. And Desiree is not human!" I hang up. "f**k!!!" I scream “You messed up human. You lost our mate. You rejected that wonderful girl” my wolf Bandit says. “I know. I’ll fix it” I say “I think it’s too late for that. I will never forgive you for losing my mate” he whines in the back of my mind. What do I do now????? Antoine’s POV We meet in dad’s office after his other meeting and work is done. He wants to have everything done, so he can be there for mom and focus on the ball. We enter and take a seat. He goes to his safe and pulls out the vials of pink liquid. He tells us the warrior he sent found it in a hole cut out in the back of Tina’s closet. I look at Anthony, and he was still just sitting there quiet, no emotion at all. I want to kill this woman for doing this to my brother. He at least used to argue with me about Tina, now he’s like a f*****g vegetable. “What’s the plan in regard to Tina?” “I have conferred with the council, and we have all rights to kill for her actions. My concern is Anthony. Tess mentioned that with the binding potion, if we did anything to her, it might affect him. So, I was thinking, keep her prisoner until this stuff clears his system” Dad says “She needs to be questioned. We can’t torture her because of Anthony, and I doubt she is going to tell us the truth.” “I can alpha command her, but if she tries to fight the command it will cause pain. I don’t know that it will affect Anthony”, Dad says. “Can Tess give us a truth serum” I ask He picks up his phone and calls Desiree’s grandparents to the office. He links mom to come too. When they arrive, he tells them the plan to put Tina in the cells. We expressed our concern about torturing her or killing her because of the connection to Anthony. “Tess, can you make a truth serum we can give her” dad asks. “Yes, but will she take it?” Tess questions “We have permission from the council to torture and kill her. I think forcing her to drink the truth serum falls within that range”, he answers. “Then yes, I can provide you with a truth serum. It’s simple to make,” she says. “Great, let's….” Before he can complete his sentence, we are all hit with an immense amount of power. It is quick but overwhelming. The whole pack may have felt it. “What was that?” I ask Tess and Frank look at each other worried. No one says anything about what we felt, all trying to regain their composure from the powerful aura. Then an overwhelming sense of grief spreads throughout the house. Like someones, emotions have been dialed up to 1000, and it’s being blasted to everyone via surround sound. “Oh, goddess Desiree” Tess says before she and her husband run out of the office. My parents and I follow her. Leticia, Claudia and Sharon are at the door trying to get her to open it. Her emotions are stronger as you get to her room. It feels like I'm walking through quicksand; her hurt, pain, grief and anger feel like they are swallowing you. “Desiree, it is us. Open the door babe. Let us help you” Leticia says, starting to cry, feeling her cousin’s emotions. All you hear is crying from the other side of the door. “What happened?” Tess asked. “We don’t know. The last we knew, she was showing a pack their rooms. Now this”, Sharon said “She found her mate. Alpha Teddy of the Eclipsed Moon pack is her mate. They left to spend time together”, Mom said. “Desiree, if you don’t open the door I will break it down. We need to help you and make sure you are okay”, dad says. We get no response. He rams into the door and breaks it down. She is sitting on the floor crying with a gray bubble around her. Leticia, Sharon, Tess, Claudia and mom run to her. They close the door as much as possible and tell us they will let us know what happened once they calm her down. “What was that gray bubble” I ask “When her emotions overwhelm her, she will emit a glow of a color that fits the emotion. Like red for anger, gray for sadness, yellow for happiness. I don’t know what happened, but I have a feeling I am not going to like it. No one should ever make her feel that much sadness, her heart is so pure”, her grandpa says We leave the ladies and continue with our day. Stepping in for mom as needed for ball things. I hope she is okay.
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