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Once alone from the eyes of the castle staff, the company began to talk. " Why did you offer to help the lord, mage ? I thought your end goal was going after the rune stone you actually knew the location of, not chase some fairy tale. " asked Torstein, sitting himself down on a chair, both hands on the head of his axe he had been using as a cane. " Because, for all we know it might be the very same stone. My goal is to make sure it does not fall in the wrong hands. That it stays undiscovered. If this brother Braciolini perpetuates rumors or actually find a lead to it, he needs to be stopped. Who knows who or /what/ might overheard the words he is spewing out. Worse things that healing a dying lord can be done with such power. " explained Kralich in a serious tone, crossing his arms. " So what then ? We go and kill him ? " asked Nicholas joining in. " Not specifically, we can try to be civil. We / should / be civil, first. Explain the danger he is putting himself and others in ... That is if he is still alive in the first place. I suspect people might try to get to him already. " answered the mage, prompting Nicholas to push further. " What the hell is that supposed to mean ? Who would be after him. Specifically, if you will. Not the broad / bad people / . Heard that explanation before. " he'd say. “ I do not know for certain. I can’t do that. It might be a rogue magi, just like Jowan. Or cultists trying to resurrect some ancient demon. Maybe some good intentioned people like the knight. But we can’t just take that chance and hope it will be alirght peole. “ explained Kralich as he let out a tired sigh of exhasperation. “ We should prepare for the journey to Lindakar. I reckon Teagan could give us some supplies at the very least as a reward, or some coin to buy them. “ he’d end as he got up from his seat, heading out the door to presumably meet up with the lord’s brother, who was now the man in charge. Now alone, Torstein and Nicholas looked at eachother for a long while, pondering on the same matter most likely. Eventually Nicholas broke the silence. “ So what do you make of it all then ? “ Hard to make out what he is really thinking. There is a veil around him, something hiding a part of him. I cannot read his eyes like a do with any other man. By all means his goal and drive seems noble. He wants to stop someone dangerous from getting to the stone. “ answered the barbarian, resting his chin on the head of his axe. “ But yet we cannot tell if he is dangerous.” Continued the rogue, as if stealing the words from the mouth of the old man. “ Aye. I suppose that is why we are still following, he have to make sure, right ? “ asked Torstein. “ I … That’s what I keep telling myself. But you can’t help but wonder, what could one do with that thing if he had it for himself. It’s … tempting. “ answered Nicholas plainly in a random blurt of honesty. “ That is evil talk Nicholas. Be rid of it. There is enough of it going around the world already. “ retorted the barbarian in a serious tone. Silence reigned the room afterwards , until Kralich returned with a sizeable pouch of gold in his hands. “ Gentlemen ? Shall we ? “ he’d ask with a smile of his face. In the town of Redcliff the atmosphere was still filled with sadness and sorrow. Most of the town’s folk had gathered to the small docks at the north end of town where funeral boats where being prepared for those who did not make it. Most of the bodies were covered with white sheets as their boats were pushed into the grey waters of the lake. Once they were a fair distance away, two of the milita men who defended the town would draw their bows as they lit their arrows on fire, before launching them towards the barges, setting them ablaze. There was a considerable number of the already filled with flames still drifting away into the open waters, to be consumed and sent to the bottom. The company respectfully watched this ceremony unfold alongside Sir Perth who was also present, and deeply saddened by the loss of his brothers in arms. The mayor’s body was the last one to be sent out. Despite him having no family, from what the company could tell, many still wept about his departure. After resupplying at the rather empty general goods store, the group reckoned they would have enough food to last them the journey to Lindakar as well as a considerable amount of gold left to spend in the capital city proper. On their way out, they happened upon the blacksmith and his daughter. “ We saw you at the funeral but reckoned it best to wait before thanking you. My Valena told me of your daring rescue! I can’t even begin to thank you for what you’ve done for me. She is all I have. “ began the blacksmith, shaking the hands of everyone. “Here, take this, it should serve you well. “ he’d finish presenting Torstein with a chainmail shirt. “ It is dwarven made