Chapter 27

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Desiree’s POV “Okay, we have been talking for 30 minutes now, and I know there is something going on. Spill or I’m coming there” Claudia says. I called her as soon as I got to my room. Having Antoine finally recognize me as his mate was overwhelming, to say the least. I know men and women think differently, but these guys are stupid. You allow a woman to paw at you and gloat in glory but then say you want a mate. Maybe there is a woman out there okay with this but not me. I needed the opinion of another wolf. Maybe I am looking at this wrong because I am new to the werewolf world. Claudia is telling me all about Bloodmoon. She is officially my sister-in-law because she and Kane have marked and mated. Being marked in werewolf society is a symbol of commitment between wolves and not taken lightly. “Talk Desiree. What happened?” she asks. “Your brothers are my mates.” “YAY!!! That’s wonderful. We are mates to each other's brothers. I am so happy” she screams, “Wait, are you not happy? Something happened? What did they do?” I told her about their new-found female friends and then Anthony having s*x, the betrayal pains, the hospital and lots of crying. “I know they don’t know I’m their mate, but they are not acting like they want a mate either. Watching them is slowly breaking me. I don’t think I can stay here. I was going ask Kane if I could train at Bloodmoon. My parents sent my SUV and my grandparents leave tomorrow, so my witch training will be over for a while. My concern is Leticia and Sharon; they are mates to Wesley and David, and they need to be with them, but they won’t let me leave alone. I don’t want to put them in the position to choose”, I cry “Desi, did you talk to them?” “No. I don’t know what to say to them. I want to yell at them, but can I fault them for information they did not know?” “I understand, but you need to tell them how you feel. Even if you give them grace for information they did not know. Their actions would have been unacceptable either way, and you need to tell them that. I am not stopping you from leaving, and you know you are always welcome here, but please give it a chance” she says. “I told them they could come by tonight to talk. I make no promises, but I am willing to talk.” Claudia and I talked for a few more minutes then hung up. I just don’t know what to do. I thought when you find your mate, they would be your everything. They become your priority. I don’t know what to think anymore. First, I almost get raped by Bradley, then Paul tries to control me and abuse me. Alpha Kane takes my virginity as a lesson and that felt like I was raped, and now two guys I really like don’t seem like they are ready for what I am ready for. Maybe I was meant to be alone. It’s probably the safest option, emotionally anyway. My grandparents are leaving tomorrow, so I go have lunch with them and say goodbye. After that, I stay in my room the rest of the day. I am not in the mood for dealing with people today. I have been reading the library books with information about being moon kissed and a white wolf. From what I can decipher, the moon-kissed wolf is selected by multiple goddesses to protect the supernatural. They will reveal themselves to the special one and tell them of the danger that is coming. Past moon-kissed beings have fought wars, averted power-hungry people from attaining too much power and stuff like that. The white wolf is a warrior of the moon goddess. She is a symbol of unity and strength among werewolves. She does not have a specific purpose but is blessed by the goddess and may be asked to perform tasks as the goddess requires. This is the first time the moon kissed, and the white wolf is the same person. I will continue to read about my abilities and how they work with my witch powers. I don’t look forward to fighting someone, but I know the goddesses would not have picked me if they didn’t think I could do the job. I run to the dining room before it gets too full. I make my food and come back to my room. I don’t know if the twins will actually come tonight to talk. But I am not ready to sit at a table with them or see all their fans groping all over them. My heart is holding on by a thread and I will flip if I see what I saw yesterday. I am able to make it there and back without being spotted. I text my cousins and let them know where I am. After I eat, I listen to music and color. No more thinking about things, I am going to relax. Antoine’s POV We discussed options on how to fix things with Desiree. Sharon and Leticia are really pissed at us. And once they explained what Desiree has been seeing, we feel more like assholes, especially Anthony. They are right; we said we wanted our mate, but we never really stopped flirting