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" What could I possible have to talk to you about, demon ? " asked Kralich snapping back from the alluring visage of the form of the demon. The spirit's lips curled into a slight but evil smile. " The boy's soul. I posses it. We could battle for it, as I see you are very eager for that. Or. We could negociate like civilized beings … not like those barbarious hosts outside. If you are smart, you could come out ahead. “ it would say, chuckling ever so slightly. “ What manner of demon are you supposed to be, then ? “ began the mage, still holding a warding spell ready. “ I am desireee. “ she’d respond almost moaning the word. “ Whatever you creatures of the living world want, I seek to provide for you. Lust. Power. Greed … There are all my province. Speciality, if you will. “ the demon said with a soft voice, pausing briefly before speaking again. “ Perhaps, perhaps there are things /you/ wish for. Let us pause for a moment, hmm ? Speak of them to me. It costs nothing but a moment of your time. No ? “  Kralich paused, a wave of feelings and emotions washing over him, his real goal flashing before his eyes, then… nothing. He opened his eyes once again, frowning and with arcane pouring out of both his hands. “ No. We are done talking. “ he’d demand. “ Ah… Very well, then. If you wish a battle, you shall have it. Let us see, if you power matches your boldness, creature. “ the demon retorted as two more spirits made out of spirit fire appeared on either side of her. Kralich instantly erected a barrier around himself, shielding his body just in time from a wave of molted flame and brimstone. It engulfed the orb around him completely until in hardened into a rocky shell, covering him in darkness. With a brief moment of concentration, the mage bursted forth, shattering his barrier, sending energy outwards, and with it the hardened shell, peppering everything around him with shards of rock. The molten spirits simply absorbed the rocks, spitting them back out as fire balls. One caught Kralich in the arm, singing both flesh and cloth. The demon of desire was chanelling a spell of her own however. This made Kralich to focus, pushing past his pain and letting out a surge of energy aimed at the desire demon. This blow, however, was taken by one of the molten spirits, warping itself in front of its master, giving his life in the process. Meanwhile, the other one continued his barrage of molten flame aimed at the mage. Kralich found refuge behind a cropping of giganting, dried out coral just as the fire spirit stopped and the demon began talking again. “ Your goal is for me to release the boy’s soul, is it not ? What if you could … persuade me to leave voluntarily. Hmm ? “ she’d say. The mage paused to catch his breath more than anything. “ And what of the death and terror you have wrought within the town and the castle walls ? “ he would say in the end. “ Surely, that means nothing to one such as you. This is about /your/ desire, not my punishment. I’ll never feel any form of remorse for what I have done here, not to the boy, you or the town’s folk. “ she paused, as she moved about, just enough for Kralich to peak behind his cover and watch her. She was still preparing whatever spell she had since the fighting began. “ What could you possibly have to offer me, demon ? ” said the mage trying to buy some time as he began preparing his own spell, focusing on his hands. “ So you will consider it then ? Hmm. Here is what I propose. I abandon the boy … for now. But I retain the contract he and I made, and, many many years from now I may return and claim what is rightfully mine. This will be long after whatever you want is done. In exchange, I will provide something of value to you. Something you desire ? Hmm ? Come out and tell me what it is ? We can still be civil. “ she’d say a slight rumble being heard from her direction. Kralich took a deep breath his hands now radiating with arcane energy. They were just as reflective as a mirror being able to see the strain on his face as he looked down. “ Yeah. I want something. “ he’d begin jumping out of cover. “ I want you to f**k off and never come back ! “ he’d shout just a bolt of energy was launched towards him by the desire demon who cackled maniacly at him. This laugh stood plastered upon its visage ever still, when the spell bounced back from Kralich’s arms hitting it instead and turning her form into stone. Permanently immortalizing it and its laugh. The other spirit, upon seeing its master gone dissolved away into the stone floor of the island. Exhausted, Kralich dropped down unto the ground, on his back, floating away to sleep … The mage woke in the same main hall where everything began, around him were both his companions together with Teagan and