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 Early in the next morning, just as the sun was rising, the company decided to pay up for another night at the inn before grabbing their weapons and setting out to find the brother lord Taric payed to do research on the stone. According to the drunk brother from last night, his house was just in the central square market, to the side of a w***e house of all things. Finding the square was not hard, the city being split in distinguishable districts with different housing style, all built around the main castle complex whoose gargoyles watched the people below, always. The market here was bustling with activity, all manner of people and creatures trading and bartering a multitude of wares ranging from oranges and other citrus fruits from the distant Barrens to dwarven made weapons and livestock. As they walked about the square they were bombarded by the various sale's men and women trying to present their stock. A heavily accented elven woman approached Nicholas. " Come my friend, rest here for a while. I have the finest selection of flowers and Aslodian secented oils in all of Lindakar. For a lady friend, perhaps ? Roses can open any woman's heart, you know. " she'd say, distracting the man with her alluring visage for a moment, before being dragged away by a muttering Kralich. The mage in turn was approached, not by a merchant but a contingent of spell-breakers who must have felt his magic aura. He had to present his paperwork as well as his magical marking upon his arm before being left alone by the men who still had their reservations about him. As Torstein watched the silvered armor clad men depart he commented. " You'd find more cheer in a graveyard than with those lot. " As they pressed forth, they decided it was best to approach a guard and ask for more information as the winding streets of the market prooved too much of a hassle to waste time on. " You here to report /another/ crime ? I swear, we should just cordon off the entire district “ the sergeant they approach muttered, not looking up from his paper. When the man noticed the ones approaching him where a mage and two mercenaries he cleared his throat. “ Oh, uh. How can I help you mage ? “ he’d say. “ Actually, I feel I should ask if /you/ need any help. “ chuckled the mage slightly, not expecting a serious answer. “ You serious ? I mean … yes, yes we could use some help. We have a pretty popular … establishment … that’s crawling with mercenaries. If I send in my boys in, some of them might get – Maker forbid – hurt. And I’ll have to explain to their noble fathers that being a guard is actually dangerous work. “ answered the guard. Kralich, while slightly taken aback pressed a bit further. “ What kind of … establishment are we talking here ? “ “ A whorehouse, mate. Named the Pearl. I can point you right to you. Beat down any mercenaries that out of line and send them a message to play nice or get out. /Beat down/. Not kill. Let me make that really clear. Not on fire, or exploded, or fozen, or Maker knows whatever type of grisly death you lot can dream up. “ said ther sergeant pausing briely at a blinking Kralich. “ Sorry … used to giving orders to my boys. Just leave them breathing, and I’ll be happy. Here. I have a city map, I’ll mark the place for you. It’s right next to this corner house here. Some researcher I believe. “ said the guard, unknowingly giving the party exactly what they had searched for. Satisfied the mage took the map and bit the man farewell. After moving away slightly Nicholas chimed up. “ Are we actually going to help him out ? There might be some money in it, you know ? “ “ I suppose ? You don’t want to do this just because it’s a w***e house, right ? “ asked the mage. “ Nooo … “ retorted Nicholas rather unsure of himself. “ Ah, lovely. Tell you what then. You and Torstein can go beat down whatever thugs are in there and I’ll go search Braciolini’s house. Save some time and hassle. “ continued Kralich. Both Torstein and Nicholas paused briefly, as if contemplating on the discussion they had the day before leaving Redcliff castle. Not wating to argue they simply nodded , taking the chance of seeing some beatiful women. After a few minutes of walking they reached the point on the map they had thought to be the pleasure house. It was rather unassuming, nothing indicating it as such, except perhaps, for a knowledgeable eye, the red velved curtains on the windows of the second floor. Nicholas and Torstein headed in while Kralich was left outside, eyeing up the neighbouring buildings. He eventually settled on a corner house with closed shutters, unlike the rest on the street. To his surprise he was met with an open door as he pressed its handle. The inside was well light and tidy. It was not a huge house, but rather cozy, with many bookshelves lining the walls, a long table in front a stone made and burning heart and most