
1232 Words
 Kralich pressed forwards through the dungeons of the keep, taking shalow and quickened breaths while Nicholas and Torstein followed closely behind him. “ What the f**k was that ? What did you just do to him ? “ he’d ask the rogue, catching up to the mage in front. “ What was necessary to save our friend. Would you have just left him here to rot ? “ he’d paused to turn towards a silent Nicholas. “ That’s what I thought. Now help me with these doors. “ the mage continued as he stopped in front of a particular dark jail cell. Nicholas frowned deeply. While Torstein, who by now had regained proper footing as his wounded leg had finally healed, stood in the hallway facing the door which lead to the outside. “ f**k. You. Mage. Doesn’t the College teach you all fuckers to not use magic to change the minds of others ? How the bloody hell can I even know you didn’t do anything to my blasted head. Or Torstein’s. Or Varonno’s. “ snapped the rogue, seemingly done with all the shenanigans he had been put through by Kralich. The mage seemingly took a deep breath before speaking. “ This is hardly the time. You would have known. The spell is temporary, he will know what took place in meere minutes. THAT IS WHY WE HAVE TO HURRY. “ he said raising his tone slightly. “ Lord Forester is going to come here with his whole guard, and I highly doubt he is just going to let us go after stealing a map from his as well as trying to kidnap the son he hates. “ explained Kralich, which gave Nicholas a brief moment of pause. Knowing, that at the very least his mind was not tempered with, allowed him to push on. In a few seconds the lock to the cell was opened and with a short command from Kralich, Torstein moved inside, finding a red eyed Varonno with unkempt beard, oily hair and only simple clothing about his body. He looked up in disbelief at Torstein who extended his hand towards him. “ Come on now ranger, you saved my life once, I will do so now too. “ he’d say, hoisting the map up to his feet. “ I … Why ? Why did you come for me ? “ asked the ranger with a ragged voice, clearly parched. “ Don’t leave a friend behind, even if he’s a bit of a loner asshole. “ said the barbarian with a chuckle. Not wishing to continue this disscution here, Kralich spurred the two on. “ The spell has faded, they’ll be coming now, we have to get out ! “ he’d command. “ There’s a secret passage, for times of war, last cell to the right, loose stone in the far wall… “ mumbled Varonno as he moved on after the others with the help of Torstein. The cell indicated indeed held the passage described and in a few minutes time, everyone was single file behind Kralich who held a small heatless orb in his hand to light they way. Shouting and the clattering of armour could be heard behind them drawing nearer and nearer. Eventually, when the sounds of guards were right by their neck they came upon a small trapdoor and staircase to, what they assumed to be the surface. Right as Torstein, who was the last in the company, got to the surface the mage pressed both his pals upon the iron lock and lining of the door and murmured an incantation of sort. Almost on que as the first attempt from below came to open it, the door was frozen solid in place with a thick layer of dark ice all over. “ Come one, we have to hurry, they’ll be looking all over for us. “ said Kralich as he wasted no more time and moved forth. Nicholas approached Varonno and placed the green ranger cloak about his shoulders. “ Think this belongs to you. Found it in the guard room, alongside a pair of wrist cuffs and a longsword which I recognized as yours. “ said the rogue. “ Thank you … Alvor wouldn’t let me hear the end of it.” He’d say in a weak voice. “ Wait. Alvor. We could go there, “ cried out Varonno. “ He’s a trustworthy man, he can hide us ! I know him, by the edge of the Iron pines. We can take the hidden path through the forest. “ he’d say, prompting Kralich to stop in his tracks. “ Prooving your uses already. Good, point the way then. “ said the mage. Eventually, as the dark grew near and the sun was fully gone from view, the almost complete old company, made they way to the Cabin of the old ranger through the edge of the Forest. Now, in the darkness they could see many lights in the distance, in groups of either two or three, seemingly ransacking the country side for the group. Varonno wasted no time and knocked on the door in a very particular manner. Alvor immidiately ushered them all in, pulling curtains over the windows. “ You look like hammered s**t lad. But… it’s good to see you alive. “ said the old ranger embracing Varonno. “ You need to get out of here, they’ll pass by me for sure. “ said the man moving towards his kitchen and packing little of the food he had into a bag of ranger making. “ Making me gift you a lot of stuff in very few days lad. “ said Alvor extending the back to Varonno. “ Alteast you manage to keep your cloak, boots and pants. “ he continued with a slight sigh. “ Not to worry, we have his sword and wrist guards as well. “ chimed Nicholas presenting the items to the ranger. Varonno wasted no more time before equipping the gear he was granted. Alvor also presented him with his own bow and quiver. “ I have a feeling I ain’t goin’ to see you any time soon lad. I always meant to give you this when I passed. But I figure you’ll need it now more than ever. “ he’d say before pushing the men outside his doors. “ You better move now. They’ll be here any minute. “ added Alvor almost on que after hearing the screech of a hawk flying over head. While the mage tried to plot a course with the map they had secured Varonno took the chance to embrace Alvor one last time. “ Thank you … For everything you did. Not just now. “ said the young ranger with tears welling up in his eyes. “ Don’t mention it lad. I am sorry things didn’t turn out the way you wanted with the lass and your father … But know that I always considered you my son. You always made me proud. Remember that. “ responded Alvor a single tear dropping down from his own eyes. “ Go on now. Don’t want to get caught like this now. Bad ends for all of us. “ he’d say. “ You know the hidden roads, better than any of these bastards ! Make use of them well ! “ he cried out as the party ran northwards, lead by Kralich…  
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