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The fade beyond the Veil was an impossible place. Kralich stood on a floating island made out of cracked stone in the middle of an abyss. The line of the horizon here simply separated the sea green 'sky' from the complete and utter darkness below. He peered over the edge briefly, quickly scurrying back as he reminded himself of the first time he was here. When he was still young ... All mages need to enter the fade atleast once as a rite of passing, it is the way of the College to assure that they are able to resist the temptations within, and if not, the circle is there watching the ritual unfold, ready to cut down anything else that comes back and is not of the mortal world. The mage walked forth, following a path that was laid before him, flanked on the sides by impossibly large roots and dried out corals or tubes normally found at the bottom of the seas. Along his path he saw many spirits walking about in a panicked manner, as if searching for something or someone, in fact, they all looked the same; a bearded man with graying hair and dark circles under his brown eyes. He looked very similar to Teagan, thought Kralich just before hearing one of them cry out. “ Connor ?! Is that you ? I can hear you ! I am coming ! “ it would say just as it poofed out of existance. “ Well… I am on the right track. “ mumbled the mage, pressing forth only to be plagued by more distant cries or voices. He would hear the lord again, crying for his son or Connor himself, yelling out for his father, despite the spirits themselves usually being right next to each other but unable to hear or see one another. " I don't understand ... It's so cold ... I want to go home . " he'd hear one of the incorporeal forms of the boy say as he walked past him as if he was not even there. This was followed, almost on que by one of Taric’s spirits cursing “ Blast this cursed darkness ! Why can’t I see nothing ? “ Eventually, Kralich reached a incline which lead to a wider area with more branching paths, one of them had a floating chair by it, much like the ones he saw in the castle. As he followed this one, he came upon another incline atop with stood many bookshelves either floating or half burried into the ground, but with no marks of being so. Floating above the shelves a bed crowned the area, floating upside down but with the sheets and pillows still on as if it was the ordinary way of things. More importantly however, below the bed he saw a corporeal form of the lord, looking blankly forwards. To Kralich’s surprise, the lord called to him. “ You there ! Have you seen my son ?! I can … I can hear him, but I cannot find him. This blasted fog has me turning in circles. ! “ prompting Kralich to answer. “ You are in the fade, Taric. A demon has you trapped in here. “ “ But … is my son in danger ? “ Kralich paused briefly. “ He is. But I will do my best to see that all of us emerge from this unscathed. Trust me, lord. “ “ But … I can never find him in this fog. You must find Connor ! Please, I beg of you … “ The mage sighed and simply nodded as he went down the hill. Just as the lord had said, the previously clear area below was now engulfed in a sickly greenish fog so thick Kralich could not see his own hands if he held them in front of his eyes. He would pause, trying to clear his mind, just like he was taught in the past. After a moment, he opened his eyes once again and saw a faint purple light in front of him. Still, he was cautious with his steps, testing the ground before him with each one he took. The purple light then reveal itself to be a gateway of sorts at the roots of an immensite white tree which had red vein like vines running across its surface. Kralich took a deep breath as he tested the portal with his hand before stepping through. Now, the mage found himself on what he assumed to be another island. Still made of stone, this one had warped and twisted castle walls or lone towards in the distance bent into impossible shapes. He stepped through a porticulus and gate, just like the one in the courtyard of Redcliff, which allowed the knight through. After a few minutes of walking the patchwork of stone walls filled with gaps, which allowed one to peer outside into the void, he arrived in what he assumed to be another bedroom. However, instead of books this one had a wooden sword and shield floating about as well as a toy rocking horse next to a small bed placed upon the stone of the island. There were no walls here just a clear view unto the other islands obstructed by the fog. As the mage peered around the area, he found Connor’s corporeal form behind the bed, sitting and staring into the nothingness. When it saw him, the boy turned as he got up. “ Who are you ? Are you the one that made father ill ? Tell me now ! “ Connor demanded, in his normal child voice. “ It’s alright Connor, I’ve come to help you. “ responded Kralich, taking a knee next to the boy. “ No ! You’re here to hurt father ! I know it. I won’t let you ! “ the boy cried out, his voice gratually changing. Before Kralich had any chance to react, the boy’s form began twisting as he yelled in pain. It changed to a demon in the shape of a woman, then back to Connor, then back to the purple skinned demon who now had horns. Once more to Connor as he fell to his kness and finally to the manifested form of the demon, who had a crown of shadow flame atop her head, between the curled horns. The creature did not was any time on words, lashing out at the mage by basting him back with a pulse of energy, sending him tumbling down the hill. When Kralich came to his sense, the area around him seemed to have changed in an instant; a pathway through another arch of stone was laid out before him, with more faded out spirits of the boy and his father aimlessly wandering through. The demon itself was no-where in sight, and, after cursing at himself for being so careless, Kralich got up, dusted himself down and continued on the path, trying to shut away the cries and moans of the spirits. “ You ! You are the one that made father sick ! “ “ Connor ? Where are you my boy ? “ “ I’ll help him ! You can’t stop me ! “ they would say as he walked past. “ Why do you keep hurting me ? Why are you trying to stop me ?! “ asked one of the iriterations of Connor. “ Begone demon. You will impede me no further ! “ boomed Kralich, promting the figure of the boy to frown and change tone. “ You will not find what you seek ! Turn back, now ! “ it would say before poofing out of existance.  " Obviously you fear I will indeed find what I seek , Isn't that right, demon ?! " continued Kralich in the same loud tone before moving forwards through the warped castle. Eventually he reach the room of the child again, Connor sitting in the middle of it, surrounded by his toys. “ Father wanders, seeking me, trapped within my web. All is as it should be. Why must you interfere. “ he’d ask as the mage approached him yet again. “ Because you interfere where you shouldn’t demon. “ he answered. “ Connor invited her to come, and they struck a bargain. She has every right to do as she wishes. “ continued the boy. “ No. It is time for you to go now. Do not persist, or things will go very badly for you, mage. “ Connor finished as his form shifted to the one of the demon once more. This time however, Kralich was ready on the draw. He extended his hands forth, sending a cone of cold air towards it. Just as the forst began to form on the figure of the demon, it dissapeared into nothingness with a slight cry of pain. The mage then wandered one more, allowing his instict to guide his steps. This lead him down a flight of floating stairs linking themselves to another island in the distance. This one was small and circular. Within, the demon seemed to wait for him to approach, its gaze fixtated upon him . As Kralich came down towards it, it spoke. “ Very well. No more illusions. Now we meet face to face. You see my true form and stand in my domain. “ it boomed, the purple flame atop her heard increasing in intensity as she did so in her own voice. It was not what one would expect. Suave and honeyed … In a weird way perfectly matching her grotesquely alluring visage. She was almost naked, a meere silk wrap covering her privates and flowing freely around her voluptuous legs. Her chest was addorned with jewlerly made of gold, long enough to cover just her n*****s, leaving everything else revealed to the naked eye. She floated off the groud, graciously approaching the mage whoose heart beat fastened slightly, but still kept his guard up. “ Well. Here I am O seeker of mine. It is here where I am most powerful. Yet … I have no wish to engage your power. Nor should you be so eager to engage mine… Lower your spell hand. Let us talk … Hmm ? Shall we converse ? “ she’d say slowly reaching out and rubbing his cheek with her surprisingly soft hand addorned with long and sharp nails.
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