mithril, better than anything I could craft. “ The barbarian bowed his head accepting the shirt. It fitted him surprisingly well. Afterwards, the company got back on their horses and began their journey to Lindakar. The trip lasted for three days and was rather uneventful, the road they journeyed on being well travelled and with many taverns along the way. Many of whose people began talking and spreading the rumours of what had taken place in the city of Redcliff. Many merchants also began flocking towards that way as well, seeing an opportunity to sell their goods to a town freshly out of siege and in dire need of supplies of all kind. Before the company could get into Lindakar proper, they had to pass through the muddy streets of Winter town, placed right outside the first wall of the capital. Aptly named for being populated mainly in the cold season by farmers who returned from working their fields. As winter was drawing near the company could notice a large influx of farmers with their families and carts busying the thight streets and markets as they unloaded packs, crates, and many other things. “ Know anything about this place ? Lindakar ? “ asked Nicholas “ I just know they make good ale. “ he added. “ Just that the mage who took over it during the wars, hundreds of years ago had the walls and the main castle made from dark granite brought over all the way from the mountains. He also had the dwarves built said castle. “ answered Kralich just as the party turned a corner to face the squat and agular battlements of the wall, proving the words of the mage as being true. It had clear dwarven accents in its making, as well as the castle deep into the middle of town, perched upon a hill. As they passed through the city gates and the hooves of their horses started clamping along the cobbled streets the mage added. “ I also heard that the general rule of thumb in the Zarvossti capital is that the closer you move to the castle the more important the people are. So the question we have to pose to ourselves is; how important of a person brother Braciolini really was. “ “ I reckon the best bet is a tavern or ale house, sure seems like there are plenty around here. Why not start in one of ‘em ? I could use a drink anyway. I has been a long time on the round. “ said Torstein looking up at the setting sun in the sky. “ Plus, its getting dark. Finding an inn is also in order, no ? “ he’d add. “ I suppose it is, yes. Pick one that fits your fancy then barbarian. “ answered Kralich making a gesture of his hands forwards, allowing the old man to take point. ‘ The smoking log ‘ was the place the party managed to eventually secure rooms in. It was a few minutes away from the south gate, the one they had entered the city through, and it seemed as good of a place as any other. It was quite busy inside, a number of gnomes and dwarves drinking alongside humans and elves. Once the booking had been done, they all came downstairs, unburdened from their packs, picking a free table and ordering themselves some drinks. While the mage mostly kept to himself mainly attempting to listen in to the conversations of others. Nicholas and Torstein took a more hand’s on approaching, starting to mingle with those present. The rogue had join the card game of a group of tieflings which were sitting by the roaring heart of the tavern. After a few hands he concluded he had little to learn in the ways of scholarly research but many in terms of hallucinogenic substances and underground connections. Torstein had settled himself by the bar, next to a priestly sort he reckon could know of this brother they were looking for. After a few free beers sent his way, it did not take long for the man to start rambling on the barbarian. He did it so much in fact, that he had trouble stopping the man from trying to convert him to the /true/ ways of the Maker and all his glory. His saving grace being the mage who had seen the whole thing unfold, and secretly had been listening in to their conversation as well as a dozen more that had been going on at the same time. Magic was a useful thing to have, and with a brief flick of his wrist he managed to send the drinking priest into a deep slumber right then and there onto the counter of the bar. “ Well. We at least now have what we need. It does not bode well that brother Braciolini did not hide the manner of his research and freely spoke to it about people like this… “ muttered Kralich as he took a seat next to the barbarian by their old table. Nicholas joined in shortly after. “ Well, I got nothing. But I could point you to the nearest brother or back alley market if you wish “ he’d say with a grin plastered upon his face as he dropped the few golden coins he won on the table as payment for the drinks. “ So … where are you going then ? “ he’end moving his glance from one man to the other ? “
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