odd of all, a human male approaching the mage as he came in. “ Yes ? What are you doing here ? “ he’d ask. “ I am looking for brother Braciolini . “ answered the mage plainly. “ Brother Braciolini ? Why ? “ “ I don’t see why I should reveal that to you, I don’t even know who you are. “ retorted Kralich. “ Sorry. I am Braciolini’s asssistant, Weylon. Unfortunately, I don’t know where he is. I haven’t seen Brother Braciolini in weeks. He’s sent no word; it’s so unlike him. I am afraid something has happened. Braciolini’s research into the Rune may have led him into danger. “ explained the assistant. Kralich frowned briefly, pacing around the room before asking, trying to get an idea of the man. “ Why would the search for the Rune be dangerous to him ? “ he’d say. “ Perhaps the Rune has been lost for a reason, and should stay lost. I pray for Braciolini’s safety, but hope dwindles with each passing day I am afraid. I – I tried to send help, but some knight came from Redcliff looking for him not long ago. I sent them after Braciolini and they too have disappeared. “ Kralich continued to pace around the room, looking and various books in a non chalant way. “ Hmm. And where did you send them ? “ he’d say. “ No, don’t ask me where they went. You’ll go after them, and what if ill luck should befall you, too ? I do not wish for more blood on my hands. This search is a curse, on all of us. Some things are not meant to be found. I know that now. “ answered Weylon, getting increasingly agitated. “ I am willing to take that risk my friend. Braciolini is a very important man after all. “ said Kralich, closing a book he had in his hands and approaching the assistant, looking him straight in the eyes. “ So be it then, “ he’d say with a sigh. “ All he said before he left was that his first stop would be at an inn near the Ironpine woods. Investigating something in that area. “ said the assistant. Kralich continued to press the man. “ What exactly was he investigating in that area ? “ “ I don’t know. All I discovered from going through his research was that he was staying at that inn. It’s the only one in the area. On the West side of it, right by the road, can’t miss it. “ answered Weylon, fidgeting more and more. “ I see. I shall go check that then. “ said the mage, moving towards the exit. As he placed his hand upon the handle of the door he turned back “ I had some more questions, before I go. If you don’t mind of course. “ he’d ask, prompting the assistain to jump up a bit, before looking towards the mage. “ Ah, of course, of course … “ he’d say. “ Tell me more about yourself. What did you do for the brother ? “ asked the mage. “ I am merely an asisstain to a poor scholar. I fetched his tea and warmed his slippers by the fire. That sort of thing. Occasionally, I would help him organize his notes. “ answered the man. “ What about brother Braciolini then ? What was he like ? “ continued Kralich. “ He was an elderly man, kind, a little eccentric maybe. He was very devoted to his quest for the Rune and spent many hours buried in his books and notes. It consumed him if you ask me. But his research was his life. “ explained the man. Kralich then nodded once more. “ One more thing. You said the knights dissapeared. How do you know they did ? It is a bit odd, that you know that little detail, don’t you think ? “ asked the mage in a knowing tone. The assistant seemed at his breaking point, and let out another sight as he raised his hands, lightning flowing through them. “ Why wouldn’t just leave. Shame. I meant it, I don’t want more blood, you just keep pushing ! “ he’d say as he unleashed the bolts from his finger tips towards the mage. Kralich however, was ready, errecting a quick barrier around himself, shielding his body from the lightning. Weylon’s eyes widened when he realized that the person he was facing was able to defend himself. He’d kick the table, taking cover behind it, trying to stabilize his breathing. Only that breath never came as he grasped for air, looking down at his chest to seea massive ice shard embedded in his chest, all the way through the table. Kralich approached and knelt beside him, he did not bother talking to the man any more simply resorting to searching his pockets for anything of worth. He found a simple brass key, which, after trying it with some doors in he house, he found it unlocked the bedroom of the brother. Inside, he found, covered by a white sheet, the body of whom he assumed to be one of the Redcliff knights based on the discarded armor pieces to the side. His body was bloated and festering, and not being able to stomach more of the stench he backed away, searching the desk of the researcher inside. Here he found his actual diary where he detailed some of his research. Satisfifed, the mage left the house behind, going to check on his mercenaries dealing with other mercenaries.
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