and hooking up with pack members. We told them they would not be our Luna but still entertained them. Our actions were disrespectful to our mate. Now we have to think about how Desiree will be accepted. I am not worried about the majority of the pack, but the group of girls we have still been too friendly with is going to give her trouble. I am an i***t! We go to lunch and she is not there. We eat quickly and go back to our room to work on your plan for her. We will start apologizing at dinner. We figured a formal announcement of her as our mate, that should let all the shewolves know that they have no chance with us. It could be counted as a start. We get to the dining room and make our plates. Like yesterday, there is about 5 girls waiting for us at our table. I link my brother “Do you see what I see?” I ask. “Yeah, have they always been hanging around?” he questions. “I’m figuring Tina kept them away” “How did we not see this before? No wonder the girls are upset.” “We have to fix this, Ant” he shakes his head in agreement as we approach our table. “Ladies, how can we help you?” I ask them. “Evening Anthony and Antoine, we just came to spend time with you. See if you need anything”, the shewolf name Brenda said. “We don’t need anything, ladies. We would like to sit and eat, so if you can, please leave” I say “We can stay and keep you company” another shewolf says. I don’t even remember her name. This is despicable. “No, thank you ladies. As you all know, we are looking for our mate and entertaining women who are not our mate is a disrespect to her. So again, please leave”, Anthony says. The girls look upset and walk away murmuring. We sit down and look at Leticia and Sharon, and they are smiling. We smile back and nod that we understand now. The other people at the table are Wesley, David, their parents and our parents “It’s about damn time” mom says. We look at her “You boys are a walking contradiction. You run around her talking about finding your mate and getting the pack ready for your mate and what it will be like once you are the alphas. But you allow these females to touch on you and flirt with you. They probably feel they still have a chance. That’s why Tina was able to do what she did”, she says, “We understand now, mom. We received a very abrasive wake-up call, and we know we need to fix things”, Anthony says “Good, your mate will appreciate it and I hope she hasn’t seen what has been going on” she says. Anthony and I didn’t say anything. We hang our heads and focus on our food. My mom can be like a dog with a bone when she wants to know something, and we are trying not to pique her interest regarding our mate. She would kill us if she knew about Desiree. 10 minutes into dinner and Desiree has still not come down. “Where’s Desiree?” mom asks. “She is going to eat in her room today” Leticia says. “Why? Is she okay? She wasn’t at lunch either. I know she is training a lot, but she needs to eat”, mom asks “Luna Belinda, she got food and is doing fine. She just needs some time to herself”, Sharon said. “Why does she need time? What happened?” she asks more forcefully and, looking around the table for an answer. My brother and I again lower our heads and focus on our food. “Antoine, Anthony? What’s going on? What did you do?” “Why do you think we did anything mom?” I question “You two are the only ones avoiding my gaze. Now tell me” Before we answer her, my phone rings. I see it’s Claudia, so I pick up and put her on speaker “Hey little sis, you are on speaker. How are you?” “Is Anthony with you?” “Yeah, were at dinner. Everyone is here” “WHAT THE f**k IS WRONG WITH GUYS? Why is my friend thinking of leaving and coming here to train? I don’t know what is going on in your brain, but you better get your s**t together. If I ever speak with her and hear the level of despair that I just heard, I will drive there and kick your asses! GO FIX THIS!” she screamed and hung up. Everyone looked at us. We lowered our heads and I told my mother what’s going on “Desiree is our mate. I scented her earlier today and told Anthony” “That’s wonderful!! I am so happy!!” she screams “Why are you not with her?” she asks. “She is upset with us”, Anthony says. “You just scented her. How is she upset with you already?” mom asks We try to ignore her question, but she just glares at us more, and I tell her everything. I explained that we are working on a plan to gravel and apologized. We thought she would be at dinner, so we could get things started. “So why the f**k are you two just sitting here? Get to her and fix this now” she yells. We get up and headed towards Desiree’s room. We see Brenda walking towards us be don’t turn to her, we have to keep our focus. Desiree is our priority.
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