Sir Perth. Jowan and the body of lady Isolde where nowhere to be seen. Kralich took a deep breath looking over himself. His singed arm had not a single scratch upon it, nor any part of his body for that matter. After being helped up by Nicholas and Tornstein he informed everybody present that the demon had been defeated and the boy should be safe now. Teagan wasted no more time, ushering a brief thanks as he ran off into the castle, closely followed by Sir Perth, to presumably find Connor. As the evening drew to a close, Teagan came back to them, informing the company that Connor seems to be fine. He offered them food and proposed they find a room to rest in for the night, apologizing for the lack of maids or servants about, given the circumstances. He then was off again to check on lord Taric, his brother. “ So, what did you find in there, spark hands ? “ asked Nicholas as he bit into a roasted chicken leg, placing his own two feet upon the table one above the other. “ What I had expted to. A demon of desire. One who attempted to tempt me with offers of pleasure or power or whatever one’s heart desires. Or so she claims. “ answered the mage as he kept his eyes closed, puffing from a long pipe, much like the one Varonno possessed. A vice he had picked up once again as he met the ranger, since the man made a habit of passing it around the campfire each night. “ Hold on now just a minute. She ? She was a lady demon ? A lady demon of desire ? Whoa. Was she hot ? She must have been quite something, surely. “ said Nicholas as he picked up interest considerably. “ For you, yes, maybe. But it still is not a good idea to involve yourself with that sort of thing. You’ll get more than a black eye from an angry husband. Trust me. They always find a way to come out on top. “ said Kralich in a serious tone. Nicholas seemed rather bummed out but pressed it no further. Next morning, the company was summoned at the request of Teagan. “ So it is over. Connor is his old self again. He does not seem to remember anything, which is a blessing. I suppose we will need to send him to the College of Magi now for … training. It’s so odd to think of the boy as a mage, of all things. “ he’d say sitting himself down, still half watching Connor who was to the side nose deep in a book. “ Teagan has much to rebuild and mourn, should he recover. But at least he can be thankful that his son is safe … Even though the same cannot be said for Isolde … “ he continued, rubbing his temples. “ So the lord has still not awoken from his coma ? Even with the demon gone ? “ asked Nicholas. “ Yes. So it seems out task is not done yet. Whatever the demon did to by brother, it seems to have sparred his life, but … he remains comatose. We cannot wake him no matter what we do. “ said Teagan, rubbing the dark circles under his eyes briefly, still trying to maintain the cordial appearance of a lord. “ What about magic ? Is the court mage still alive ? “ asked Kralich “ I am afraid I do not possess much knowledge for healing spell work. “ he’d end. “ It has been tried all night and we will continue trying. … Perhaps the demon’s absence will make a difference. However, there might be another option. The relic whose research my brother has been funding for the past years. It is rumoured to possess healing properties, among others … “ said Teagan, making Kralich frown, deeply. “ What kind of relic would that be ? “ asked the mage, with renewed interest and seriousness. “ A runestone. From an ancient time. Taric funded a scholar in Lindakar – a brother Braciolini. He has been studying the inscriptions on ancient murals along the countryside. When Taric feel ill, Isolde sent the knights to speak to Braciolini, hoping he had finally discovered the location of the Rune stone. “ answered Teagan, pausing briefly. “ I know it is a lot to ask of you, after all you have done, but none of the knight were able to locate the brother, so they resorted to searching the country side themselves, picking up rumours. If you could perhaps search his home for any clues as to his whereabouts. It might lead you to this rune, and to helping us cure my brother. Both him and me would reward you richly for this… No one else can do it, even if I wished it to be myself, I cannot abandon Redcliff to its own devices. I am the only authority figure left. Same for Sir Perth who will be needed to maintain order, as well as the knight who return. “ said Teagan, awaiting an answer with a flicker of hope still burning in his eyes. Kralich gave a knowing glance at the other two members of his company. “ We will do it. “ he’d answer plainly, prompting Teagan to almost fall to his knees as he thanked them all individually, shaking their hands and kissing them on the cheeks.
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