Chapter 10

1857 Words
Yesterday ended quiet well I hope , at least my parents were happy but even though they were, I was still a bit nervous about it all to think I'm going to be a Queen is scary as hell and what if his people don't like me or what if they think ill of me what then?, I think to myself as mother and I have tea in the garden. Tea always seems to calm me but for some reason not today and it can be because of the Ball coming up or the fact that I am engaged to the Dragon King , he seemed nice but you never know ,roomers have a way to inveltraid   you thoughts and make you believe what might not be true , nevertheless he will be my husband soon and as strange as it is it feels normal like we were meant to be but I guess its normal because if anything I still believe in love. I have no clue to what he looks like , only that he is tall  and his voice was deep and strong .   After drinking tea mother said I must enjoy my off day seeing no piano lessons for me ,and I intend to use this as my chance to sneak out to the market to fill my mouth with cake and more cake .Mother has a meeting with one or two of the Kingdoms duchess and if there is one thing I know about mother is she likes to talk a lot and entertaining the lady's so she will not even know I am gone and this time I don't intend to get mugged again so I go straight to the market . The market is full ones more as always and as I walk to the cake that I love so much I spot a familiar face , though feeling strange I walk straight up to him taking him by surprise because as he takes a bite of his pretzel he sees me smiling while gobbling down his meal to talk. "My apologies my lady I did not see you ,again" He says smiling so bright it could put the sun itself to shame, His blue eyes looking into mine making my heart melt but no I cant feel this about a stranger even if he is the most handsome man I have ever seen. "No need good sir it is I that needs to say my apologies for interrupting your lunch it seems ." I quickly reply smiling back like a complete i***t . O why do I feel so kiddy around him Its not like I know him even though the last time he bumped me over?. "I see we meet again at the same place , it must be destiny, ? don't you think , but jokes aside you look lovely as always my lady but you seem a bit off , is something wrong ?" he askes with so much care in his eyes and it just makes me want to talk with him all day long. "Thank you , yes it seems we both have a taste for lovely baked goods .. but don't worry your secrets safe with me ,"I say looking down feeling my cheeks blush, what is wrong with me today I think to myself and this action just make him stand closer to me picking my chin up with his finger , making me look him in the eye ." Do not blush and please never look down or eyes like yours my lady should always look up and please do tell me what has made you so uneasy , I can see that something is bothering you and I don't mind to listen". He is so kind and if only … "Thank you " I say stepping back giving myself some space ,"Its just live that's all ". " what about live my lady please lets sit down and then you can tell me ok?" he says as we sit on a old stone bench  looking over the market. 'Whell its simple really, my parents want me to marry a man I do not love or know and they see it as me helping them in some way, but ,but I do not want this ", I say but for some reason he looks away as if he's mad or irritated at my statement, that's when I think he most possibly want to agree seeing its part of our traditions to have arrange marriages . "I'm sorry to hear that Anna he says making me frown wandering how he knew my name". "How is it sir that you know my name ?"I ask getting mad wanting to stand up but he just takes my hand making me sit back down again facing him. "Sorry I remember you told me your name the last time we met and I'm good at remembering that's all" he quickly says making me relax a bit. "O Ok ,sorry". "No need to say sorry and coming back to you being unhappy , maybe give this man a chance ,if you parents chose him then surely he can't be that bad could he?". "I guess so but still what if he is a monster or treats me bad what do I do then ?".I ask seeing he looks kind of sad in a way ,not knowing why. "He won't be Anna and if he is come look for me I'll sort him out ok, I'm terribly sorry Anna I must go my um mother is waiting for me  , I hope to see you again maybe before your wedding ,same place", he says getting up but before he leaves he takes my hand and kiss it ,so softly making my knees feel  wobbly but then he runs of  into the crowd disappearing, leaving me to tend to my own emotions , what the hell just happened , why do I feel like I just said goodbye to  man I can never have, a commoner. I return home going to my room crying because my live is not my own and being a Princess never sucked as much as it does now even if he did not know who I was he still looked dumbtrucked when I told him I'm marrying someone ells.   Drake (Pov)  Yes I ran away from her but my feelings got hurt when she said she doesn't want to marry me and that she hoped I'm not some kind of monster , I mean really to think she is my mate and that those beautiful lips can make my heart ace and want to kiss her at the same time makes me f*****g crazy ."I told you she will not like me Drake, I knew she would think of me as a monster" Ice says in my mind making me feel more sad and mad ."She liked you Ice you saved her live remember? And I know as soon as she knows she will love us back , I felt how we made he feel just now and she felt the bond we have she already loves us she just doesn't know it yet but she will , we just need to show her the way to our heart ". I say back to him making him growl softly, and that's when I know he agrees. Playing her game of love is just what I'll do and Its also giving me hope that we will work it out , we just have to. Talking to her today was so nice even touching her soft skin while kissing her hand, man she will most definitely be the death of me.  The Duke of Amber (Pov) I am on my way to the castle to speak to the King and hopefully he will give me good news on my proposal to marry his daughter and he knows all to well not to defy me because this simple little Kingdom will be mine one day and for no I am the one they rely on and hopefully as soon as I marry the princess I can get rid of them and their son the new King and then take my place as King hahahahh... Taking my time when I'm escorted to the Kings office I try and look for that rebellious Princess Anna my bride to be, wandering if they told her that we will be wed soon, but no sign of her so I'll just wait till later to see her. The King greets me with a small smile , making me wander what he's up to but I keep my cool and bow ,then we sit down. "Thank you for coming Duke ,I believe your journey was pleasant ?".He says ."Yes my King Thank you , o do tell me what has brought me here today ,can it possibly be that you have thought of my offer to marry your daughter to insure a bright future for your Kingdom "?. "Yes I did ask you here but to tell you that my daughter will not be taking your hand dear Duke for we have received a bigger offer and I'm afraid one we can not withstand ,I do hope you can understand my daughter is a Princess and me and the Queen want her to rather marry above her station not beneath and this will mean a great deal to our Kingdom". The King says making my blood boil. "What ? , What the hell I thought we had a agreement and now you are going back on your word ,and you want your daughter to marry some  man you don't even know, or do you?" I ask feeling furious and finding it hard to control myself . "We did Duke and I would have kept my word but This man is also a King and very powerful <so we decided it will be the best fit and I am truly sorry that we must disappoint you but it is final ", he says standing up seeking my reply. " o no my King it seems You don't understand, you forgot that I to am powerful and I will not stand for this she is mine and if you don't comply you will regret this I promise you Old King ,mark my words"!. "You dare to threaten me in my own home Duke ?", I do know what power you have and unfortchanatly we must deal with your wrath but believe me I will not stand here so you can talk to me about what is right and what not ,now please leave!". "You are making a mistake and when I'm done you will come crawling back , I hope this King she is bedrove to is ready for a battle because I will have her !".I say walking out of the castle already thinking to change my plan because no King will have what belongs to me ,This so called King who ever he might be will be sorry for dealing with me ,hahah...
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