#16 What Girl?

2229 Words

It wasn't long before Lucian found out everything that had happened before he arrived at the council. It startled him to learn that even the third scion, Cordelia, was alive but had been stripped of her magic. He had a hard time believing the claims and rumors spreading like a wildfire that it wasn't Cordelia or Samael who owned the fire dagger but Madelyn. He sure had found her mysterious and reticent, but there was no way the earth dagger wouldn't have sensed another dagger. Or did anything happen during their time apart? He wanted to find out more and reach out to Madelyn more than ever. But deep down, he also felt responsible towards Elsa and the Moonlit City. He had to make a choice. Time was slipping out of his hands. Samael couldn't be far away, and if he tried hard, he could get

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