Chapter 9 Formalities

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After handling the rogue's on the territory Drake and Josef were very tired and decided to get some food and go to bed . All went according to plan  and the Dragon king would soon have his mate by his side to love and protect forever ,just thinking  if he didn't go to that market for Jo's birthday cake he never would have known her or that she was his and just to imagine her with another man makes his blood freeze and it felt so good when he saved her from those idiots and to show Ice to her and I knew she liked Ice . Just thinking about Anna is like a dream ,it's like we fit like a clove to a hand like the sea fits with the beach , like a bird fits into his nest ,and also he believed they can be like fire and ice , the heat and the cooling breeze .He know he is already in love but what will she think of all this , of him after she realize he was the man at the market that knocked her over and not even to mention the same blue Dragon that saved her live by the river . Will she accept him as her husband but mostly what he is and who he was long ago, some call me a monster ,some say a dragon can not love , they even said I belonged in a cage .So I truly hope she will learn to love me back because I will never ever let her go , not ever. Sleep don't come easy to dragon shifters but to me it did now and that was only because of my Princess , my Anna. Anna (Pov)  Two long days went by so fast and I was grateful because I started to feel better , the headache  was gone and I was more at ease with the arranged marriage even if it was still against my every being. Today I am finally going to meet The Dragon King , this is a family tradition  but with a bit of a difference though , I will be covered in a very long vail and my husband to be will be wearing a armed suit covering his whole body even his face , yes the Dragon King agreed to it and mother said the messenger said he is looking forward to the ceremony so it is almost like a promise to wed dinner thing and very special and only the close family is to attend this so I am looking for my mother and the rest of my staff to help me get ready . "Anna I thought I told you to take a bathe , your bath is waiting come , come you are wasting  time my dear come!" Mother husses me to my room again  followed by my and mothers lady in waiting . Th bath was filled with milk and lavender and it was also a old tradition to cleanse the body and to simplify the soul , to enlighten a bride to be . after the bath my lady in waiting rubed oils on my body but this was just the small tradition ,on my wedding day my mother will wash my hair in honey and I shall bath in coconut milk and cherry blossoms picked from our own trees which is even more grand and special . As I am taken to my room out of the bathroom I am helped into my a stunning plain light pink gown, not white ,that's for my wedding day .Then a very long vail is put over my hair and my hair is in a braid done by mother, afterwards my feet are cleaned and a pink ankle bracelet is put on this is for my groom to be to take of and that then means he accepts me as I must him. All done now mother and everyone goes out and awaits me in the cherry trees garden with my soon to be groom and his close family which I will meet today . As I descent to the door my father takes my hand almost like in a wedding but the difference is we stand opposite of each other  and  the priest holds my hand while my groom kneels and as I near him I feel this strange feeling almost like familiarity to me but I keep my head down stopping to take the priest hand standing so close to this huge man with the silver armor on is almost unreal to me and then it begins. Our guests you may sit please , welcome to Greeneden and to our cherry tree garden, today the King and Queen  wishes to let the arrange marriage begin  and so I will ask you to please stay in your seat and respect this lovely day of promise". First Princess Anna you may turn to your chosen ," That's when I turn to see those mesmerizing blue eyes that seems so familiar and then I lift my dress to reveal my ankle bracelet to him ,strange he looks human in this armor just then the priest tells him to take the bracelet off and so he does but as soon as he touches my skin I feel what seems like lightning bolts going through my skin , it's so hot and he freezes making me blush but then I lower my dress again while he still kneels the priest asks him to show the bond (Its the ring) , he then takes it from a man standing behind him ad it is the most breathtaking ring ever , a white diamond surrounded with the most beautiful pink ones looking almost like the perfect rose and it's now mine, as he slides it on my finger he leans to my hand and kiss it so gently making me almost fall but luck was on my side and I just kept my post as that was done we were escorted to the dining hall but we were not aloud to sit together but I could now take of the veil but he had to keep the armor on ,luckily it was a more modern type so he was ok to wear it to conceal his face for now and he seemed to be ok witch was strange but never mind  maybe he had a scar he was not ready to show me .After dinner I said my goodbye and went to my room and he was escorted outside also leaving but he did tell me as we ate that he will see me at my party ,he seemed a bit cold but maybe it's just the armor and all the formalities'. I was tired and ready  for bed...  Drake (Pov)  This was a long day but I must say seeing Anna looking like she did just made me so happy ,t almost looked like she accepted me and the arrange marriage even though I still need to tell her the whole truth after she is mine. Today was a big day for her and her family and even for me meeting her family but also her meeting mine and I'm just so happy to be taking this damn Amor off at least it was not to heavy ,even Ice was happy today and when I touched her beautiful ankle I knew I had to have her , knowing that soon I get to make her mine body and soul was uplifting indeed and just thinking about it made me hard as hell but I did promise myself I would treat her right and I tend to keep that promise, she is special , my special Anna , my Queen.  
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