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Nicholas freezed up instantly, slowly reaching for his dagger, tied around his belt. But just as his hand reached for it, the eyes had dissapeared and the creature retreated deeper into the thicket of trees almost with no noise in its wake. Once the dawn was fully on its way, the company packed up little they had and continued their journey. The next days were dull and uneventful, they journey being constantly plagued by the sharp wind from the prior night who did not let up at all. The only moment of respite they had received was within the Iron-pine forest. It was within the woods that they also stumbled upon the grave of Shadow. The group was quick to realize it was his by the insciptions upon the rock which served as a headstone. After praying some brief respects to the lost companion and after Torstein placed one last piece of dried meat upon the stones they pressed on to the other side of the woods, being lucky enough to cross the entire woods in a single day and to not encounter anything dangerous within. As the dusk was drawing on near, the seeked refuge by a cabin at the edge of the forest, guiding themselves to it by the smoke stack flying upwards into the grey skies. Here they were welcomed by a graying bearded man. A ranger they reckoned by his garb. “ Good evening serrah. May we spend the night by your cabin, to shield ourselves from this cutting wind that has been blowing without stop. “ asked Kralich with a generous bow. The ranger eyed them up for a long while. “ Aye. Sure, you may come in and warm yourselves out for a while. Name’s Alvor.” He’d say opening the door a bit more. As each member of the company got in they introduced themselves before settling in the few chairs around a table before the burning stone hearth of the cabin. Finally before setting down himself, Alvor placed a simple wooden cup in front of each member, pouring a green-ish brown liquid in them. “ Herb tea. Picked and dried them myself. “ he’d say pausing briefly. “ Now then, what brings you this place ? “ he continued sitting down. “ We are visiting a friend of hours. “ began Kralich, not allowing either of the other two to get a word in before hand. “ He was exiled. We are curious to see how he is faring now. Perhaps you even know him, he was a ranger as well. Varonno Forester.“ said the mage, taking a short sip of his tea. “ This is very good, by the way. “ he added with a brief smile. Alvor frowned slightly. “ Ah, I see. You knew Varonno, you must be the one who helped him get back in. I am afraid I know as much as you do about his face. I had found him nearly dead within the woods, he had a nasty run-in with a wendigo. His wolf, Shadow, did not make it. “ explained the man. “ We ran across his grave as we traversed the forest. “ said Torstein. “ I really liked the poor fellow…” he’d add with a long and saddened sigh.  “ I see… I nursed the lad back to health over the night and he was up and at ‘em the next. Exchanged a few words. Nothing much, he was filled with conviction about getting back home, I do not know what that went. Not too well, I imagine. “ continued Alvor the ranger. “ I see. We would still like to check on him. Do you know the way to his father’s keep ? “ questioned Kralich, taking another sip of the tea, he seemed to really enjoy it. “ The bridge to the west, can’t miss it, then follow that road straight on, it’ll lead to it. Few hours journey. Tell the kid I said hi, if you see him. “ answered Alvor, taking a sip of his own drink. “ I would allow you to sleep inside, here by the fire, but I do not imagine you’d really have enough space. “ he added, giving a slight hint for the company to be out of his hair. Once outside and around a small fire behind the souther wall of the cabin, shielded from the wind, Nicholas chirped up. “ Are we really looking to get Varonno back ? You think he’d even wish to come with us ? His whole reason for joining was to get back here, wasn’t it ? “ Kralich hummed with a simple nod. “ Indeed it was. But I reckon he had his doubts about coming here, and I do not believe his father much changed his ways or opinions. He will most likely be sent back to his wandering ways … or killed. If we can prevent that, I’d rather do. He will be a valuable ally. “ answered the mage in a matter of factly way. Nicholas seemed to have given up at trying to contest the sayings of the mage and simply nodded, glancing at Torstein who let out a single, quiet sigh. Next morning the wind had mostly stopped blowing and after a short but hearty breakfast, supplemented in part with stew from the old ranger, the company went on their merry way. After crossing said bridge they pressed forwards on the cobble stone road. After two hours of travel, just as the ranger had said, they came upon a keep made of wood and stone with angled rooves. The walls were outlined with wooden palisades upon the thick granite walls. The gates were alteast five men standing shoulder to shoulder wide and about seven tall. As they walked in front of it, they were called out by a guard atop the walls. “ Halt ! Who goes there ? State your name and business. “ he yelled. Kralich looked up from atop his horse before coughing a little to warm up his voice. “ I am Kralich Darkmane of the College. These are my companions Torstein Bjorn and Nicholas Hook. We are here to see our friend Varonno Forester.