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‘ The Pearl ‘ was a fine looking establishment; it opened into a bar area with private tables separated by paper panels which depicted women in various positions. Right away, Kralich attempted to find his companions, making a bee-line straight for the , what he assumed to be the matron of the house who was manning the bar, not allowing himself to be distracted by the women pacing around, presenting themselves. ‘Have you seen an old fellow, big guy, together with a younger one, looking for a fight with the people who have been making trouble for you ? He’d ask only to see Nicholas being kicked through a closed door, on his ass. “ Hey there Sparky ! Nice place this one. Terrible people though. “ He’d chirp up hopping back to his feet, fists raised before narrowly dodging a flying chair from the very same room. “ On second thought, I’ll take some tea if you would kindly . “ began Kralich again towards the matron behind the bar who seemed rather unphased by the whole ordeal. “Mint or Cramberries ? “ she’d ask non chalantly as Torstein would come out through the same door Nicholas was kicked out of, holding two knocked out men by their clothing. “ Mint will do fine. Thank you. “ answered the mage before the woman left for the back room. The barbarian would then move towards the door flinging the two thugs out into the street before sitting himself next to Kralich. “ Nick might take a bit more. He wanted to take on the big guy. The one who threw him through the door. “ said Torstein over the muffled sounds of fighting in the background. Kralich simply nodded, just as his tea arrived, steaming and full of aroma in a fancy porcelain cup. “ Just enough for me to enjoy this tea then. “ he’d finally say after taking a short sip from the drink. Eventually, after about three more minutes and after Kralich stopped Torstein from going back in there; insisting on letting Nicholas handle his own, the rogue came out victorious. Winded and full of bruises, but victorious. He approached the bar, just as Kralich took his last sip of tea, still out of breath. He’d only had gotten the chance to sit down when the mage got back on his feet. “ Come on then, chop, chop. Daylight is burning and we have a long road ahead of us.“ he’d say, prompting Nicholas to let out a sigh of frustration. “ Oh you bastard. You did that intentionally. “ he cried out, running to catch up with the other two.  Once together, the barbarian turned towards the mage who was leading them with clear purpose in his step. “ What did you find then ? Where are we headed ? “ he asked. “ Found his diary, or a part of it anyway. As well as the body of one of the Redcliff knights. So, I’d reckon the brother already shares the same fate. Whoever he stumbled across does not wish others to get found, clearly. “ answered the mage, presenting the leather bound tome from his robes briefly. “ Right. But who ? And what does that thing even say ? “ asked Nicholas in turn.  “ I have yet to read it myself, that is why we are going back to the tavern. You two will prepare our departure, while I decide the location of it. “ said Kralich stashing away the book from his hands. The other two men exchanged glances briefly before nodding to the words of the mage when he turned his head towards them. At the tavern, Nicholas and Torstein left Kralich behind, in his room, with the diary while they prepared the horses and packs. It was also decided that it would be wise to stock up on more food and fresh water too, seeing as the mage might take a while. Thus, after paying a visit to one of Lindakar’s many bazaars, the two came back with a small keg of water; which Torstein fastened behind the saddle of the rogue’s horse, as well as about a week’s worth of dried meat, berries, hard tack bread and cheese, all paid with the money given to them by the lord’s brother, Teagan, even leaving some to spare. It was around lunch time when the mage descended from his chamber, journal in had as he approached both Nicholas and Torstein who were eating at the bar of the tavern. “ It seems we are headed to the village of Haven. Which, according to brother Braciolini and his diary, is the location of the rune stone but which also cannot be found on any normal map. “ said the man taking a seat next to the other two. “ Then ? Where exactly are we going ? Did he not say how he planned to get there ? “ asked Torstein with a mouth full of meat. “ No, not quite. He does say that he believes the Forester family are the reigning lord of the respective village however.” Answered the mage. “ That’s Varonno’s family, ain’t it ? “ asked the barbarian after chewing his food this time. “ Yes, my barbarian friend, yes it is. So it seems to be that we are headed back to where we came from after all. “ said Kralich getting up from his stool. “ Shall we then ? Let us see if our ranger friend still is in the country of if he still draws breath, hmm ? “ he added as he moved for the door of the tavern, prompting Nicholas and Torstein to double up on chowing down their food and running after him . The three stopped for the night after about twenty miles of travel. They had made decent progress for the day, considering how late they left the city. As they huddled together around the fire, to warm up but at the same time to keep it from going out from the powerful wind that was blowing from the frozen mountains to the north, Nicholas spoke. “ That thing is still on our tracks you know ? The one we almost caught by the river that night. “ Kralich hummed, puffing longingly from his pipe as he stared at a fixed spot in the darkness, from where a rustle of leaves came, mere moments later. “ That is a Wretched. A creature that was once humanoid, twisted by one of the runes when he attempted to use it. Now he only seeks to find it again, by any means. “ explained the mage.” How does he know where we are headed ? “ asked Torstein. “ That would be me. I suspect he was once a mage, perhaps one I even knew, he must have followed me ever since I took the grimoire, I now possess. from him. He attempted to find the stone himself. Not to too much success I imagine. “ answered Kralich, puffing a circle of smoke up in the air as he turned his gaze away from the creature in the darkness. “ So there was a thief after all, why aren’t we catching him and be rid of him ? ” muttered Nicholas who seemed to have had enough of the unwanted extra in their journey. “ His fate is already worse than death, do you not think it as such ? Suffering for his deeds of greed and lust for power. I say let him stalk us, let him see his most coveted treasure in front of him first, before all his hope is lost. “ said Kralich with a louder tone, surpassing even the wind’s howling. Both Torstein and Nicholas paused for a while, being taken aback sightly by the conviction and wickedness in the mage’s words. Kralich seemed to have caught on this himself and after puffing one more time from his pipe, he’d pass it on, excusing himself. “ Apologies, I sometimes can geta bit carried away. “ he’d pause briefly. “ Those stones are more dangerous than you can imagine, you did not see them being used... “ he’d end in a murmur. “ And you did lad ? You do not seem hundreds of years old to me. “ questioned Torstein. “ No, I am not hundreds of years old. But mages have their ways. Always did, always will. “ retorted the robed man as the pipe found its way back to him. “ I know I might come in as a brash and ... untrustworthy individual. But I cannot let any distraction to get between me and securing those stones. They need to be kept away. History need not repeat itself this time. “ he added with slight sadness and suprising honesty in his tone, thing that took him slight aback aswell, prompting him to speak again, before either of the other two had any chance to comment on anything. “ I should get some rest now. It will be a long day of travel tomorrow. Do not fret yourselves over the creature. It will dare not attack us. It meerly wants the location of the rune. For now he is harmless.” He said as he took out his bedroll, wrapping himself in it and turning his back to the fire. Both Nicholas and Torstein stood up a while longer, not daring speak about what had just transpired for fear the mage might have some trick up the sleeve of his robes and be able to listen in on their talks. Eventually seeing as whatever was watching them from the dark made no move towards them Nicholas allowed the old barbarian to tend to the fire and take first watch for the night. Many things plagued the dreams of the young rogue that night and none of them all too pleasant either. When he was wakened from his restless slumber for his watch by the barbarian he seemed more greatful than anything. And as he tended to the dying embers of the fire, by going to fetch more wood from the edge of the undergrowth he met with a wide eyed stare from one of the bushes ...
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