#15 The Council

2371 Words

"Who is she, Samael?" Tara asked again. But this time, her voice was shaking a little. She was old enough to smell a problem when it was this close. "Someone we have been looking for for a while now." Samael snickered.  Tara looked at Samael uncomfortably. That was an evil grin or a victorious smile, she couldn't tell. But whatever it was, Tara was going to find out in a matter of a few minutes now. She darted her eyes towards the unfamiliar woman, who had her focus set on doing something. That confidence was what made Tara feel uncertain and restless. "There are very few people to witness this. I guess it would have been better if we had arrived a little late." Samael spoke loud enough for Tara to hear. It only made her curious.  At that moment, three more council members entered the

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