“ he’d say in a polite tone. The guard laughed. “ Right then. The lord will want to hear you out I reckon. Hold on. “ he’d say as he clambered down to assumingly open the door. “ Well, that did not sound encouraging, don’t you think ? “ asked Nicholas. The mage simply nodded. “ Well, in that case, we prod for information. We need to either get on this guy’s good side or find Varonno. He probably knows the location of the village too. “ Both Nicholas and Torstein nodded, reckoning themselves that that is perhaps the best course of action. Once the gates opened they were ushered into a large courtyard; to the left inside a fighting ring, in front of the stables two soldiers were sparring under the watchful gaze of whom they assumed to be their master at arms while the rest of the squad watched intently. The right side was occupied by another building which had more soldiers who seemed to be off duty loitering about. All of these, however, including the ones fighting paused to watch the trio enter their domain. After the gate guard allowed them to drop their horses in the stable, he lead them at the far end of the court, where the steps towards the keep proper began. “ Go inside, wait for the lord’s senechal to usher you in. No sooner. “ he’d order in a serious tone, dropping any hints of previous laughter. Kralich simply pressed forwards, up the steps, not bothering himself any more with the man. Once inside they were greeted to a warm but small hall. After passing the doors, they were placed within a small hallway going on either side and a family portrait right in front of them. “ I assume that’d be our little manly ranger. “ said Nicholas, pressing a finger to a small, dark haired boy, clutching his mother’s hand; a blonde woman with round feauthers and a kind face. His father was a tall man, imposing with fierce eyes that seemed to glitter with savage laughter. Next to the father was also an older boy, with blonde hair and a nobler look about him. Nobler than Varonno’s was at any rate. “ It seems so. Well. I am surpised he still features in the painting at all. “ commented Kralich as he pushed forwards. Both the hallways seem to bend up ninety degrees and lead forwards to a mail hall of sorts. In here, upon a wooden dais, on the far end stood an older man, but still clearly the lord from the painting. He was perched up a large wooden chair with engravings running across its entirety, with a matching table and more, albeit smaller chairs behind him. The lord seemed to be holding a council of sorts with a few of his men. Debating something which the party could not hear as they were stopped by a guard dressed in more elaborate armor. “ Halt. Lord Forester is in court. If you have business with him you shall have to wait. “ he explained to which Kralich nodded, taking this time to prepare his words carefully. After about half an hour more, the coulcilmen cleared out of the room, one by one, some taking doors on the right, others door on the left. Then, the same ceremonialy dressed man, beckoned them over. Lord Forester stood tall in his chair, the fierceness in his eyes still burning bright even after all this time. “ Yes. I’ve been told you wish to know about my … younger son. The one who was exiled for his treachery. “ he began. “ Let me no longer waste your time then. He is not here. He, should have know as better as any of his true kinsmen, that the northeners never forget. “ he paused briefly. “ Now begone from my court and lands. I wish nothing to do with anyone who would stand together with that fool. “ he’d state almost spitting the words to them. Kralich would step forwards. “ My lord, surely you would alteast listen to us first. “ he’d say awaing for an approving nod before continuing. “ While what your son did, surely is unforgivable to you, he did not do any injustice to us. He was quite useful in fact. He has prooved quite the capable fighter and tracker. “ he continued before making a slight but precise number of gestures with his hand from behind his back. Signs which Nicholas, after spending much time on the road with the man recognized as the start of a spell …  
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